I have taken a long leave from blogging not due to health or busy schedule or anything. It’s just that I was in no mood writing about what is going on in the world. I chose to be an observant and do more thinking than talking or writing. I took two steps back; go to the highest building so that I would be able to view the world better.
I have to admit that my priority has changed a bit. Politics to me now is secondary, though still very important, but top of the list is world affair. What is happening in Malaysia right now is a comedy theatre in a little house while the whole city is burning down. The fire will come eventually, so you have a choice either continue watching this comedy or prepare yourself with fire extinguisher, blanket, water and medicine so that when the heat become unbearable, you can still save yourself.
The current world financial crisis is something that we never experience before, at least not in my lifetime. During the last Asian Financial Crisis, it was limited to Asia and the rest of the world was OK. Still, it took more than 5 years for everything to stabilize..not back to normal though because whenever there is a crisis, there will be winner and loser and the wealth will be redistributed. After the Asian Crisis, the biggest winner was of course Singapore who took the opportunity to attract all the cash into its financial system and bough government assets especially in Indonesia at firesale prices.. This time around it’s still too early to guess..A big bank like Leman Brothers which was valued at $30 billion were sold for $200 million in matter of weeks…so the mystery is…where did that 29.8 billion disappeared into..
This crisis was caused by pure human greed..the banks especially the investment banks in their desire for profit..bought toxic loans..repackaged it and sold it to investors, who happened to be also the speculator from the hedge fund..collaborated with rating agency to give a good rating..so then the toxic can be sold to conventional banks where average Joe like you and me save our money….They then use the proceed to prop up the equity value and once it cannot be propped up…they go and buy commodities like oil,steel, wheat, corn, coffee etc..
This naturally pushes the living cost through the roof..so the people who took the toxic loan, especially in the US can no longer repay their loan..which resulted the investment no longer can pay the return on the repackaged loan which was mostly toxic but given the good rating by rating agency..The chain reaction continues to the conventional banks who invested our money there and since these cannot be allowed to fail, we are seeing Government scrambling to print money to bail them out..using again our hard earned money while the CEO of those investment bank quit with a cool US$400 million severance package..My God I know the world is never a fair place, but this a sheer absurdity..in ancient time, those CEO would have been burnt alive by peasants..
And the worst is yet to come…corporate earning will be eroded, and again those overpaid CEOs will take the easy out by laying off staff, so we will have lots of people with no job, which means less people spending or more people spending less…whichever way retail will be down and hypermarkets, airlines, hotels, laundry shop, restaurants and wherever people spend their money will be hit hard.
Basically, our money today will be worth less than it was 5-6 years ago, unless you have stacked gold in your store room, but even gold price is falling down. There is no safe investment anymore simply because there is no money available. Banks and people are hoarding cash, and it will worsen things because it will simply stall economic growth.
It will take sometime for banks to give out loans and people to start spending again..but how long nobody can answer that..
For Malaysia, we can expect the following to happen:
Order from US and China to decrease, so lots of factories might have to close and hundreds of thousands people to be made jobless both in Malaysia and Singapore..Remember manufacturing sector employ 30% of our workforce and contribute to nearly half of our exports.
As prices of commodity fall, so does government revenue. Currently half of govt budget are from oil and gas revenue. Petroleum, Palm oil, rubber and other contribute another half of our export.
Forget the FDI. Its time to curb the FDI outflow as well as labor remittance, which is 10 bill monthly.
Lots of Properties will be unsold or worse still, auctioned as people no longer can serve the loan. Car sales will be down, again affecting govt revenue
In a nutshell, Govt will have less money, more people with no job and big civil service to maintain..The first casualty will be of course the so called mega projects and all those corridors.. Then we can expect the national coffer like EPF to be used to prop up the equity market and also to give lifeline to pet companies, depending on who will be in power then..There’s no way govt can reduce the civil service pay or the whole country will be standstill. One last resort the government may have to take if everything failed is by devaluing our ringgit, so you will earn more ringgit (artificially) but at the same time stop the tide of money flowing out as it will be more expensive to go abroad.
These are just my opinion. There is no right or wrong answer right now..My advise is to prepare yourself with enough cash at hand (both ringgit and USD, gold if necessary), and also expect to lower your expectation of things, reduce on all those branded things, expensive cars, luxury items and anything you think will only help the rich getting richer..Yes..that’s the right attitude during time like this..Let’s help each other people like us and forget those filthy rich. They are the root of the problem anyway..
OK a bit Malaysia politics…
I hope Najib will become PM soon..good for UMNO and good for Malaysia. He may not be perfect but let’s give him chance to prove himself..There’s a GE13 in 4 years time to punish him if he does not perform.. Hope Anwar will grow up and play his role more constructively..
As for my favorite Tamil Hero..let him have a good time in Kamunting while his MT junkies rambled like a headless chicken..good for him..good for country..
Anis Ahmad
Freedom Malaysia : A Truly Free Speech Blog
Our beloved nation is facing a testing time. The political divide especially among Malays is so bad that politic has taken over everything at the expense of more important things such as better quality of life and nation's sustainability.
I will pen in my thought whenever I have free time. It may not be worth that much to some people, but it's the least I can do for better future of my beloved
I will pen in my thought whenever I have free time. It may not be worth that much to some people, but it's the least I can do for better future of my beloved
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Malaysian Muslim Malay Must Unite..
As a Muslim and Malay (half at least), I am glad that UMNO and PAS are now talking for unity of Malay and Muslim. Every muslim-Malay shall be happy about it and hopefully something positive will come out of it. But the very word "Malay Unity' will send shiver down to some people, especially our Hero Tamil Raja Petra through his posting here..I only have this to say to you Raja Petra "FUCK OFF!!" Everyone can see how he talks from his arse about Islam while happily sipping toddy wich he may pay from his royal allowance....This brain damaged idiot should be hanged from a tree at Masjid Negara and let every Muslim spit on his face..together with that Hishamuddin "Dung" of course..They talked as if representing Malay or Muslim while there are less than 1% of Malay-Muslim who has the same thinking as them..mostly those who stayed long enough in UK or US and think that UK or US model is the best for this country..
No wonder Malaysia Today has become Malaysia Toddy..with all those article written by drunken losers and only read by hardcore DAP bastards who are hell bent on creating PAP-style Malaysia modelled on Singapore
It's a testing time for the country..investors are taking their money away..jobs has dried up..best brains are leaving the country..if the political situation is not controlled..we will be in the same league with Indon, Phillipines or Myanmar. It seems that the only way to bring back the stability is to lock up people like Anwar, Hero Tamil and Carburetor Hishamudin Dung..insyaallah everything will be OK. These self serving pigs are liability to the country...But the big question again..Does Abdullah has the ball ?? If he's not,Let's have a brave UMNO come the UMNO-election..or less we are doomed...
I pray for Muslim and Malay Unity..Amin..
No wonder Malaysia Today has become Malaysia Toddy..with all those article written by drunken losers and only read by hardcore DAP bastards who are hell bent on creating PAP-style Malaysia modelled on Singapore
It's a testing time for the country..investors are taking their money away..jobs has dried up..best brains are leaving the country..if the political situation is not controlled..we will be in the same league with Indon, Phillipines or Myanmar. It seems that the only way to bring back the stability is to lock up people like Anwar, Hero Tamil and Carburetor Hishamudin Dung..insyaallah everything will be OK. These self serving pigs are liability to the country...But the big question again..Does Abdullah has the ball ?? If he's not,Let's have a brave UMNO come the UMNO-election..or less we are doomed...
I pray for Muslim and Malay Unity..Amin..
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Kelantan Population 2008 vs. Malacca's supposed population 2008
Another Malaysian political stupidity for the day:
Poligami bagi tambah penduduk Kelantan
KOTA BHARU 8 Julai - Kerajaan Kelantan berpendapat berpoligami merupakan satu kaedah bagi melonjakkan jumlah penduduk negeri ini yang meningkat dalam kadar yang amat kecil sejak 17 tahun lalu.
Timbalan Menteri Besar, Datuk Ahmad Yakob berkata, bagi tempoh berkenaan, peningkatan jumlah penduduk di negeri ini ialah sebanyak 35 peratus iaitu kira-kira dua peratus setahun.
Beliau mengaitkan faktor kekurangan ini berpunca daripada taraf hidup penduduk yang semakin meningkat apabila lebih banyak menumpukan perhatian kepada sektor ekonomi.
"Masalah seperti ini biasa berlaku di negara maju lain seperti Singapura yang peratus peningkatan penduduknya juga kurang.
''Untuk meramaikan zuriat (di Kelantan) Islam membenarkan untuk 'menambah' lebih daripada satu (isteri)," katanya dalam nada gurauan yang disahut dengan tepukan meja oleh para Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Kelantan yang bersidang hari ini.
Ahmad Yakob menjawab soalan tambahan penyokong kerajaan, Wan Ismail Wan Jusoh (Pas-Melor) yang bertanyakan apakah langkah kerajaan negeri untuk meramaikan jumlah penduduk Kelantan.
Terdahulu, Wan Ismail yang bertanyakan soalan asal kepada kerajaan negeri mengenai jumlah pertambahan penduduk negeri ini mengikut tahun bermula pada tahun 1991 hingga kini.
Ahmad Yakob memberitahu, jumlah penduduk negeri sehingga April lalu ialah seramai 1,595,100 orang berbanding hanya 1,181,315 orang pada tahun 1991 dengan kenaikan kira-kira 35 peratus sahaja.
35% increase in 16 years is a lot man...just imagine if China listen to PAS..there won't be enough food for everyone..in fact now there is not enough fuel for everyone with China's continous thirst for energy (of course coupled with American stubborness to drive thier dream SUV..which I am also driving any way, but petrol here is only 80 cents per litre)..
What i want to comment is not on polygamy..but on history...if you do a spreadsheet calculation..let's say there was 5,000 people in Malacca in 1450 (during its golden age) and population growth same as Kelantan (2%, considering Kelantanese lifestyle has not changed much since Malacca Sultanate), by 2000, the population of Malacca should have been 280 million!!! Even if we try be conservative, take only half considering the lifespan then were shorter, it is still whopping 140 million!!! Wonder where those people are now...I guess that is 'Harga sebuah penjajahan" that we have to pay..and worse still have to share this country with .....ooops...better don't say it...nanti DAP marah..11
Poligami bagi tambah penduduk Kelantan
KOTA BHARU 8 Julai - Kerajaan Kelantan berpendapat berpoligami merupakan satu kaedah bagi melonjakkan jumlah penduduk negeri ini yang meningkat dalam kadar yang amat kecil sejak 17 tahun lalu.
Timbalan Menteri Besar, Datuk Ahmad Yakob berkata, bagi tempoh berkenaan, peningkatan jumlah penduduk di negeri ini ialah sebanyak 35 peratus iaitu kira-kira dua peratus setahun.
Beliau mengaitkan faktor kekurangan ini berpunca daripada taraf hidup penduduk yang semakin meningkat apabila lebih banyak menumpukan perhatian kepada sektor ekonomi.
"Masalah seperti ini biasa berlaku di negara maju lain seperti Singapura yang peratus peningkatan penduduknya juga kurang.
''Untuk meramaikan zuriat (di Kelantan) Islam membenarkan untuk 'menambah' lebih daripada satu (isteri)," katanya dalam nada gurauan yang disahut dengan tepukan meja oleh para Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Kelantan yang bersidang hari ini.
Ahmad Yakob menjawab soalan tambahan penyokong kerajaan, Wan Ismail Wan Jusoh (Pas-Melor) yang bertanyakan apakah langkah kerajaan negeri untuk meramaikan jumlah penduduk Kelantan.
Terdahulu, Wan Ismail yang bertanyakan soalan asal kepada kerajaan negeri mengenai jumlah pertambahan penduduk negeri ini mengikut tahun bermula pada tahun 1991 hingga kini.
Ahmad Yakob memberitahu, jumlah penduduk negeri sehingga April lalu ialah seramai 1,595,100 orang berbanding hanya 1,181,315 orang pada tahun 1991 dengan kenaikan kira-kira 35 peratus sahaja.
35% increase in 16 years is a lot man...just imagine if China listen to PAS..there won't be enough food for everyone..in fact now there is not enough fuel for everyone with China's continous thirst for energy (of course coupled with American stubborness to drive thier dream SUV..which I am also driving any way, but petrol here is only 80 cents per litre)..
What i want to comment is not on polygamy..but on history...if you do a spreadsheet calculation..let's say there was 5,000 people in Malacca in 1450 (during its golden age) and population growth same as Kelantan (2%, considering Kelantanese lifestyle has not changed much since Malacca Sultanate), by 2000, the population of Malacca should have been 280 million!!! Even if we try be conservative, take only half considering the lifespan then were shorter, it is still whopping 140 million!!! Wonder where those people are now...I guess that is 'Harga sebuah penjajahan" that we have to pay..and worse still have to share this country with .....ooops...better don't say it...nanti DAP marah..11
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Two Pictures...Two Stories
These are 2 very interesting pictures in curent political scenario..The first one (from blog mykmu.net) showed Keadilan naivete...proof that underground music and Pas conservatives just cannot mix..I don't know whether I want to laugh or cry for Keadilan and Hishamudin Rais (can't wait for his next sarcasm..one recommendation for the title "Jangan Jilat Punggong Alak")
And the second picture down here (from Marina Mahathir's Blog) is somewhat a relief to me..Thank God there is still someone sane inside the Keadilan party...Wish both of you all the best Marina & Nurul Izzah...
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Raja Petra "planned to celebrate" with Bala for the "success" of the SDs
I read latest Raja Petra's posting here with disgust..While trying to link all the Bala's SD and Saiful's police report to Najib, Anwar or Pak Lah, he has conveniently left out his own SD, which has started the whole mess we are in now. Care to tell us your new paymaster, Raja Petra ?
And he also has the cheek to tell us that he plans with Bala to celebrate the success of their SDs... Hmmmm...now my suspicion is confirmed...both SDs are just BULLSHIT!! I mean when two people planned to celebrate on Saturday Night..it's either with whisky or toddy...and people celebrating with whiskies or toddy usually after succeed in doing something bad like succeed in robbing a bank or conning someone of millions...If people want to celebrate good things like wedding, score straight As in exam etc, they will hold either doa selamat or thanksgiving...
So folks decide for yourself what is Raja Petra's worth..is he cheaper than that Bala's guy...I don't know...
And he also has the cheek to tell us that he plans with Bala to celebrate the success of their SDs... Hmmmm...now my suspicion is confirmed...both SDs are just BULLSHIT!! I mean when two people planned to celebrate on Saturday Night..it's either with whisky or toddy...and people celebrating with whiskies or toddy usually after succeed in doing something bad like succeed in robbing a bank or conning someone of millions...If people want to celebrate good things like wedding, score straight As in exam etc, they will hold either doa selamat or thanksgiving...
So folks decide for yourself what is Raja Petra's worth..is he cheaper than that Bala's guy...I don't know...
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Probably True vs Probably False
Malaysia is in a mess...really mess...messy..kucar kacir...tak terurus...whatever you may call it..
but then who are the real culprits...let's start with a chronology of events..
First we have this Raja Petra Hero Tamil Statutory Declaration that Rosmah, Najib'w wife was at the scene of Altantuya's murder..based on some reliable source...that might be true..might be a blatant lie to discredit Najib...Then we have a 23 year boy making sodomy allegation against Anwar Ibrahim..that maight be true...might be a blatant lie to discredit Anwar Ibrahim....Then we have PKR alleging that there is a plot to murder Anwar based on intel from neighbouring country (is it Cambodia or Timor Timur ?)...that might be true...that might be a blatant lie to discredit UTK or police force.....Then we have PKR camp came up with that 23 year old boy pictures with UMNO Ministers and accuse him of being used by Najib..That might be true ...that might be a blatant lie to discredit Najib again...Then we have police report against IGP and AG..that might be true...that might be a blatant lie to discredit IGP and AG of course.....Then we have claim that 4 UMNO MPs will join PR...that might be true....that might be a blatant lie to rattle UMNO....
OK let's analyse the psychology of main charatcters here...
When Raja Petra Hero Tamil made the statutory allegation about Rosmah and her aide and her husband.....Pak Lah denied, Najib denied.. Colonel and his wife sued...Rosmah did not even bother to sue...and all ended there it seems unless our Hero Tamil has something else under his sleeve..
When Anwar was alleged by 23 year old boy..of course he denied and sued...and came up with another 3 allegations that was not proven true....same strategy as in 1998 ....first of all discredit the accuser...then attack the police and judicary before they even open their mouth...then organise a big rally (this time around in stadium coz khalid can pay using state money)....then demonstration...at the end the whole nation will be in a mess.....all of this while Abdullah Badawi smiling and planning his next holiday to Perth....
