Freedom Malaysia : A Truly Free Speech Blog

Our beloved nation is facing a testing time. The political divide especially among Malays is so bad that politic has taken over everything at the expense of more important things such as better quality of life and nation's sustainability.

I will pen in my thought whenever I have free time. It may not be worth that much to some people, but it's the least I can do for better future of my beloved

Monday, May 19, 2008

I quit UMNO....Cina and India jangan lebih lebih!!

Today 19 May 2008 Tun Dr. Mahathir has declared that he quits UMNO. Even though at first I was shocked, but after a while I realized that it’s the only logical thing to do, with UMNO so rotten to the core with a dickhead at the top, who want to be associated with Pak Lah. After losing 5 states in the last election, Pak Lah still want to cling to his PMship, and in doing so has further alienated UMNO from the masses. And coupled with those gutless UMNO MTs and DPM “takut bini” , who on their right mind want to stay with UMNO. The sad thing is there is no real alternative. PR is just conspiracy of convenience to promote Anwar as the PM. I don’t want to go further on Anwar. Every man and his dog know Anwar’s history (cameleon, father of cronyism, homosexuals etc.) and he is not fit to even be considered as the PM.
And to add insult to the injury, now we have bangsa pendatang Cina and Hindu yelling louder day by day asking for the equal treatment with Malays..Let me tell them one thing. There is no equality in this world. It’s the battle of survival, the fittest, the cleverest. So far, Malays has been cleverer than you bangsa pendatang..We own this country and can easily throw out you guys into the sea..but we are still human..that’s why we decided to still keep you around, so that you will work hard and pay good taxes, so that we can give to Malays the scholarship, quota in civil service, discount for houses, build more mosques etc. You guys are real losers, man without any country..even China and India don’t want you back. So be grateful and be nice, otherwise you will end up the same fate as your brethrens in Bukit Pelandok.

Well, forget those stupid pendatang. Back to UMNO question..I believe any UMNO members in their right mind should consider to follow suit what Tun Mahathir had done…if Pak Lah does not want to step down and take responsibility, let’s everyone isolate him and leave UMNO in drove.

SO today, 19 May 2008, I hereby declare that I am no longer an UMNO member with immediate effect. I will reconsider my decision only after current President, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi resign, be kicked out, or die.

Sekian Wassalam.

Mahathir Quits UMNO...


sayadahbosan ULTRA said...


Berniat untuk mengikut jejak langkah TDM.

Baik batalkan sahaja keahlian umno saya.

umno seperti sudah tiada semangat untuk memperjuangkan kaum Melayu.

Esok saya akan hubungi bahagian perhubungan umno untuk dapatkan prosedur yang betul untuk membatalkan keahlian saya.

Anonymous said...

hmmm... pedih mata laa bila baca blog kau nih... background color ngan word color tak sepadan laaa

Anonymous said...

good riddance to all mahathirist!

Anonymous said...

jgn lupa pak, kita semua pun pendatang..kalau tak silap dari INDON kan? :)

Anonymous said...


Rockybru said...

bro, di qatar buat apa?

by the way, ada sedikit maki hamun commenters lain tinggalkan for you in my blog.

thanks for dropping by.

fie the elf said...

why, hello racist.

you know why BN lost? it's because of racists like you. you can congratulate yourself now.

Anis Ahmad Abdul Rahman said...

Thanx for all the comment, really appreciate it.
kasim yahya, fie and some anonymous,
If you want to see the real racist bastard, please read comment on my previous posting and better still go to Malaysia Today (Malay bashing ground) and read all those comments by its readers regarding DEB, Ketuanan Melayu etc.

Why when a Malay whack Cina and Keling, he is called racist, but when a Cina or Keling whack Malay, he is called true Malaysian fighting for Malaysian Malaysia ?? Somehow the logic does not work with me in this 21st century..

That's why I love nothing more than giving people the taste of their own medicine..


Anonymous said...

Kassim Yahya = Kah Seem Ling

Another cinerpek masqurading. Thats why we need to get rid of them soon from our malay lands.

fire the elf ... sounds like a typical parasite promoting malaysian malaysia for all. Lets get rid of them real soon shall we?

Well spoken Anis. Take care my brotha.

-Roslan baba

Anonymous said...

Very shallow..Tak Sangka Melayu macam you pun masih ada.

People like you are praying for another war which you all will once again lose.

Anonymous said...

what a cheap way to get people to visit your blog.

Anonymous said...

Kau ni nak dapatkan 50K hits ke dalam blog kamu? Publisiti murah tapi jangan main dengan isu perkauman. Nanti diri yang kena bakar. Pasal isu Tun keluar parti, kalau kau nak ikut sama, ikutlah. Tapi Melayu yang sokong UMNO takan ikut sama. Kami sayangkan UMNO bukan Tun. UMNO bukan Tun dan Tun bukan UMNO.

Anonymous said...

Such strong statements...hmmm. The vile & hatred infused in your writings does not fit your bio bro. A case of UMNO hardcore family or musang-berbulu ayam? Whatever it is, don't think you'd be fearless enough to say what you said and live in M'sia.

Beringatlah, hidup kita tak lama. Entah2 esok lusa kita leave this world we don't know. Are we prepared to meet Allah with these sentiments in our head? What part of the these arguments here can you use to debate that you deserve balasan yg baik? May Allah buka hati hang

Bung Karno said...

