Malaysia’s Hexagon Politics and Abdullah-Anwar Conspiracy
Then topic that Malaysian shall take nowadays ought to be Batu Putih. But a few days, it’s all seem to be forgotten. To some, it’s nor even an issue, to some it’s a political mileage to discredit the Govt and people involved. For those from Govt, well it’s a loss, but just as Pak Lah said after GE12, “Dah kalah, kalah lah”..Losing has become a norm for him, as long he gets the best deal for those closest to his heart, that is his family members. That’s “Kerajaan Tiga Beranak” for you, as coined by Zaharin Yassin. Not only the PM, but all UMNO management team seem to be only interested in themselves. We can see the statements coming form them everyday, some defending the PM, some whacking him, some play safe. It’s all boil down to keeping their wealth intact. Perhaps that explain why those morons in UMNO readily accept someone like Ezam into the party. Ezam, the guy who has insulted and sworn to destroy UMNO is given the red carpet to join UMNO while Mahathir, the leader for 22 years was treated like an outcast by UMNO.
It’s very clear that the next guy to join UMNO will be Anwar, and Abdullah has made a deal with Anwar to make him the new DPM after the snap General Election before 31 Aug 2008. And that’s the whole reason why Mahathir decided to leave UMNO. Far fetched ?? Wait until the end of next month…Then how about PAS and DAP…well, they will be accepted as the new component of Barisan and probably given few ministership and everyone will live happily ever after…
There’s Hexagon Political power play situation in Malaysia . It’s not a straight forward fight between PR and BN..There are seven main players (hexa) which are:
Then topic that Malaysian shall take nowadays ought to be Batu Putih. But a few days, it’s all seem to be forgotten. To some, it’s nor even an issue, to some it’s a political mileage to discredit the Govt and people involved. For those from Govt, well it’s a loss, but just as Pak Lah said after GE12, “Dah kalah, kalah lah”..Losing has become a norm for him, as long he gets the best deal for those closest to his heart, that is his family members. That’s “Kerajaan Tiga Beranak” for you, as coined by Zaharin Yassin. Not only the PM, but all UMNO management team seem to be only interested in themselves. We can see the statements coming form them everyday, some defending the PM, some whacking him, some play safe. It’s all boil down to keeping their wealth intact. Perhaps that explain why those morons in UMNO readily accept someone like Ezam into the party. Ezam, the guy who has insulted and sworn to destroy UMNO is given the red carpet to join UMNO while Mahathir, the leader for 22 years was treated like an outcast by UMNO.
It’s very clear that the next guy to join UMNO will be Anwar, and Abdullah has made a deal with Anwar to make him the new DPM after the snap General Election before 31 Aug 2008. And that’s the whole reason why Mahathir decided to leave UMNO. Far fetched ?? Wait until the end of next month…Then how about PAS and DAP…well, they will be accepted as the new component of Barisan and probably given few ministership and everyone will live happily ever after…
There’s Hexagon Political power play situation in Malaysia . It’s not a straight forward fight between PR and BN..There are seven main players (hexa) which are:
1. UMNO Pak Lah – Pak Lah and all his kaki bodeks (basically those Nazri Anjing and the gang)
2. UMNO Mahathir – Reformist within UMNO + few veterans (Sanusi, Ku LI, Mukhriz etc.)
3. BN component at wilderness (MCA, MIC and Gerakan who were badly beaten last GE)
4. Sabah/Sarawak MPs for sale
5. Pakatan Anwar – Anybody who wish to see Anwar as the next PM (those donkeys basically)
6. Malaysian Malaysia – DAP hardcores
7. Islam Malaysia – PAS lah
But then why hexagon (six sides only). The answer is simple, there will be six sides with one player as the menu in the middle, something like the picture above:
You see, by creating a common enemy for everyone (Mahathir), Pak Lah will manipulate everyone for his survival and fulfillAnwar and KJ ambitions. The question is, will PAS/DAP and other will just let themselves used as the pawn in the game ? I am willing to bet my last rial that they will, as any politician worth their salt will do. It will be very interesting to see later on how these 6 jokers square up against each other. By thet time, I will be no longer interested in anything to do with Malaysian politics..
Good that Mamakthir has been cornered by none other than Abdullah. Abdullah may be weak and inept, but he is smart in his own ways for he can contain Mamakthir who thought by quitting, he will bring the world down, only for him to be showered with insults like Rafidah saying he is "irrational and disloyal." Others like Hisham Bin Keris said Mamakthir is "irresponsible." Nazri Balachi said Mamakthir is "dumb and deaf." Zaid Ibrahim said he is a "dictator." Mohd son of Mohd said "time is up for Mahathir." Zahidi said "good riddance." His wife and corrupt son whose sole exsistence is to buy cars and engage in corruption and bailouts followed him. May be his cook also. Ke ke ke!
Dari teori hexa tu, sepatutnya ia bukan refer kepada Abdullah-Anwar Conspiracy. Tetapi lebi tepat lagi ia refer kepara MAHATHIR Conspiracy.
Dia yang banyak manipulasi semua pihak. Cuba lihat dan fikir betul-betul, dialah yang menaik dan menjatuhkan Anwar dan kini Abdullah dlam proses, dia juga menolong orang Melayu dan UMNO dan membuat bangsa lain tidak puas hati dan kini setelah oligarki dia pada Abdullah tidak berjaya dia sanggup perjudikan keahlian UMNO nya. Bijak!
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