I do hope Malaysian are more rationale to make their choice....for the sake of our nation...Do we really want these jokers to ruin our nation...
but then who are the real culprits...let's start with a chronology of events..
First we have this Raja Petra Hero Tamil Statutory Declaration that Rosmah, Najib'w wife was at the scene of Altantuya's murder..based on some reliable source...that might be true..might be a blatant lie to discredit Najib...Then we have a 23 year boy making sodomy allegation against Anwar Ibrahim..that maight be true...might be a blatant lie to discredit Anwar Ibrahim....Then we have PKR alleging that there is a plot to murder Anwar based on intel from neighbouring country (is it Cambodia or Timor Timur ?)...that might be true...that might be a blatant lie to discredit UTK or police force.....Then we have PKR camp came up with that 23 year old boy pictures with UMNO Ministers and accuse him of being used by Najib..That might be true ...that might be a blatant lie to discredit Najib again...Then we have police report against IGP and AG..that might be true...that might be a blatant lie to discredit IGP and AG of course.....Then we have claim that 4 UMNO MPs will join PR...that might be true....that might be a blatant lie to rattle UMNO....
OK let's analyse the psychology of main charatcters here...
When Raja Petra Hero Tamil made the statutory allegation about Rosmah and her aide and her husband.....Pak Lah denied, Najib denied.. Colonel and his wife sued...Rosmah did not even bother to sue...and all ended there it seems unless our Hero Tamil has something else under his sleeve..
When Anwar was alleged by 23 year old boy..of course he denied and sued...and came up with another 3 allegations that was not proven true....same strategy as in 1998 ....first of all discredit the accuser...then attack the police and judicary before they even open their mouth...then organise a big rally (this time around in stadium coz khalid can pay using state money)....then demonstration...at the end the whole nation will be in a mess.....all of this while Abdullah Badawi smiling and planning his next holiday to Perth....
I do hope Malaysian are more rationale to make their choice....for the sake of our nation...Do we really want these jokers to ruin our nation...
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Malaysian Politics: Much Ado about Nothing..
Lately, there had been many interesting or "gempaq" development in Malaysian politics but
at the end, nothing happens in the end..That shows how pathetic are Malaysians...cakap tak serupa bikin...hot hot chicken shit...
Firstly, there were talks of Anwar to take over the govt with 30 MPs, lompat...has been more than 3 months since election...khalid Ibrahim is the one 'terlompat" when his own personal aide demonstrated in front of his office.
Then, there are this UMNO members want to force Pak Lah out with EGM etc, at the end Tun Mahathir was the one who quit UMNO and Ezam joined UMNO for some millions..
After that, we havethis Sabah party who said they will table no confidence motion on PM, then next day, both MPs disappeared and Rakyat are the one who lost confidence...
And lastly, we have this hero Tamil Raja Petra Statutory Declaration saying he has reliable info that Rosmah, Najib's wife was at the scene of Altantuya's murder...1,2,3 days nothing happened, Ilek, apa pun tara...even Raja Petra also became quiet and yesterday wrote an article bashing PKR and PAS...Betu potong stim lah LU...
Conclusion, Malaysian politics just like any other places are full of dirty laundries, skeletons and suspense, but just like any human being, everybody has its price....so it's better to stay home watching Euro or going out buy groceries for the next 3 months before everything become 200% expensive when oil reached $200/bbl...It's a waste of time....BN, UMNO, PKR, PAS or DAP all are same, either a bunch of liars or fanatics pursuing their selfish agenda at the expense of us the citizens...
Till then...sayonara...
at the end, nothing happens in the end..That shows how pathetic are Malaysians...cakap tak serupa bikin...hot hot chicken shit...
Firstly, there were talks of Anwar to take over the govt with 30 MPs, lompat...has been more than 3 months since election...khalid Ibrahim is the one 'terlompat" when his own personal aide demonstrated in front of his office.
Then, there are this UMNO members want to force Pak Lah out with EGM etc, at the end Tun Mahathir was the one who quit UMNO and Ezam joined UMNO for some millions..
After that, we havethis Sabah party who said they will table no confidence motion on PM, then next day, both MPs disappeared and Rakyat are the one who lost confidence...
And lastly, we have this hero Tamil Raja Petra Statutory Declaration saying he has reliable info that Rosmah, Najib's wife was at the scene of Altantuya's murder...1,2,3 days nothing happened, Ilek, apa pun tara...even Raja Petra also became quiet and yesterday wrote an article bashing PKR and PAS...Betu potong stim lah LU...
Conclusion, Malaysian politics just like any other places are full of dirty laundries, skeletons and suspense, but just like any human being, everybody has its price....so it's better to stay home watching Euro or going out buy groceries for the next 3 months before everything become 200% expensive when oil reached $200/bbl...It's a waste of time....BN, UMNO, PKR, PAS or DAP all are same, either a bunch of liars or fanatics pursuing their selfish agenda at the expense of us the citizens...
Till then...sayonara...
Friday, June 6, 2008
Harga Minyak Memang Patut Naik..
Harga Minyak Memang Patut Naik..
Malaysians are stupid lots. Some are stupid for voting the BN, some are stupid for voting so called Pakatan Rakyat. Neither is able to offer anything good. BN goons are busy thinking how to enrich themselves and their families and maintain status quo. In fact today, they are doing brainstorming on how to remain rich and famous. The opposition are useless as well. They are thinking about demonstrating…Again ?? I mean after winning five states, this should not be the mentality. I expect them to think more intelligently now. What can you achieve by demonstrating ?? Beaten up, or just water spray if you are lucky..Then you can upload those photos into your website.to make yourself famous…and then join UMNO for 2 millions..??
The real issue here is not about changing Government..you think if Anwar ever become the PM, he will reduce petrol prices ?? Maybe a cent or two from RM2.70, so you cannot accuse him of lying to you.. In fact come to think of it, Pak Lah has done the future PM, be it Najib or Anwar or God forbid Karpal Singh, a big favour. He has made himself a punching bag, so when the future PM come, he does not need to increase the petrol prices. Maybe Anwar or Najib has told Dollah to do this as part of a greater scheme. I mean a new PM must start on a right footing, so he can start by reducing petrol, and in the same time reward Pak Lah with a new mansion in Australia for helping him in not so distant future to get his hand on the more than 18 billions saved from the subsidy..
Yes, petrol price shall go up because oil prices has gone up through the roof from $60/barrel last year to $120/bbl today. In term of $ per litres, it’s $0.38/litres then and $0.76/litres now, work out to Rm1.25/litres then and RM2.50 now ( 1 bbl = 159 litres and 1 USD = RM3.3). But if gasoline prices is more expensive than oil, it is around US135/bbl, which is about RM2.80/litre. If you add up the transportation and commission, it is about RM3.00.
Malaysian should realize that no subsidy can sustain economic growth. Subsidy is a fake. We are bluffing ourselves by paying peanuts for something we know shall be paid more, the law of supply and demand will prevail eventually. Subsidy shall only for the needy people, not someone who has decent job and drive good car like you and me. The onus is on you, Malaysian to be more demanding and choosy. If your boss don’t raise your pay by another 40%, by all mean look for other job, or migrate. It shall not be a problem, most of us can speak English quite well and easily can get a decent job in Singapore, Middle East, Australia etc. I mean, if jobs available in Malaysia are only in factories which are only hiring foreigners (who are the main culprit why local Malaysian pay are so low), what choice do we have ?? If the Government is not able to provide for a decent life, then too bad we are in the same league with Indonesian and Filipino, who has to work overseas..That’s why the economic fundamental must be changed, no longer shall it be based on cheap labour but rather on brain or intelligence.
The interesting question is, where will all these money going to ?? Food subsidy ?? Maybe a few billions, but majority of it, we will never know. Lats time around, they told us it will be used to improve public transport, but hey where is the LRT?? Knowing Pak Lah mentality, he will maybe give another hefty increase for civil servant to appease them. Then it will create another round of inflation and private citizen will be the hardest hit. Subsidy saving gone,no development, no project, no investment, Malaysian getting poorer, while Dollah tersengih anak bini dan menantu getting richer.
Poor Malaysian…My sympathy goes to all of you..but please bear in mind, it’s not the price increase that you shall be angry at, it ‘s the management of the new economy from this increase that shall be looked at..but having Dollah as the PM...what hope do we have..??
Malaysians are stupid lots. Some are stupid for voting the BN, some are stupid for voting so called Pakatan Rakyat. Neither is able to offer anything good. BN goons are busy thinking how to enrich themselves and their families and maintain status quo. In fact today, they are doing brainstorming on how to remain rich and famous. The opposition are useless as well. They are thinking about demonstrating…Again ?? I mean after winning five states, this should not be the mentality. I expect them to think more intelligently now. What can you achieve by demonstrating ?? Beaten up, or just water spray if you are lucky..Then you can upload those photos into your website.to make yourself famous…and then join UMNO for 2 millions..??
The real issue here is not about changing Government..you think if Anwar ever become the PM, he will reduce petrol prices ?? Maybe a cent or two from RM2.70, so you cannot accuse him of lying to you.. In fact come to think of it, Pak Lah has done the future PM, be it Najib or Anwar or God forbid Karpal Singh, a big favour. He has made himself a punching bag, so when the future PM come, he does not need to increase the petrol prices. Maybe Anwar or Najib has told Dollah to do this as part of a greater scheme. I mean a new PM must start on a right footing, so he can start by reducing petrol, and in the same time reward Pak Lah with a new mansion in Australia for helping him in not so distant future to get his hand on the more than 18 billions saved from the subsidy..
Yes, petrol price shall go up because oil prices has gone up through the roof from $60/barrel last year to $120/bbl today. In term of $ per litres, it’s $0.38/litres then and $0.76/litres now, work out to Rm1.25/litres then and RM2.50 now ( 1 bbl = 159 litres and 1 USD = RM3.3). But if gasoline prices is more expensive than oil, it is around US135/bbl, which is about RM2.80/litre. If you add up the transportation and commission, it is about RM3.00.
Malaysian should realize that no subsidy can sustain economic growth. Subsidy is a fake. We are bluffing ourselves by paying peanuts for something we know shall be paid more, the law of supply and demand will prevail eventually. Subsidy shall only for the needy people, not someone who has decent job and drive good car like you and me. The onus is on you, Malaysian to be more demanding and choosy. If your boss don’t raise your pay by another 40%, by all mean look for other job, or migrate. It shall not be a problem, most of us can speak English quite well and easily can get a decent job in Singapore, Middle East, Australia etc. I mean, if jobs available in Malaysia are only in factories which are only hiring foreigners (who are the main culprit why local Malaysian pay are so low), what choice do we have ?? If the Government is not able to provide for a decent life, then too bad we are in the same league with Indonesian and Filipino, who has to work overseas..That’s why the economic fundamental must be changed, no longer shall it be based on cheap labour but rather on brain or intelligence.
The interesting question is, where will all these money going to ?? Food subsidy ?? Maybe a few billions, but majority of it, we will never know. Lats time around, they told us it will be used to improve public transport, but hey where is the LRT?? Knowing Pak Lah mentality, he will maybe give another hefty increase for civil servant to appease them. Then it will create another round of inflation and private citizen will be the hardest hit. Subsidy saving gone,no development, no project, no investment, Malaysian getting poorer, while Dollah tersengih anak bini dan menantu getting richer.
Poor Malaysian…My sympathy goes to all of you..but please bear in mind, it’s not the price increase that you shall be angry at, it ‘s the management of the new economy from this increase that shall be looked at..but having Dollah as the PM...what hope do we have..??
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Malaysia’s Hexagon Politics and Abdullah-Anwar Conspiracy
Malaysia’s Hexagon Politics and Abdullah-Anwar Conspiracy
Then topic that Malaysian shall take nowadays ought to be Batu Putih. But a few days, it’s all seem to be forgotten. To some, it’s nor even an issue, to some it’s a political mileage to discredit the Govt and people involved. For those from Govt, well it’s a loss, but just as Pak Lah said after GE12, “Dah kalah, kalah lah”..Losing has become a norm for him, as long he gets the best deal for those closest to his heart, that is his family members. That’s “Kerajaan Tiga Beranak” for you, as coined by Zaharin Yassin. Not only the PM, but all UMNO management team seem to be only interested in themselves. We can see the statements coming form them everyday, some defending the PM, some whacking him, some play safe. It’s all boil down to keeping their wealth intact. Perhaps that explain why those morons in UMNO readily accept someone like Ezam into the party. Ezam, the guy who has insulted and sworn to destroy UMNO is given the red carpet to join UMNO while Mahathir, the leader for 22 years was treated like an outcast by UMNO.
It’s very clear that the next guy to join UMNO will be Anwar, and Abdullah has made a deal with Anwar to make him the new DPM after the snap General Election before 31 Aug 2008. And that’s the whole reason why Mahathir decided to leave UMNO. Far fetched ?? Wait until the end of next month…Then how about PAS and DAP…well, they will be accepted as the new component of Barisan and probably given few ministership and everyone will live happily ever after…
There’s Hexagon Political power play situation in Malaysia . It’s not a straight forward fight between PR and BN..There are seven main players (hexa) which are:
Then topic that Malaysian shall take nowadays ought to be Batu Putih. But a few days, it’s all seem to be forgotten. To some, it’s nor even an issue, to some it’s a political mileage to discredit the Govt and people involved. For those from Govt, well it’s a loss, but just as Pak Lah said after GE12, “Dah kalah, kalah lah”..Losing has become a norm for him, as long he gets the best deal for those closest to his heart, that is his family members. That’s “Kerajaan Tiga Beranak” for you, as coined by Zaharin Yassin. Not only the PM, but all UMNO management team seem to be only interested in themselves. We can see the statements coming form them everyday, some defending the PM, some whacking him, some play safe. It’s all boil down to keeping their wealth intact. Perhaps that explain why those morons in UMNO readily accept someone like Ezam into the party. Ezam, the guy who has insulted and sworn to destroy UMNO is given the red carpet to join UMNO while Mahathir, the leader for 22 years was treated like an outcast by UMNO.
It’s very clear that the next guy to join UMNO will be Anwar, and Abdullah has made a deal with Anwar to make him the new DPM after the snap General Election before 31 Aug 2008. And that’s the whole reason why Mahathir decided to leave UMNO. Far fetched ?? Wait until the end of next month…Then how about PAS and DAP…well, they will be accepted as the new component of Barisan and probably given few ministership and everyone will live happily ever after…
There’s Hexagon Political power play situation in Malaysia . It’s not a straight forward fight between PR and BN..There are seven main players (hexa) which are:
1. UMNO Pak Lah – Pak Lah and all his kaki bodeks (basically those Nazri Anjing and the gang)
2. UMNO Mahathir – Reformist within UMNO + few veterans (Sanusi, Ku LI, Mukhriz etc.)
3. BN component at wilderness (MCA, MIC and Gerakan who were badly beaten last GE)
4. Sabah/Sarawak MPs for sale
5. Pakatan Anwar – Anybody who wish to see Anwar as the next PM (those donkeys basically)
6. Malaysian Malaysia – DAP hardcores
7. Islam Malaysia – PAS lah
But then why hexagon (six sides only). The answer is simple, there will be six sides with one player as the menu in the middle, something like the picture above:
You see, by creating a common enemy for everyone (Mahathir), Pak Lah will manipulate everyone for his survival and fulfillAnwar and KJ ambitions. The question is, will PAS/DAP and other will just let themselves used as the pawn in the game ? I am willing to bet my last rial that they will, as any politician worth their salt will do. It will be very interesting to see later on how these 6 jokers square up against each other. By thet time, I will be no longer interested in anything to do with Malaysian politics..
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Honor the Social Contract..or Lets Renegotiate It Altogether..
Honor the Social Contract..or Lets Renegotiate It Altogether..
1. Lately the non-Malays and non-Bumi are asking for the abolishment of special Malay privileges and sadly the parties that has been together with UMNO in the BN last time ie MCA, MIC Gerakan etc. also had joined the fray. Might as well they join the opposition and form a new government..
2. Among other things, they are asking for equal treatment for all Malaysian. My opinion..all those demand are breach of social contract agreed by our forefathers back before Merdeka. Special privilege for Malays are there for a reason..it was not picked up from the sky and just put there. It was put there to ensure fair distribution of economic pie in order to safeguard nation’s harmony, so that another May 13 will never occur again. It was a long thought idea by our former leaders.
3. Without the special privilege for Malays, the Malays will be further left behind economically and the fact they consist 60% of the population does not bode well for the social fabric. It’s like playing golf, a weak and inexperienced player need to be given handicap to make the game more fun, otherwise nobody want to play the game or worse still, destroy the game.
4. In return for that, Malays has agreed that non-Malays should be given the citizenship with full voting right. I live in the Gulf where foreigners outnumber locals and never in my wildest dream I ever think that foreigner will be given citizenship even after spending their whole life here. So, it is a big big big sacrifice by Malays..Remember Malaysia which consist of Malay Peninsual, Sabah and Sarawak use to have their own kingdom or government before the colonials came and non-malays were brought by those colonials, so it creates dilemma for both local and colonials when it was decided to grant independence.The compromise was the best deal for all parties involved and it was constitutionalised.
5. But now after 50 years of Merdeka and with citizenship safe in hand, the non-Malays are stirring up this Malay special privilege issue all over again. Why ?? Why are you questioning every single Malays rights ?? Why are you not honoring the word of your forefathers ? I don’t want to stir up racial issues but it’s like the case of a rabbit saving a trapped fox, once safe the fox eats the rabbit..
6. I totally agree that there are poor non-Malays and sure they deserve help, but the problem is why the non-Malays are using that to justify the abolishment of Malay rights..Yes, by all mean help the poor non-Malays but please don’t disturb Malay special rights.
7. I also agree that there is blatant abuse of Malay special right and DEB to favour their cronies and families. But the real problem here is the “blatant abuse”, not the Malay special right..Are we sure the blatant abuse will stop once Malays special right abolished..
8. If the non-Malays really want to abolish the Malays special rights, then let’s also abolish all the SRJK and use of Chines and Tamil as one of the official languages, abolish also all those Chinese and Tamil Astro channels, ban the requirement for Mandarin proficiency in recruitment, ban the thaipusam and so on. Let’s crate a true Bangsa Malaysia who can speak Bahasa Malaysia, not Bahasa. We need a standard face of Malaysia, not by ethnicity, but by language they speak. We can see majority of non-Malays cannot even speak Malays properly, so how do they call themselves Malaysian??
9. If the non-Malays want to relook into Malays special right, then I say..let’s renegotiate the ahole social contract all over again..See whether you re left with your underwear or your birthday suit..
1. Lately the non-Malays and non-Bumi are asking for the abolishment of special Malay privileges and sadly the parties that has been together with UMNO in the BN last time ie MCA, MIC Gerakan etc. also had joined the fray. Might as well they join the opposition and form a new government..
2. Among other things, they are asking for equal treatment for all Malaysian. My opinion..all those demand are breach of social contract agreed by our forefathers back before Merdeka. Special privilege for Malays are there for a reason..it was not picked up from the sky and just put there. It was put there to ensure fair distribution of economic pie in order to safeguard nation’s harmony, so that another May 13 will never occur again. It was a long thought idea by our former leaders.
3. Without the special privilege for Malays, the Malays will be further left behind economically and the fact they consist 60% of the population does not bode well for the social fabric. It’s like playing golf, a weak and inexperienced player need to be given handicap to make the game more fun, otherwise nobody want to play the game or worse still, destroy the game.
4. In return for that, Malays has agreed that non-Malays should be given the citizenship with full voting right. I live in the Gulf where foreigners outnumber locals and never in my wildest dream I ever think that foreigner will be given citizenship even after spending their whole life here. So, it is a big big big sacrifice by Malays..Remember Malaysia which consist of Malay Peninsual, Sabah and Sarawak use to have their own kingdom or government before the colonials came and non-malays were brought by those colonials, so it creates dilemma for both local and colonials when it was decided to grant independence.The compromise was the best deal for all parties involved and it was constitutionalised.
5. But now after 50 years of Merdeka and with citizenship safe in hand, the non-Malays are stirring up this Malay special privilege issue all over again. Why ?? Why are you questioning every single Malays rights ?? Why are you not honoring the word of your forefathers ? I don’t want to stir up racial issues but it’s like the case of a rabbit saving a trapped fox, once safe the fox eats the rabbit..
6. I totally agree that there are poor non-Malays and sure they deserve help, but the problem is why the non-Malays are using that to justify the abolishment of Malay rights..Yes, by all mean help the poor non-Malays but please don’t disturb Malay special rights.
7. I also agree that there is blatant abuse of Malay special right and DEB to favour their cronies and families. But the real problem here is the “blatant abuse”, not the Malay special right..Are we sure the blatant abuse will stop once Malays special right abolished..
8. If the non-Malays really want to abolish the Malays special rights, then let’s also abolish all the SRJK and use of Chines and Tamil as one of the official languages, abolish also all those Chinese and Tamil Astro channels, ban the requirement for Mandarin proficiency in recruitment, ban the thaipusam and so on. Let’s crate a true Bangsa Malaysia who can speak Bahasa Malaysia, not Bahasa. We need a standard face of Malaysia, not by ethnicity, but by language they speak. We can see majority of non-Malays cannot even speak Malays properly, so how do they call themselves Malaysian??
9. If the non-Malays want to relook into Malays special right, then I say..let’s renegotiate the ahole social contract all over again..See whether you re left with your underwear or your birthday suit..
Monday, May 19, 2008
I quit UMNO....Cina and India jangan lebih lebih!!
Today 19 May 2008 Tun Dr. Mahathir has declared that he quits UMNO. Even though at first I was shocked, but after a while I realized that it’s the only logical thing to do, with UMNO so rotten to the core with a dickhead at the top, who want to be associated with Pak Lah. After losing 5 states in the last election, Pak Lah still want to cling to his PMship, and in doing so has further alienated UMNO from the masses. And coupled with those gutless UMNO MTs and DPM “takut bini” , who on their right mind want to stay with UMNO. The sad thing is there is no real alternative. PR is just conspiracy of convenience to promote Anwar as the PM. I don’t want to go further on Anwar. Every man and his dog know Anwar’s history (cameleon, father of cronyism, homosexuals etc.) and he is not fit to even be considered as the PM.
And to add insult to the injury, now we have bangsa pendatang Cina and Hindu yelling louder day by day asking for the equal treatment with Malays..Let me tell them one thing. There is no equality in this world. It’s the battle of survival, the fittest, the cleverest. So far, Malays has been cleverer than you bangsa pendatang..We own this country and can easily throw out you guys into the sea..but we are still human..that’s why we decided to still keep you around, so that you will work hard and pay good taxes, so that we can give to Malays the scholarship, quota in civil service, discount for houses, build more mosques etc. You guys are real losers, man without any country..even China and India don’t want you back. So be grateful and be nice, otherwise you will end up the same fate as your brethrens in Bukit Pelandok.
Well, forget those stupid pendatang. Back to UMNO question..I believe any UMNO members in their right mind should consider to follow suit what Tun Mahathir had done…if Pak Lah does not want to step down and take responsibility, let’s everyone isolate him and leave UMNO in drove.
SO today, 19 May 2008, I hereby declare that I am no longer an UMNO member with immediate effect. I will reconsider my decision only after current President, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi resign, be kicked out, or die.
Sekian Wassalam.
Mahathir Quits UMNO...
And to add insult to the injury, now we have bangsa pendatang Cina and Hindu yelling louder day by day asking for the equal treatment with Malays..Let me tell them one thing. There is no equality in this world. It’s the battle of survival, the fittest, the cleverest. So far, Malays has been cleverer than you bangsa pendatang..We own this country and can easily throw out you guys into the sea..but we are still human..that’s why we decided to still keep you around, so that you will work hard and pay good taxes, so that we can give to Malays the scholarship, quota in civil service, discount for houses, build more mosques etc. You guys are real losers, man without any country..even China and India don’t want you back. So be grateful and be nice, otherwise you will end up the same fate as your brethrens in Bukit Pelandok.
Well, forget those stupid pendatang. Back to UMNO question..I believe any UMNO members in their right mind should consider to follow suit what Tun Mahathir had done…if Pak Lah does not want to step down and take responsibility, let’s everyone isolate him and leave UMNO in drove.
SO today, 19 May 2008, I hereby declare that I am no longer an UMNO member with immediate effect. I will reconsider my decision only after current President, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi resign, be kicked out, or die.
Sekian Wassalam.
Mahathir Quits UMNO...
Friday, May 9, 2008
Raja Petra "Hero Tamil" Kelam kabut cabut Lari...
The self-declared hero of freedom (with some support from cina komunis and Malay atheist of course) thought that he might be able to shake the world and gained wide global publicity by choosing to go to prison instead of posting the bail and even refused to see his wife and eat prison's food because it's the government money and it is not being used properly (you mean all convicts shall be left to die in prison ?). However, once inside then only he realised what a fool he was. The Sg Buloh prison is also the place where Altantuya murderers being detained and those guys really wanted to eat him alive.. So our 70's samseng who used to fight on the street realised he is already too old and certainly no match for those UTK guys...So in a hurry pleaded with prison warde to call his wife and asked to come straight away (lucky his house also in Sg Buloh) and bail him out. You could see from the pale of his face how relieved he was to be out from from Hell...Hmmm looked like it was you who went to Hell instead Raja petra..
My advise to Raja Petra..Keep writing but always think of God and stay closer to Him..He works in a funny way..
Read Full News Here...
My advise to Raja Petra..Keep writing but always think of God and stay closer to Him..He works in a funny way..
Read Full News Here...
Raja Petra "Hero Tamil" Kelam Kabut Cabut Lari...
The self-declared hero of freedom (with some support from Cina komunis and Melayu atheist of course) thought that he will be able to shake the world by going to jail instead of pay up the bail..and even refuse to see his wife and eat prison food...Ha ha sound like a script straight from Tamil movie...but then jeng jeng jeng he only realised that Sg Buloh is also the place where Altantuya murder-accused being detained and those guys really wanted the piece of him...Then this again self-declared samseng who used to fight on the street in his younger days knew that he is certainly no match for those UTK guys...so apa lagi...in hurry called his wife to come right away and bail him out from hell....Hmm looked like it's Raja Petra who did go to hell instead oh her murderers...You could see from the pale of his face how relieved he was...
My advise to Raja Petra...Keep writing but please be closer to God..He works in a funny way..
Read News Here
My advise to Raja Petra...Keep writing but please be closer to God..He works in a funny way..
Read News Here
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Tun Saleh kena perkuda..Karpal/DAP kaki pembelit..
There are 2 interesting articles in the news today regarding Karpal Singh in http://rockybru2.blogspot.com/2008/04/karpal-contemptible.html and Tun Saleh Abbas in http://www.malaysiakini.com/letters/81831.
It bewilders me why Karpal Singh was madly defending Tun Salleh when the reason for Tun Saleh's sacking (one of it) was because he suggested to interpret Malaysian Law based on Qur'an and Hadith. It saddens me that a man of great honor like Tun Saleh Abas has allowed himself to be used by Pak Lah. Surely he know that it is all political. He should have supported Ku Li instead, the man he teamed up with in Semangat 46 and served as one of the exco in Terengganu Govt. How "money and power" can so easily change a man..
As for Karpal, just like his DAP party, I am ot sure what they are standing for, always contradicting themselves on a daily basis..Satu hari "over my dead body" kalau nak negara Islam, esok boleh kautim pulak..satu hari "sampai mati saya takkan pakai songkok"...esok kena offer Speaker's Post..siap pakai songkok posing depan dewan..Do we want people like this to lead us ?? And the fact that they are now teaming up with Anwar is a proof to the phrase "Birds of the same feather always flock together"....Sama sama pembelit...sama sama penipu...God Save Malaysia Please....
It bewilders me why Karpal Singh was madly defending Tun Salleh when the reason for Tun Saleh's sacking (one of it) was because he suggested to interpret Malaysian Law based on Qur'an and Hadith. It saddens me that a man of great honor like Tun Saleh Abas has allowed himself to be used by Pak Lah. Surely he know that it is all political. He should have supported Ku Li instead, the man he teamed up with in Semangat 46 and served as one of the exco in Terengganu Govt. How "money and power" can so easily change a man..
As for Karpal, just like his DAP party, I am ot sure what they are standing for, always contradicting themselves on a daily basis..Satu hari "over my dead body" kalau nak negara Islam, esok boleh kautim pulak..satu hari "sampai mati saya takkan pakai songkok"...esok kena offer Speaker's Post..siap pakai songkok posing depan dewan..Do we want people like this to lead us ?? And the fact that they are now teaming up with Anwar is a proof to the phrase "Birds of the same feather always flock together"....Sama sama pembelit...sama sama penipu...God Save Malaysia Please....
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Bodoh MCA/MIC kalau dengar cakap Raja Petra..
Another confusing article by talking cock Raja Petra.
Why on earth should MCA, MIC and the rest join Pakatan Rapuh (PR), a pyramid shceme being promoted by Anwar. BN is a proven and tested power sharing formula, with UMNO as the leader. PR will crumble anytime soon. They are just sleeping on the same bed but their dreams ared definitely different. The only thing that unite them is the craze for power..that's all. It's an organisation without head ans tails. Just run this scenario..if say, Anwar suddenly got heart attack and die today, who will take over ? Lim Kit Siang..? There will be riot in Kg Baru...Hadi Awang ? There will be riot in Cheras...Raja Petra ?..There will be riot in Club Cabana...Ha HaHa..
See, this PR is a non-starter for me..the solution for Malaysia is still BN with UMNO as its leader. But unfortunately, we have a very incompetent PM who rely too much on others to make decisions that eventually made BN lost...Once he step down, UMNO and BN will be strong again..and by then PR would have been history...It's a proven recipe for failures..Already happened before...Onn Jaafar tried it with Parti Negara..Ku Li tried it with Semangat 46..Anwar tried before with BA..all ended up in ashes..and UMNO/BN remained as strong as ever..
Say whatever you want to say Raja, but the fact remains that politic in Malaysia has been racial, is racial and will be always racial...A Malay will never trust a Chinese to protect his rights and vice versa..If Chinese are so keen on Malaysian Malaysia..How about closing down all Chinese school, Chinese newspaper, Chinese Univ, let everyone speak only Malay or English and have one common culture..Itu baru Bangsa Malaysia...More than three quarter of Chinese cannot even speak Malay properly..how to be Bangsa Malaysia ?...Karpal.LKS all want Bangsa Malaysia..cakap Melayu pun tak pandai..You think Malay will believe you ??? Go jump into lake lah..
Read Raja Petra- Malaysian Toddy
Why on earth should MCA, MIC and the rest join Pakatan Rapuh (PR), a pyramid shceme being promoted by Anwar. BN is a proven and tested power sharing formula, with UMNO as the leader. PR will crumble anytime soon. They are just sleeping on the same bed but their dreams ared definitely different. The only thing that unite them is the craze for power..that's all. It's an organisation without head ans tails. Just run this scenario..if say, Anwar suddenly got heart attack and die today, who will take over ? Lim Kit Siang..? There will be riot in Kg Baru...Hadi Awang ? There will be riot in Cheras...Raja Petra ?..There will be riot in Club Cabana...Ha HaHa..
See, this PR is a non-starter for me..the solution for Malaysia is still BN with UMNO as its leader. But unfortunately, we have a very incompetent PM who rely too much on others to make decisions that eventually made BN lost...Once he step down, UMNO and BN will be strong again..and by then PR would have been history...It's a proven recipe for failures..Already happened before...Onn Jaafar tried it with Parti Negara..Ku Li tried it with Semangat 46..Anwar tried before with BA..all ended up in ashes..and UMNO/BN remained as strong as ever..
Say whatever you want to say Raja, but the fact remains that politic in Malaysia has been racial, is racial and will be always racial...A Malay will never trust a Chinese to protect his rights and vice versa..If Chinese are so keen on Malaysian Malaysia..How about closing down all Chinese school, Chinese newspaper, Chinese Univ, let everyone speak only Malay or English and have one common culture..Itu baru Bangsa Malaysia...More than three quarter of Chinese cannot even speak Malay properly..how to be Bangsa Malaysia ?...Karpal.LKS all want Bangsa Malaysia..cakap Melayu pun tak pandai..You think Malay will believe you ??? Go jump into lake lah..
Read Raja Petra- Malaysian Toddy
Monday, April 21, 2008
Anwar pegang telur Pak Lah..Najib ak tau mana telor dia..
Just heard over TV3 news just now..Najib told the pressmen that he wants a smooth transfer of power in order not to destroy UMNO..Well, Najib, no pigs can fly can UMNO is already destroyed. It is now or never...how long more can you wait..where is your balls ?? The fate of UMNO now lies in your hands...but if you still refuse to make any move..be prepared to see UMNO people dump you...Tun Mahathir already dumped you...and I am ready to dump you if you refuse to be anak jantan...or is your balls in Pak Lah's hands...and in turn Pak Lah's balls in Anwar's hands ??
