These are 2 very interesting pictures in curent political scenario..The first one (from blog mykmu.net) showed Keadilan naivete...proof that underground music and Pas conservatives just cannot mix..I don't know whether I want to laugh or cry for Keadilan and Hishamudin Rais (can't wait for his next sarcasm..one recommendation for the title "Jangan Jilat Punggong Alak")
And the second picture down here (from Marina Mahathir's Blog) is somewhat a relief to me..Thank God there is still someone sane inside the Keadilan party...Wish both of you all the best Marina & Nurul Izzah...
well PAS cannot mix with anyone other than their kind. and without a clear power-structure, wonder what will happen to the PR, and they're talking about forming federal government??! Rome wasn't build in one day, they should take the chance and mandate given to them and perform, not keep coming up with antics like this.
malu malu malu!
Sebagai seorang yang mempunyai kepercayaan yang PR boleh membawa rakyat kepada perubahan ke arah positif, saya amat malu dengan cara2 PR menguruskan, menganjurkan dan juga mengutarakan idea idea bernas yang kononnya boleh membantu rakyat??
Ini bukan caranya!
No wonder not that many people leave comments in your blog; i think your views are quite lop-sided and a bit immaturish. Sorry... don't worry, i won't come here again :)
No wonder not that many people leave comments in your blog; i think your views are quite lop-sided and a bit immaturish. Sorry... don't worry, i won't come here again :)
Anon 7:24 pm,
This is a free country, you can go anywhere you want to. Nobody ever invited you here anyway.
F***k Muslims and all malay pig in Malaysia.
I feel ashamed to call myself a Malaysian nowadays because you malay pig are making us losing our pride day by day by corrupting the once dignified image of this country, you know Malaysia is now a laughing stock among the non-Muslim countries in the world!
People despise this country still protecting the lame lot and not doing anything to improve the deteriorating situation, still practising double standards among its own people, still expelling the non-malay genius to other countries, still depriving the rights and benefits of other races to its own race, still criticize and blame the Chinese for their minority poverty.
Hey, what is wrong with you malay pig? Haven't you fed yourself enough with the loots yet? Still want more? What a worthless thieves bunch!
You malay pig are worse than a maggot. We need a leader not a faggot to rule this country. Get lost you freak!
For all the bad things you stupid melayu babi say about the Chinese, when you are in trouble and big shit, what do you do?
You come crawling back on your knees to the Chinaman to help you, because you can't trust all your malay pig who are sodomy rapists, incest culprits, drug addicts.
Without the Chinese, you malay pig will still live on trees, swinging from tree to tree like monkeys, or forages on the ground by your 4 legs to eat all the shit.
You malay pig are a truly ungrateful lot - the minute all the Chinese leave Bolehland - you malay pig will collapse into the sea and die - that is your destiny!
I think the problem of malay pig race is their culture - it is in born in their gene - nowhere in the world that you will see affirmative action is focusing on the majority because it is always the minority that need the protection.
Worst, the minority in Malaysia has been systematically marginalized just to suppress them of their growth.
Let the malay pig make Malaysia the most corrupted place to live in and see what happened in 2020? I guess malay pig will go back to Indonesia as Malaysia don't belong to them, they are also immigrants from Sumatra, Sulawesi, Jawa, etc.
Please get it into your pea-sized otak udang plastered with layers and layers of tahi babi encased in your kepala kayu that Malaysia belong to the Orang Asli who are the true bumis of the country.
Niffy pellmell malay pig are in fact pendatang haram who swam across the Melaka Strait illegally from Sumatra. They should be caught, given severe caning and deported back to their pig sties in Sumatra.
They came in Tanah Melayu……….You mean Tanah Orang Asli, they Jawanese pirate descendent came in!
Perhaps that is what we should give these ungrateful leeches like malay pig ultra:
Non-malay businesses should just pack up and leave, taking with them their capitals and investments. Non-malays with the means should emigrate.
Then these sick brain malay pig morons not only can keep their 30% NEP, they can have 100%……….of nothing.
And we sit back and watch them implode under the heavy load of their bureaucracy, crutch and religious fundamentalism.
As for implosions, that is the only way malays are going to head if they don't pull their heads out of the sand soon. The world doesn't owe you jack shit, and very soon reality will catch up with the lot of you. You can either embrace reality or perish by it.
As a non-malay and proud of it, I am ashamed to associate myself with hypocrites like you and your followers. I chose to leave the land of my birth because of people like you and guess what! No regrets whatsoever. Best decision I have ever made.
There is no reason for malay pig to be poor unless they are ass lazy or mental deformed or real stupid..........pick your choice.
You stinking malay pig, please get the f*** back to your own land in Aceh or Jawa, whatever. Because this is Tanah Orang Asli and malay pig like you are pendatang!
To someone……….time and time again we have said that the malays are from Jawa. I always say that they are from Aceh, Sumatra, etc - do you see anyone of these racists (obviously malays) objecting to that fact?
This is the truth and they cannot handle this. They don't dare say that because it is so true! Even Mahathir admitted recently - the origins of the malays are not Malaysia but Indonesia - Sumatra and island etc.
The real bumis are the natives of Borneo and the Orang Asli. Not these malay free loaders and wasted sperms.
"Son of the soil" incorrect! More appropriate term would be "Rapist of the soil"! Malays are pendatang, they called Chinese and Indians pendatang! Tak malu!
To malays pendatang from Indonesia, you are also enemy to Indonesia, stupid! Apa? Tak faham English? Makan tahi dan berambus balik ke Jawa! Setia kepada negara Indonesia! So are you, malay pig!
Aren't you a bloody hypocrite? You are not the Orang Asli of this country - you are an immigrant from Jawa, Sulawesi, all elsewhere - why did you come here to this country then?
Why not help your own country (or should I say your dilapidated kampung in Jawa) and improve the situation then? What……….what did you say? Oh you want a better life is it? I see - so what does that make you? A patriotic fake? Or a hypocrite with no substance?
Compare China and Indonesia - then tell me who is faring better in the international stage! You useless malay pig. At the end of the day - you work for me.
Obviously, you are worse than shit. Not pigs, for pigs are really smart animals. Tanah Melayu my ass! Orang Asli were here before your ancestors crept onto this land. Learn some history, ok? Of course, you can always change history! Tak malu kah!
You are sick in the brain, thanks to Mahathir!
Chinese got pissed off as not all Chinese are rich, but all work their asses off to make an honest living, while idiots like you think that you are entitled to riches without sweating. What discontent? After all the handouts all these years, you still couldn't get your acts together, and you want to blame others, the Chinese, the Indians? Where is your dignity?
What anger? You get angry at the Olympics because malays can't run faster than the Americans? The Aussies? The Chinese? (Just imagine some of you jokers made it to the Olympics, although none did!)
If you want to run amok, go ahead, join the apes and chimpanzees, your kind have been doing that at UPM, brainless monkeys they are, and so are you, go flock together.
The reason why malays tend to run "amok" is because of close relative breeding. Just like non-high breed dogs - brother have sex with the mother, and father marry their own sister, and the confusion goes on.
The end result is non-high breed dogs - that are difficult to train and tend to even bite their own master. Unlike the Chinese, they are very careful not to have too close relative marrying one another.
That is why you can see how Chinese excel in different part of the world. The Chinese are indeed a world race now, as China progress with such speed which is unknown off in any other race in the world!
Singapore is a fine example of Chinese superiority! Sad news for the malay race but then again it is the truth!
(Malay extremists racists are going to call you pendatang etc, even hang you upside down by your balls, for socking them in the balls where it hurts most, like you did.
But you have been brave in telling them the truth about the dark side of their race which explains why they are so backward. God be with you……….)
Rich and successful Chinese don't owe you a thing. Not so successful Chinese are working honestly to make ends meet. So, you either work, or go get fed in the ass by Mahathir, ok? He won't charge you for the ecstasy and the service you may receive.
You are nothing but scum. You give fellow malays a bad name. You make your parents lose face. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? A good-for-nothing idiot! That is all there is in you.
You are a babi hutan from either the jungle of Jawa or Sumatra. All you Umno malay pig are in fact pendatang to this Tanah Orang Asli. So get the f*** out of my country!
According to a recent study through secret agency, Nihon Himitsu Oruganitsum Bureau, shows that malays were descended from the hybrid between hog/boar and baboon, hence explains why they look like baboon and they don't eat pork.
Our latest DNA analysis confirmed the fact.
The Japanese, Europeans etc, all eat pork, so does that mean they are all dirty and only the malays and Arabs are clean?
These malays have no brains to think properly.
The secret agency study also finds that Muslims are more violent, lazy, cunning and barbaric due to the lack of pork in their meal and the wrong doctrine.
They had been misled by Quran for generations which was copied and twisted by Muhammad from Holy Bible just to control his followers so that they don't harm their same species/ancestor (the hybrid between hog/boar and baboon).
Yes, a lot of non-malays in Malaysia are leaving this country. But what the hell, they (babiputras) don't care. They are happy that we leave.
I do agree with you of those you mentioned, our country is stepping backward, we are loosing in all aspects and yet overdue and retarded ministers are still available on shelf. The ministers think that they are the only ones capable and qualified to be there and not replaceable, otherwise the country could collapse.
Looking at Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq likes looking at this country future. The well connected babiputras are getting richer. This government is spoon feeding the babiputras at this nation expense. I am sick of this country too.
My advise is let them rot in their own stew.
The Barisan government has achieved 0% in reversing the trend of racism.
While South Africa has disbanded racism through the government's initiative after the global news onslaught, our government leaders are propagating FACISM and RACISM in every way.
In term of racism, we are the most uncivilised country in the world. Look into our neighbouring countries of Asia, they are advancing economically on a straight forward objective, for their citizens.
Whereas we are moving in deviationist path, widely off the international economic theory for the sole objective, of propelling the well being of a supreme race.
Mahathir era is over, here we have Badawi. Is he changing the trend? Not a single sign of it.
How about the future under Najib? Sad, sad. They have more camouflage in readiness.
Hey, you pathetic cow and all the babiputras who have the same feeling/thinking like them. You don't feel shame being spoon feed by government using the taxpayers money?
I guess all the protection policy make you all even more lazy and narrow minded and stupid. The majority of you once step out of the Malaysia soil will sure starve to death.
Hoy, I think you should try some pork meat once a while to make you more intelligent a bit. Look at around the world region, anti pork meat countries are mostly rippled with starving and war or worst, non-stop crying for government policy protection.
Fact is fact when you babiputras are stupid is always stupid - although it can be help by consistent protection and nourishment policy but the end result will not go far because the quality of gene is there.
This malay pig race is so stupid, that they'd never amount to anything in this world.
This message board has been here for awhile, and if anyone goes back, there is no one message, that talks good about this stupid malay pig race, because everybody knows how stupid, and hateful this malay pig race is all about.
The malay pig will crumble from internal weaknesses and disappear in era of globalization - no need for others to colonize them.
Because malay pig like to be parasites and feed on the Chinese income tax!
Wait until the malay pig population increase to 90% in Malaysia, the same ratio as in Indonesia, then you will know the meaning of poor, as there will be too many malay pig to subsidize.
Then the economy collapse.
The malay pig are actually digging their own grave and they are trying to dig a deeper and bigger one now.
But all of them I have to see are being manipulated by certain top malay politicians so they will support them.
There show that the general malay pig are quite stupid and can't think outside the box.
Only 1% of the malay pig can make it and they are the exceptions. If malay pig are not stupid, what are they?
If all malay pig jump into sea and all die!
This world will become very very beautiful.
So what about UK lands in the Peninsula? What was that called Tanah UK?
And what about the 4 northern states that belonged to Thailand, that the Sultan groveled to the UK to take back? Tanah Thai?
And previous to that all the lands owned by Portugal and Holland? Tanah Portugal and Holland?
And how about the fiefdom of Raja Brooke in Borneo? Tanah Brooke?
Each state may have had its own Sultan and government but that does not = Malaysia.
If Malaysia was your own land to control then how come we had to have independence? I suppose Umno teach you that you have to declare independence from yourself?
Stupidest thing I ever heard!
You should go study Malaysia history, real Malaysia history not that doctored Umno garbage!
Know what malay pig? A suck babi hutan pendatang from Indonesia, pencuri of Tanah Orang Asli, should be caught by all the Chinese whom you have insulted.
They will then pack you in a pig basket, parade you round Chinatown in KL, to let the Chinese pelt rotten eggs, throw shit and pour all the pig shit from the nearby pig farms on your head.
Then let them take you out of your pig basket and roast you over an extremely hot fire until you become barbecued pork. After that chop your stinking carcass and leave it in the streets of rural for all those vultures and crows to feed on. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Why only malays? You think this country is yours alone? What has the government really done for the pribumis and the Orang Asli? Look at how Umno has screwed up Sabah Indonesians and Filipinos getting citizenship and enjoying the same benefits as you the moment they hop off the boat!
You go ask the government to stop all that then I will stop thinking you are speaking through your asshole.
Podah! You are nothing but a chauvinist malay pig like the rest.
It seems like Malaysia is still not ready for globalisation because of a bunch of anti-social racist morons like you. Our country already independent for so many donkey years but sorry to see still got such shortsighted moron like you.
Bangsa melayu failed in the past 30 years with lots of help from Umno but still failed! Then they blame the Chinese cheat la, marginalise them la, this la that la……….so much excuses! If you are pariah, forever you are pariah!
If you malay pig race lazy, no matter how much with the government help, it will back to square.
For me, I just speak up what I had observed and not like the malay race who is always jealous about other race success. Bad hearted.
What the hell you ask all the Chinese to get out from Malaysia in your comment post? It is proven you are another racist moron bastard!
Malay failure is the fact! It has been happened since 30 years ago and not just now. If you keep on denying it proven again you are just another loser or hypocrite!
Truth - what is so proud of asking Chinese to be like your kind of robbers, liars, cheaters in Malaysia? Kaum tongkat yang langsung tak tahu malu! Yes, you motherf***ker are stupid, lazy, fanatic, thus you need tongkat forever! Dick head!
Kaum tongkat still can survive in most of the zoos overseas. See the UPM red shirt "Orang Utan". At least they could be the laughing stock to this world.
If malays with 50% population in Malaysia none of them success, then I reckon you jump to the sea. That so!
Once again, with you racist pig moron, Malaysia wouldn't go far as far as globalisation is all about!
You are truly one of those Umno babi hutan with shit plastered all over your brain and fulfilling Hang Tuah policy in reverse! With babi hutan like you whose brains are filled with tahi babi - it would be melayu akan hilang di dunia!
wow!!! so many amazing and brainy comments here..hope you all guys really had nger therapy and will feel better and have a great weekend!!!
unbelievable! i mean -- those very very very ******* comments!
freedom of expression?
take care!
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