Freedom Malaysia : A Truly Free Speech Blog

Our beloved nation is facing a testing time. The political divide especially among Malays is so bad that politic has taken over everything at the expense of more important things such as better quality of life and nation's sustainability.

I will pen in my thought whenever I have free time. It may not be worth that much to some people, but it's the least I can do for better future of my beloved

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Malaysia’s Hexagon Politics and Abdullah-Anwar Conspiracy

Malaysia’s Hexagon Politics and Abdullah-Anwar Conspiracy

Then topic that Malaysian shall take nowadays ought to be Batu Putih. But a few days, it’s all seem to be forgotten. To some, it’s nor even an issue, to some it’s a political mileage to discredit the Govt and people involved. For those from Govt, well it’s a loss, but just as Pak Lah said after GE12, “Dah kalah, kalah lah”..Losing has become a norm for him, as long he gets the best deal for those closest to his heart, that is his family members. That’s “Kerajaan Tiga Beranak” for you, as coined by Zaharin Yassin. Not only the PM, but all UMNO management team seem to be only interested in themselves. We can see the statements coming form them everyday, some defending the PM, some whacking him, some play safe. It’s all boil down to keeping their wealth intact. Perhaps that explain why those morons in UMNO readily accept someone like Ezam into the party. Ezam, the guy who has insulted and sworn to destroy UMNO is given the red carpet to join UMNO while Mahathir, the leader for 22 years was treated like an outcast by UMNO.
It’s very clear that the next guy to join UMNO will be Anwar, and Abdullah has made a deal with Anwar to make him the new DPM after the snap General Election before 31 Aug 2008. And that’s the whole reason why Mahathir decided to leave UMNO. Far fetched ?? Wait until the end of next month…Then how about PAS and DAP…well, they will be accepted as the new component of Barisan and probably given few ministership and everyone will live happily ever after…

There’s Hexagon Political power play situation in Malaysia . It’s not a straight forward fight between PR and BN..There are seven main players (hexa) which are:

1. UMNO Pak Lah – Pak Lah and all his kaki bodeks (basically those Nazri Anjing and the gang)
2. UMNO Mahathir – Reformist within UMNO + few veterans (Sanusi, Ku LI, Mukhriz etc.)
3. BN component at wilderness (MCA, MIC and Gerakan who were badly beaten last GE)
4. Sabah/Sarawak MPs for sale
5. Pakatan Anwar – Anybody who wish to see Anwar as the next PM (those donkeys basically)
6. Malaysian Malaysia – DAP hardcores
7. Islam Malaysia – PAS lah

But then why hexagon (six sides only). The answer is simple, there will be six sides with one player as the menu in the middle, something like the picture above:

You see, by creating a common enemy for everyone (Mahathir), Pak Lah will manipulate everyone for his survival and fulfillAnwar and KJ ambitions. The question is, will PAS/DAP and other will just let themselves used as the pawn in the game ? I am willing to bet my last rial that they will, as any politician worth their salt will do. It will be very interesting to see later on how these 6 jokers square up against each other. By thet time, I will be no longer interested in anything to do with Malaysian politics..

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Honor the Social Contract..or Lets Renegotiate It Altogether..

Honor the Social Contract..or Lets Renegotiate It Altogether..

1. Lately the non-Malays and non-Bumi are asking for the abolishment of special Malay privileges and sadly the parties that has been together with UMNO in the BN last time ie MCA, MIC Gerakan etc. also had joined the fray. Might as well they join the opposition and form a new government..
2. Among other things, they are asking for equal treatment for all Malaysian. My opinion..all those demand are breach of social contract agreed by our forefathers back before Merdeka. Special privilege for Malays are there for a was not picked up from the sky and just put there. It was put there to ensure fair distribution of economic pie in order to safeguard nation’s harmony, so that another May 13 will never occur again. It was a long thought idea by our former leaders.
3. Without the special privilege for Malays, the Malays will be further left behind economically and the fact they consist 60% of the population does not bode well for the social fabric. It’s like playing golf, a weak and inexperienced player need to be given handicap to make the game more fun, otherwise nobody want to play the game or worse still, destroy the game.
4. In return for that, Malays has agreed that non-Malays should be given the citizenship with full voting right. I live in the Gulf where foreigners outnumber locals and never in my wildest dream I ever think that foreigner will be given citizenship even after spending their whole life here. So, it is a big big big sacrifice by Malays..Remember Malaysia which consist of Malay Peninsual, Sabah and Sarawak use to have their own kingdom or government before the colonials came and non-malays were brought by those colonials, so it creates dilemma for both local and colonials when it was decided to grant independence.The compromise was the best deal for all parties involved and it was constitutionalised.
5. But now after 50 years of Merdeka and with citizenship safe in hand, the non-Malays are stirring up this Malay special privilege issue all over again. Why ?? Why are you questioning every single Malays rights ?? Why are you not honoring the word of your forefathers ? I don’t want to stir up racial issues but it’s like the case of a rabbit saving a trapped fox, once safe the fox eats the rabbit..
6. I totally agree that there are poor non-Malays and sure they deserve help, but the problem is why the non-Malays are using that to justify the abolishment of Malay rights..Yes, by all mean help the poor non-Malays but please don’t disturb Malay special rights.
7. I also agree that there is blatant abuse of Malay special right and DEB to favour their cronies and families. But the real problem here is the “blatant abuse”, not the Malay special right..Are we sure the blatant abuse will stop once Malays special right abolished..
8. If the non-Malays really want to abolish the Malays special rights, then let’s also abolish all the SRJK and use of Chines and Tamil as one of the official languages, abolish also all those Chinese and Tamil Astro channels, ban the requirement for Mandarin proficiency in recruitment, ban the thaipusam and so on. Let’s crate a true Bangsa Malaysia who can speak Bahasa Malaysia, not Bahasa. We need a standard face of Malaysia, not by ethnicity, but by language they speak. We can see majority of non-Malays cannot even speak Malays properly, so how do they call themselves Malaysian??
9. If the non-Malays want to relook into Malays special right, then I say..let’s renegotiate the ahole social contract all over again..See whether you re left with your underwear or your birthday suit..

Monday, May 19, 2008

I quit UMNO....Cina and India jangan lebih lebih!!

Today 19 May 2008 Tun Dr. Mahathir has declared that he quits UMNO. Even though at first I was shocked, but after a while I realized that it’s the only logical thing to do, with UMNO so rotten to the core with a dickhead at the top, who want to be associated with Pak Lah. After losing 5 states in the last election, Pak Lah still want to cling to his PMship, and in doing so has further alienated UMNO from the masses. And coupled with those gutless UMNO MTs and DPM “takut bini” , who on their right mind want to stay with UMNO. The sad thing is there is no real alternative. PR is just conspiracy of convenience to promote Anwar as the PM. I don’t want to go further on Anwar. Every man and his dog know Anwar’s history (cameleon, father of cronyism, homosexuals etc.) and he is not fit to even be considered as the PM.
And to add insult to the injury, now we have bangsa pendatang Cina and Hindu yelling louder day by day asking for the equal treatment with Malays..Let me tell them one thing. There is no equality in this world. It’s the battle of survival, the fittest, the cleverest. So far, Malays has been cleverer than you bangsa pendatang..We own this country and can easily throw out you guys into the sea..but we are still human..that’s why we decided to still keep you around, so that you will work hard and pay good taxes, so that we can give to Malays the scholarship, quota in civil service, discount for houses, build more mosques etc. You guys are real losers, man without any country..even China and India don’t want you back. So be grateful and be nice, otherwise you will end up the same fate as your brethrens in Bukit Pelandok.

Well, forget those stupid pendatang. Back to UMNO question..I believe any UMNO members in their right mind should consider to follow suit what Tun Mahathir had done…if Pak Lah does not want to step down and take responsibility, let’s everyone isolate him and leave UMNO in drove.

SO today, 19 May 2008, I hereby declare that I am no longer an UMNO member with immediate effect. I will reconsider my decision only after current President, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi resign, be kicked out, or die.

Sekian Wassalam.

Mahathir Quits UMNO...

Friday, May 9, 2008

Raja Petra "Hero Tamil" Kelam kabut cabut Lari...

The self-declared hero of freedom (with some support from cina komunis and Malay atheist of course) thought that he might be able to shake the world and gained wide global publicity by choosing to go to prison instead of posting the bail and even refused to see his wife and eat prison's food because it's the government money and it is not being used properly (you mean all convicts shall be left to die in prison ?). However, once inside then only he realised what a fool he was. The Sg Buloh prison is also the place where Altantuya murderers being detained and those guys really wanted to eat him alive.. So our 70's samseng who used to fight on the street realised he is already too old and certainly no match for those UTK guys...So in a hurry pleaded with prison warde to call his wife and asked to come straight away (lucky his house also in Sg Buloh) and bail him out. You could see from the pale of his face how relieved he was to be out from from Hell...Hmmm looked like it was you who went to Hell instead Raja petra..

My advise to Raja Petra..Keep writing but always think of God and stay closer to Him..He works in a funny way..

Read Full News Here...

Raja Petra "Hero Tamil" Kelam Kabut Cabut Lari...

The self-declared hero of freedom (with some support from Cina komunis and Melayu atheist of course) thought that he will be able to shake the world by going to jail instead of pay up the bail..and even refuse to see his wife and eat prison food...Ha ha sound like a script straight from Tamil movie...but then jeng jeng jeng he only realised that Sg Buloh is also the place where Altantuya murder-accused being detained and those guys really wanted the piece of him...Then this again self-declared samseng who used to fight on the street in his younger days knew that he is certainly no match for those UTK apa hurry called his wife to come right away and bail him out from hell....Hmm looked like it's Raja Petra who did go to hell instead oh her murderers...You could see from the pale of his face how relieved he was...

My advise to Raja Petra...Keep writing but please be closer to God..He works in a funny way..

Read News Here