Anwar is now practically de-facto Prime Minister of Malaysia. That's why he told everyone, there is no rush to be the one. Why bother do all bad things when someone so dumb like Pak Lah is prepared to sell his soul in order to remain as the PM, on paper at least..That's why suddenly you see lots of Mahathir-bashing but nothing on Keadilan/DAP/PAS, the real enemy of UMNO.
Pak Lah's balls already in Anwar's hands, if Pak Lah tried to be funny, Anwar can always can always trigger no confidence vote and Pak Lah will be history..And Najib ?? He is still not sure whether he want to become PM/President of UMNO...Sorry folks, we are putting UMNO's future in the wrong hands....Can a real anak jantan in UMNO stand up please ??
Read this: Najib: Saya Bukan Penakut..
Anwar is now practically de-facto Prime Minister of Malaysia. That's why he told everyone, there is no rush to be the one. Why bother do all bad things when someone so dumb like Pak Lah is prepared to sell his soul in order to remain as the PM, on paper at least..That's why suddenly you see lots of Mahathir-bashing but nothing on Keadilan/DAP/PAS, the real enemy of UMNO.
Pak Lah's balls already in Anwar's hands, if Pak Lah tried to be funny, Anwar can always can always trigger no confidence vote and Pak Lah will be history..And Najib ?? He is still not sure whether he want to become PM/President of UMNO...Sorry folks, we are putting UMNO's future in the wrong hands....Can a real anak jantan in UMNO stand up please ??
Read this: Najib: Saya Bukan Penakut..
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Konspirasi Pak Lah-Anwar-Raja Petra ?
Raja Petra talk cock again..You can see his writing nowadays very much in tune with Anwar. Well, after 4 years blogging with no pay, maybe it is payout time..
I wan to ask this Raja Petra/Anwar, why all your energy now concentrated on Najib ? Why suddenly a kangaroo court is setup to put Najib in the dock, with Anwar as the prosecutor andRaja Petra as the judge ?? Why suddenly everything is diverted from Pak Lah's wrongdoing (Scomi, Libra, Jamabatan Bengkok, Oil For Food, KJ, Singapore stooge etc.) into Najib, yet they cannot produce an iota of evidence to prove thier allegation.
Najib may not be the most perfect man, but I think he is more than capable than Abdullah and Anwar combined, and if he can unite UMNO and strenghten BN, why not we should support him..but this is what Raja Petra and Anwar fear most, a united UMNO and strong BN..which will make themselves irrelevant...They keep barking on Altantuya, Sukhoi etc, but I say, prove it or else both of you are just plain liar which should be thrown into the lake. Come on lah I am just tired of all this cheap rhetoric...just like this Pak Lah who overnight brought Malaysia 20 years back by trying to be nice guy to setup a Judicial Appointment Council...What's next ??Apology to Lim Kit Siang/Karpal for Operasi Lallang ? Then apology to Anwar and reinstate him back as the DPM ?? I say..Pak Lah, go and join Pakatan, Keadilan or whatever, we do not want you anymore in UMNO...And to me I am ready for UMNO to be the opposition, if that is what people or even Malay (who almost all has benefit from UMNO fought policies like NEP) want to see. Because to me, your "idealism" shall be more important than the "power" you hold or aspire..
Raja Petra Kamarudin
You may love him, or you may hate him, but one thing you can’t do is dismiss him as a spent force. We are talking, of course, about ‘Minister Tormentor’ Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad Yes, the Singapore Prime Minister has his Minister Mentor. The Malaysian Prime Minister, in turn, has his Minister Tormentor. And what a torment it has been for Abdullah Ahmad Badawi these last two years since Mahathir launched his attack in the middle of 2006.Mahathir lives by certain philosophies, if I may be permitted to call them that. One is that it is not easy to bring down a Prime Minister, never mind how unpopular he may be. Mahathir is of course talking from his 22 years experience where many an attempt to bring him down have all resulted in disastrous failures. Second is that the Umno President can’t be brought down from the outside. It must be done from inside the party. But for this to happen the party must first become absolutely disgusted with its President or at the very least it must be reduced to a state of total panic. This can only be achieved if the party suffers a disastrous defeat in the general elections.There are other ways of getting rid of the Prime Minister no doubt -- such as he loses his seat in the election. But this is almost impossible to achieve because it is not that easy to unseat an incumbent Prime Minister in his home base. Even Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail could not be brought down. Neither could Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah when he was in the opposition. The recent defeat of some of the Presidents of the Barisan Nasional component members can be regarded as a ‘flash in the pan’ -- which most certainly can’t be repeated unless a second political Tsunami was to hit Malaysia’s shores some time in the future.One of these options presented itself on 8 March 2008 when Barisan Nasional was given a licking in the 12th General Election. Not only did five-plus-one states fall to the opposition -- together with the loss of the ruling coalition’s two-thirds majority in Parliament -- but one of these five states is Abdullah’s home base of Penang. Never before in Malaysian history has a Prime Minister’s home state fallen to the opposition. This is almost as good as the Prime Minister losing his seat. This may not have been first prize but it was definitely as close to first prize as it could get.And with that, the groundwork was laid for the final push to oust Abdullah from his perch.But Abdullah will not go. As Mahathir himself said in 1987, even if he wins by just one vote he will not resign. One vote is still a win, argued Mahathir, and that is the same argument Abdullah is using in justifying his determination to hold on to power.The battle-lines are now drawn. It will be a fight to the finish. Team A and Team B has again emerged in Umno, but with a new twist. This time around, however, there is also a Team C led by Tengku Razaleigh. Yes, every ten years there appears to be a split in Umno --1988, 1998, and now 2008. It is unavoidable. Umno must go through this ten-year cycle. It has been ‘written’. And this year they are due for another massive shake-up whether they would like one or not.Make no mistake about it. As much as many may think Abdullah is lembab, he is actually no pushover. He will not leave unless thrown out. That would be the only way to get rid of him. And this is exactly what they are trying to do if they can’t convince him that it is time to go into retirement.Abdullah knows that his Deputy, Najib Tun Razak, is secretly working against him. In a meeting last week, Abdullah whispered into Najib’s ear, “You ni tak sabar nak jadi PM ke?” You should have seen Najib’s face turn pale. He never saw that one coming. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat while searching for the right words with which to respond. But his mind went totally blank. If he had prepared himself for this he could probably have come up with a convincing response. In this instance it is better to say nothing rather than say something that would just thrust the knife deeper.Abdullah then officially announced that Najib is going to be his successor. This was Abdullah’s message to Malaysia that if he is pushed out then his Deputy will be taking over. This would leave Umno with a most unattractive option. It is either me or Najib. Take your pick. Presented with that option maybe it would be better to just maintain status quo. Sending Abdullah into retirement just to see Najib taking over is not really an improvement to the current situation. So better they ease up on Abdullah then push him to the wall, which would only allow an opening for Najib to get in.The story being presented to Umno is that Najib is Mahathir’s proxy. If Abdullah is forced out it will not really be Najib who will be taking over. Najib will set up a Presidential Council with Mahathir as the head and one-time Daim Zainuddin as the behind-the-scenes advisor. Abdullah is hoping that their fear of Mahathir and Daim making a comeback through the backdoor will override their zeal of forcing him to retire.Abdullah’s boys are also preparing to leak information about a very valuable piece of MINDEF land along Jalan Ampang that has been quietly privatised. This multi-billion deal is bigger than the Scorpeone and Sukhoi deals combined. Once this ‘secret’ becomes public knowledge, Najib, yet again, will be in the dock and will be subjected to a ‘trial’ in the court of public opinion.Mahathir has been loyally backing Najib since he handed power to Abdullah in November 2003. But the Grand Old Man of Malaysian politics is finding it more and more difficult to prop up his kuda who is being weighed down by just too much baggage. This excess baggage is not only sinking Najib but also all those associated with him. Mahathir is beginning to wonder whether Najib is the right kuda after all.Mukhriz has jumped into the fray and has asked Abdullah to make way for Najib. Yes, it is no longer just about asking Abdullah to resign but also about Najib taking over. Initially it was just Team A and Team B. But now that Tengku Razaleigh has been dumped he has to work all alone in his own Team C.Abdullah’s Team A appears to be losing its supporters. All it has to show are recycled warlords like Muhammad son of Muhammad and Isa Samad, both very badly tainted politicians. Najib’s Team B has Mahathir, Daim, Mukhriz, Ali Rustam, Shahidan, Ghani, Khir Toyo and many more. Abdullah is outgunned and outmanned by the Team B forces. Tengku Razaleigh, the Dark Horse that may end up as the White Knight, is working all alone with just the principle and ideal of reform as his running mate.Anwar Ibrahim, in the meantime, is sitting on the sidelines, very amused with the spectacle of Umno setting itself on self-destruct mode. He is not in a hurry. He needs not be in a hurry. Time is certainly on his side and the longer he waits the more time Umno will have to destroy itself.Abdullah must be brought down in 100 days. If by July he is still in office, then it would become harder to get rid of him. Over the next two months many road-shows are being planned by Anwar, Mahathir and Abdullah. Najib needs not do the same. He can just stand aside and allow these three giants to clash, and then walk in and pick up the pieces. At least this is what Najib thinks. But then Najib does not know what Anwar is up to which may yet throw a spanner in the works and which will see Abdullah stay on as Prime Minister right until the 13th General Election due around five years or so from now.