Brader anis,

I agree with you :

"Why when a Malay whack Cina and Keling, he is called racist, but when a Cina or Keling whack Malay, he is called true Malaysian fighting for Malaysian Malaysia ?? Somehow the logic does not work with me in this 21st century.."

Diaorang ni bangsa yang tamak haloba dan 'kiasu'. Dia punya dia punya, orang lain punya pun dia punya. Macamkata P.Ramli :Kecik-kecik tak nak mapus.

Minta izin komen ni yg dah ada repeat tempat lain :

Pengunduran Tun Mahathir sebagai ahli UMNO bukan bertujuan untuk menubuhkan parti baru. Ia juga tidak bererti ramai yang akan meninggalkan UMNO.

Tun M berhenti jadi ahli UMNO kerana UMNO kini diketuai oleh seorang Presiden yang tidak dihormati oleh lawan dan kawan. Presiden UMNO hari ini tidak ada wawasan dan tidak ada agenda untuk menjadikan UMNO sebagai parti yang unggul seperti sebelum PU12. Presiden UMNO hari ini adalah seorang yang populist dan 'self-centered' dan mudah diumpan dan diremehkan oleh pembangkang dan lawan parti.

Lebih dari itu, Presiden UMNO hari ini tidak mengendahkan pandangan akar umbi dan gagal menyuntik semangat dan membina kekuatan ahli parti dan rakan-rakan komponen BN untuk menghadapi pembangkang yang semakin berani dan lantang. Presiden UMNO yang juga Perdana Menteri tidak ada ketegasan dalam menghadapi cabaran dan lambat, tidak konsisten dan 'ad-hoc' dalam membuat sesuatu keputusan.

Tun M berhenti kerana malu untuk menjadi ahli parti yang diketuai oleh pemimpin yang lemah dan tidak peka kehendak ahli dan rakan BN. Bagaimanapun beliau tidak akan menyertai parti politik lain kerana akan kembali ke UMNO setelah pertukaran penjawat Presiden.

Seperti biasa DS Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sebagai Presiden Parti akan memandang ringan
perkembangan ini. Begitu juga dengan para ahli Majlis Tertinggi, tentunya akan menyatakan sokongan tak terhingga kepada Presiden parti.

Memang kita berharap tidak ada pemimpin-pemimpin tertinggi seperti DS Najib, TS Muhyidin dan Tengku Razali Hamzah tidak meninggalkan parti kerana mereka adalah harapan untuk membawa perubahan pucuk pimpinan dalam pemilihan Disember ini. Sekiranya tanpa mereka adakah kita mengharapkan DS Ali Rustam, Datuk Nazri Aziz atau TS Mohamad Taib menentang DS AAB sebagai Presiden?

Ketua-ketua Bahagian dan bakal-bakal perwakilan ke persidangan Disember ini juga harus terus
kekal dalam parti supaya dapat menetukan hak memilih Presiden. Tebalkan muka untuk terus berada dalam parti sehingga tempoh penetuan ini.

Sambil itu, biarlah Tun M mengkritik DS AAB sebagai pengkritik bebas, tetapi bukan untuk membantu pembangkang. Hanya kemungkinan Tun M menjadi penasihat kepada AP bebas, Datuk Ibrahim Ali, yang akan menubuhkan parti baru.

Posted by Bung Karno at 7:48 AM

Anonymous said...

susah baca blog u ... yr choice of colour tak nampaklah.

adjust di colour setting lah.

Anonymous said...

Wats your problem? Looks like you are looking for a good fight among the chinese and indians? shall we include sabahan and sarawakian in this fight too??

F'kin Moron. Go back to work and try to work hard and smart. Dun be lazy and stupid like the rest of you bunch.

Anonymous said...

Coward who stays in Qater but stirs racist shit in Malaysia..for normal, peace loving people in Malaysia. U idiot should die in a car crash . I pray u die soon!

Anonymous said...

that's what called 'karma'..with every negative words from your side you will receive the same reaction and words from others too.
You are psychologically affected, as many racist Malaysians. Ironically and in reality,
Chinese and Indian forefathers have gone through many lengths of historical elements from their motherland therefore they are aware of what independence, war, survival compare to malays. so please read history before you spear anyone.
Don't be surprised,a non-malay will not hesitate to give you a helping hand if you're stuck in a rumble.
so, i believe a malay would too.
so, don't further poison or aggravate racism.

Anonymous said...

Quit, quit lah, why stir racial hates in malaysia? It's because there are lots of people like you Umno stinks all the way to the jamban. Last but not least, hope you extinct from the surface of the Earth real soon.

Unknown said...

Dear Anis
what we can see now, indian and chinese taking advantage of weak UMNO (pak lah perhaps).
But their demand will go nowhere.
I believed Umno will survive this tsunami and after that those "bangsa lain" will be silent.

Anonymous said...

Brother Anis! It is time to get physical! We own the military and police.. we must convince our leaders to start using force!

Screw the west, screw democracy... We don't need it here. These immigrants came here to take advantage of our tin in the earlier days and refuse to go back where they came from because their govt will take everything they own! We have been sheltering them for far too long and its time to get real...

I'm sick of the comments that question our position in the country.

If they don't like it they can get the hell out! We do not give a damn if we're originally from indon or from hell but now this country is ours and we are going to defend it!

Bring it on!

ysnizam said...


KEPADA Anonymous: