As a Muslim and Malay (half at least), I am glad that UMNO and PAS are now talking for unity of Malay and Muslim. Every muslim-Malay shall be happy about it and hopefully something positive will come out of it. But the very word "Malay Unity' will send shiver down to some people, especially our Hero Tamil Raja Petra through his posting here..I only have this to say to you Raja Petra "FUCK OFF!!" Everyone can see how he talks from his arse about Islam while happily sipping toddy wich he may pay from his royal allowance....This brain damaged idiot should be hanged from a tree at Masjid Negara and let every Muslim spit on his face..together with that Hishamuddin "Dung" of course..They talked as if representing Malay or Muslim while there are less than 1% of Malay-Muslim who has the same thinking as them..mostly those who stayed long enough in UK or US and think that UK or US model is the best for this country..
No wonder Malaysia Today has become Malaysia Toddy..with all those article written by drunken losers and only read by hardcore DAP bastards who are hell bent on creating PAP-style Malaysia modelled on Singapore
It's a testing time for the country..investors are taking their money has dried brains are leaving the country..if the political situation is not controlled..we will be in the same league with Indon, Phillipines or Myanmar. It seems that the only way to bring back the stability is to lock up people like Anwar, Hero Tamil and Carburetor Hishamudin Dung..insyaallah everything will be OK. These self serving pigs are liability to the country...But the big question again..Does Abdullah has the ball ?? If he's not,Let's have a brave UMNO come the UMNO-election..or less we are doomed...
I pray for Muslim and Malay Unity..Amin..
Freedom Malaysia : A Truly Free Speech Blog
Our beloved nation is facing a testing time. The political divide especially among Malays is so bad that politic has taken over everything at the expense of more important things such as better quality of life and nation's sustainability.
I will pen in my thought whenever I have free time. It may not be worth that much to some people, but it's the least I can do for better future of my beloved
I will pen in my thought whenever I have free time. It may not be worth that much to some people, but it's the least I can do for better future of my beloved
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Kelantan Population 2008 vs. Malacca's supposed population 2008
Another Malaysian political stupidity for the day:
Poligami bagi tambah penduduk Kelantan
KOTA BHARU 8 Julai - Kerajaan Kelantan berpendapat berpoligami merupakan satu kaedah bagi melonjakkan jumlah penduduk negeri ini yang meningkat dalam kadar yang amat kecil sejak 17 tahun lalu.
Timbalan Menteri Besar, Datuk Ahmad Yakob berkata, bagi tempoh berkenaan, peningkatan jumlah penduduk di negeri ini ialah sebanyak 35 peratus iaitu kira-kira dua peratus setahun.
Beliau mengaitkan faktor kekurangan ini berpunca daripada taraf hidup penduduk yang semakin meningkat apabila lebih banyak menumpukan perhatian kepada sektor ekonomi.
"Masalah seperti ini biasa berlaku di negara maju lain seperti Singapura yang peratus peningkatan penduduknya juga kurang.
''Untuk meramaikan zuriat (di Kelantan) Islam membenarkan untuk 'menambah' lebih daripada satu (isteri)," katanya dalam nada gurauan yang disahut dengan tepukan meja oleh para Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Kelantan yang bersidang hari ini.
Ahmad Yakob menjawab soalan tambahan penyokong kerajaan, Wan Ismail Wan Jusoh (Pas-Melor) yang bertanyakan apakah langkah kerajaan negeri untuk meramaikan jumlah penduduk Kelantan.
Terdahulu, Wan Ismail yang bertanyakan soalan asal kepada kerajaan negeri mengenai jumlah pertambahan penduduk negeri ini mengikut tahun bermula pada tahun 1991 hingga kini.
Ahmad Yakob memberitahu, jumlah penduduk negeri sehingga April lalu ialah seramai 1,595,100 orang berbanding hanya 1,181,315 orang pada tahun 1991 dengan kenaikan kira-kira 35 peratus sahaja.
35% increase in 16 years is a lot man...just imagine if China listen to PAS..there won't be enough food for fact now there is not enough fuel for everyone with China's continous thirst for energy (of course coupled with American stubborness to drive thier dream SUV..which I am also driving any way, but petrol here is only 80 cents per litre)..
What i want to comment is not on polygamy..but on history...if you do a spreadsheet calculation..let's say there was 5,000 people in Malacca in 1450 (during its golden age) and population growth same as Kelantan (2%, considering Kelantanese lifestyle has not changed much since Malacca Sultanate), by 2000, the population of Malacca should have been 280 million!!! Even if we try be conservative, take only half considering the lifespan then were shorter, it is still whopping 140 million!!! Wonder where those people are now...I guess that is 'Harga sebuah penjajahan" that we have to pay..and worse still have to share this country with .....ooops...better don't say it...nanti DAP marah..11
Poligami bagi tambah penduduk Kelantan
KOTA BHARU 8 Julai - Kerajaan Kelantan berpendapat berpoligami merupakan satu kaedah bagi melonjakkan jumlah penduduk negeri ini yang meningkat dalam kadar yang amat kecil sejak 17 tahun lalu.
Timbalan Menteri Besar, Datuk Ahmad Yakob berkata, bagi tempoh berkenaan, peningkatan jumlah penduduk di negeri ini ialah sebanyak 35 peratus iaitu kira-kira dua peratus setahun.
Beliau mengaitkan faktor kekurangan ini berpunca daripada taraf hidup penduduk yang semakin meningkat apabila lebih banyak menumpukan perhatian kepada sektor ekonomi.
"Masalah seperti ini biasa berlaku di negara maju lain seperti Singapura yang peratus peningkatan penduduknya juga kurang.
''Untuk meramaikan zuriat (di Kelantan) Islam membenarkan untuk 'menambah' lebih daripada satu (isteri)," katanya dalam nada gurauan yang disahut dengan tepukan meja oleh para Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Kelantan yang bersidang hari ini.
Ahmad Yakob menjawab soalan tambahan penyokong kerajaan, Wan Ismail Wan Jusoh (Pas-Melor) yang bertanyakan apakah langkah kerajaan negeri untuk meramaikan jumlah penduduk Kelantan.
Terdahulu, Wan Ismail yang bertanyakan soalan asal kepada kerajaan negeri mengenai jumlah pertambahan penduduk negeri ini mengikut tahun bermula pada tahun 1991 hingga kini.
Ahmad Yakob memberitahu, jumlah penduduk negeri sehingga April lalu ialah seramai 1,595,100 orang berbanding hanya 1,181,315 orang pada tahun 1991 dengan kenaikan kira-kira 35 peratus sahaja.
35% increase in 16 years is a lot man...just imagine if China listen to PAS..there won't be enough food for fact now there is not enough fuel for everyone with China's continous thirst for energy (of course coupled with American stubborness to drive thier dream SUV..which I am also driving any way, but petrol here is only 80 cents per litre)..
What i want to comment is not on polygamy..but on history...if you do a spreadsheet calculation..let's say there was 5,000 people in Malacca in 1450 (during its golden age) and population growth same as Kelantan (2%, considering Kelantanese lifestyle has not changed much since Malacca Sultanate), by 2000, the population of Malacca should have been 280 million!!! Even if we try be conservative, take only half considering the lifespan then were shorter, it is still whopping 140 million!!! Wonder where those people are now...I guess that is 'Harga sebuah penjajahan" that we have to pay..and worse still have to share this country with .....ooops...better don't say it...nanti DAP marah..11
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Two Pictures...Two Stories
These are 2 very interesting pictures in curent political scenario..The first one (from blog showed Keadilan naivete...proof that underground music and Pas conservatives just cannot mix..I don't know whether I want to laugh or cry for Keadilan and Hishamudin Rais (can't wait for his next recommendation for the title "Jangan Jilat Punggong Alak")
And the second picture down here (from Marina Mahathir's Blog) is somewhat a relief to me..Thank God there is still someone sane inside the Keadilan party...Wish both of you all the best Marina & Nurul Izzah...
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Raja Petra "planned to celebrate" with Bala for the "success" of the SDs
I read latest Raja Petra's posting here with disgust..While trying to link all the Bala's SD and Saiful's police report to Najib, Anwar or Pak Lah, he has conveniently left out his own SD, which has started the whole mess we are in now. Care to tell us your new paymaster, Raja Petra ?
And he also has the cheek to tell us that he plans with Bala to celebrate the success of their SDs... my suspicion is confirmed...both SDs are just BULLSHIT!! I mean when two people planned to celebrate on Saturday's either with whisky or toddy...and people celebrating with whiskies or toddy usually after succeed in doing something bad like succeed in robbing a bank or conning someone of millions...If people want to celebrate good things like wedding, score straight As in exam etc, they will hold either doa selamat or thanksgiving...
So folks decide for yourself what is Raja Petra's he cheaper than that Bala's guy...I don't know...
And he also has the cheek to tell us that he plans with Bala to celebrate the success of their SDs... my suspicion is confirmed...both SDs are just BULLSHIT!! I mean when two people planned to celebrate on Saturday's either with whisky or toddy...and people celebrating with whiskies or toddy usually after succeed in doing something bad like succeed in robbing a bank or conning someone of millions...If people want to celebrate good things like wedding, score straight As in exam etc, they will hold either doa selamat or thanksgiving...
So folks decide for yourself what is Raja Petra's he cheaper than that Bala's guy...I don't know...
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Probably True vs Probably False
Malaysia is in a mess...really mess...messy..kucar kacir...tak terurus...whatever you may call it..
but then who are the real culprits...let's start with a chronology of events..
First we have this Raja Petra Hero Tamil Statutory Declaration that Rosmah, Najib'w wife was at the scene of Altantuya's murder..based on some reliable source...that might be true..might be a blatant lie to discredit Najib...Then we have a 23 year boy making sodomy allegation against Anwar Ibrahim..that maight be true...might be a blatant lie to discredit Anwar Ibrahim....Then we have PKR alleging that there is a plot to murder Anwar based on intel from neighbouring country (is it Cambodia or Timor Timur ?)...that might be true...that might be a blatant lie to discredit UTK or police force.....Then we have PKR camp came up with that 23 year old boy pictures with UMNO Ministers and accuse him of being used by Najib..That might be true ...that might be a blatant lie to discredit Najib again...Then we have police report against IGP and AG..that might be true...that might be a blatant lie to discredit IGP and AG of course.....Then we have claim that 4 UMNO MPs will join PR...that might be true....that might be a blatant lie to rattle UMNO....
OK let's analyse the psychology of main charatcters here...
When Raja Petra Hero Tamil made the statutory allegation about Rosmah and her aide and her husband.....Pak Lah denied, Najib denied.. Colonel and his wife sued...Rosmah did not even bother to sue...and all ended there it seems unless our Hero Tamil has something else under his sleeve..
When Anwar was alleged by 23 year old boy..of course he denied and sued...and came up with another 3 allegations that was not proven true....same strategy as in 1998 ....first of all discredit the accuser...then attack the police and judicary before they even open their mouth...then organise a big rally (this time around in stadium coz khalid can pay using state money)....then the end the whole nation will be in a mess.....all of this while Abdullah Badawi smiling and planning his next holiday to Perth....
I do hope Malaysian are more rationale to make their choice....for the sake of our nation...Do we really want these jokers to ruin our nation...
but then who are the real culprits...let's start with a chronology of events..
First we have this Raja Petra Hero Tamil Statutory Declaration that Rosmah, Najib'w wife was at the scene of Altantuya's murder..based on some reliable source...that might be true..might be a blatant lie to discredit Najib...Then we have a 23 year boy making sodomy allegation against Anwar Ibrahim..that maight be true...might be a blatant lie to discredit Anwar Ibrahim....Then we have PKR alleging that there is a plot to murder Anwar based on intel from neighbouring country (is it Cambodia or Timor Timur ?)...that might be true...that might be a blatant lie to discredit UTK or police force.....Then we have PKR camp came up with that 23 year old boy pictures with UMNO Ministers and accuse him of being used by Najib..That might be true ...that might be a blatant lie to discredit Najib again...Then we have police report against IGP and AG..that might be true...that might be a blatant lie to discredit IGP and AG of course.....Then we have claim that 4 UMNO MPs will join PR...that might be true....that might be a blatant lie to rattle UMNO....
OK let's analyse the psychology of main charatcters here...
When Raja Petra Hero Tamil made the statutory allegation about Rosmah and her aide and her husband.....Pak Lah denied, Najib denied.. Colonel and his wife sued...Rosmah did not even bother to sue...and all ended there it seems unless our Hero Tamil has something else under his sleeve..
When Anwar was alleged by 23 year old boy..of course he denied and sued...and came up with another 3 allegations that was not proven true....same strategy as in 1998 ....first of all discredit the accuser...then attack the police and judicary before they even open their mouth...then organise a big rally (this time around in stadium coz khalid can pay using state money)....then the end the whole nation will be in a mess.....all of this while Abdullah Badawi smiling and planning his next holiday to Perth....
I do hope Malaysian are more rationale to make their choice....for the sake of our nation...Do we really want these jokers to ruin our nation...
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