I wan to ask this Raja Petra/Anwar, why all your energy now concentrated on Najib ? Why suddenly a kangaroo court is setup to put Najib in the dock, with Anwar as the prosecutor andRaja Petra as the judge ?? Why suddenly everything is diverted from Pak Lah's wrongdoing (Scomi, Libra, Jamabatan Bengkok, Oil For Food, KJ, Singapore stooge etc.) into Najib, yet they cannot produce an iota of evidence to prove thier allegation.
Najib may not be the most perfect man, but I think he is more than capable than Abdullah and Anwar combined, and if he can unite UMNO and strenghten BN, why not we should support him..but this is what Raja Petra and Anwar fear most, a united UMNO and strong BN..which will make themselves irrelevant...They keep barking on Altantuya, Sukhoi etc, but I say, prove it or else both of you are just plain liar which should be thrown into the lake. Come on lah I am just tired of all this cheap rhetoric...just like this Pak Lah who overnight brought Malaysia 20 years back by trying to be nice guy to setup a Judicial Appointment Council...What's next ??Apology to Lim Kit Siang/Karpal for Operasi Lallang ? Then apology to Anwar and reinstate him back as the DPM ?? I say..Pak Lah, go and join Pakatan, Keadilan or whatever, we do not want you anymore in UMNO...And to me I am ready for UMNO to be the opposition, if that is what people or even Malay (who almost all has benefit from UMNO fought policies like NEP) want to see. Because to me, your "idealism" shall be more important than the "power" you hold or aspire..
Raja Petra Kamarudin
You may love him, or you may hate him, but one thing you can’t do is dismiss him as a spent force. We are talking, of course, about ‘Minister Tormentor’ Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad Yes, the Singapore Prime Minister has his Minister Mentor. The Malaysian Prime Minister, in turn, has his Minister Tormentor. And what a torment it has been for Abdullah Ahmad Badawi these last two years since Mahathir launched his attack in the middle of 2006.Mahathir lives by certain philosophies, if I may be permitted to call them that. One is that it is not easy to bring down a Prime Minister, never mind how unpopular he may be. Mahathir is of course talking from his 22 years experience where many an attempt to bring him down have all resulted in disastrous failures. Second is that the Umno President can’t be brought down from the outside. It must be done from inside the party. But for this to happen the party must first become absolutely disgusted with its President or at the very least it must be reduced to a state of total panic. This can only be achieved if the party suffers a disastrous defeat in the general elections.There are other ways of getting rid of the Prime Minister no doubt -- such as he loses his seat in the election. But this is almost impossible to achieve because it is not that easy to unseat an incumbent Prime Minister in his home base. Even Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail could not be brought down. Neither could Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah when he was in the opposition. The recent defeat of some of the Presidents of the Barisan Nasional component members can be regarded as a ‘flash in the pan’ -- which most certainly can’t be repeated unless a second political Tsunami was to hit Malaysia’s shores some time in the future.One of these options presented itself on 8 March 2008 when Barisan Nasional was given a licking in the 12th General Election. Not only did five-plus-one states fall to the opposition -- together with the loss of the ruling coalition’s two-thirds majority in Parliament -- but one of these five states is Abdullah’s home base of Penang. Never before in Malaysian history has a Prime Minister’s home state fallen to the opposition. This is almost as good as the Prime Minister losing his seat. This may not have been first prize but it was definitely as close to first prize as it could get.And with that, the groundwork was laid for the final push to oust Abdullah from his perch.But Abdullah will not go. As Mahathir himself said in 1987, even if he wins by just one vote he will not resign. One vote is still a win, argued Mahathir, and that is the same argument Abdullah is using in justifying his determination to hold on to power.The battle-lines are now drawn. It will be a fight to the finish. Team A and Team B has again emerged in Umno, but with a new twist. This time around, however, there is also a Team C led by Tengku Razaleigh. Yes, every ten years there appears to be a split in Umno --1988, 1998, and now 2008. It is unavoidable. Umno must go through this ten-year cycle. It has been ‘written’. And this year they are due for another massive shake-up whether they would like one or not.Make no mistake about it. As much as many may think Abdullah is lembab, he is actually no pushover. He will not leave unless thrown out. That would be the only way to get rid of him. And this is exactly what they are trying to do if they can’t convince him that it is time to go into retirement.Abdullah knows that his Deputy, Najib Tun Razak, is secretly working against him. In a meeting last week, Abdullah whispered into Najib’s ear, “You ni tak sabar nak jadi PM ke?” You should have seen Najib’s face turn pale. He never saw that one coming. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat while searching for the right words with which to respond. But his mind went totally blank. If he had prepared himself for this he could probably have come up with a convincing response. In this instance it is better to say nothing rather than say something that would just thrust the knife deeper.Abdullah then officially announced that Najib is going to be his successor. This was Abdullah’s message to Malaysia that if he is pushed out then his Deputy will be taking over. This would leave Umno with a most unattractive option. It is either me or Najib. Take your pick. Presented with that option maybe it would be better to just maintain status quo. Sending Abdullah into retirement just to see Najib taking over is not really an improvement to the current situation. So better they ease up on Abdullah then push him to the wall, which would only allow an opening for Najib to get in.The story being presented to Umno is that Najib is Mahathir’s proxy. If Abdullah is forced out it will not really be Najib who will be taking over. Najib will set up a Presidential Council with Mahathir as the head and one-time Daim Zainuddin as the behind-the-scenes advisor. Abdullah is hoping that their fear of Mahathir and Daim making a comeback through the backdoor will override their zeal of forcing him to retire.Abdullah’s boys are also preparing to leak information about a very valuable piece of MINDEF land along Jalan Ampang that has been quietly privatised. This multi-billion deal is bigger than the Scorpeone and Sukhoi deals combined. Once this ‘secret’ becomes public knowledge, Najib, yet again, will be in the dock and will be subjected to a ‘trial’ in the court of public opinion.Mahathir has been loyally backing Najib since he handed power to Abdullah in November 2003. But the Grand Old Man of Malaysian politics is finding it more and more difficult to prop up his kuda who is being weighed down by just too much baggage. This excess baggage is not only sinking Najib but also all those associated with him. Mahathir is beginning to wonder whether Najib is the right kuda after all.Mukhriz has jumped into the fray and has asked Abdullah to make way for Najib. Yes, it is no longer just about asking Abdullah to resign but also about Najib taking over. Initially it was just Team A and Team B. But now that Tengku Razaleigh has been dumped he has to work all alone in his own Team C.Abdullah’s Team A appears to be losing its supporters. All it has to show are recycled warlords like Muhammad son of Muhammad and Isa Samad, both very badly tainted politicians. Najib’s Team B has Mahathir, Daim, Mukhriz, Ali Rustam, Shahidan, Ghani, Khir Toyo and many more. Abdullah is outgunned and outmanned by the Team B forces. Tengku Razaleigh, the Dark Horse that may end up as the White Knight, is working all alone with just the principle and ideal of reform as his running mate.Anwar Ibrahim, in the meantime, is sitting on the sidelines, very amused with the spectacle of Umno setting itself on self-destruct mode. He is not in a hurry. He needs not be in a hurry. Time is certainly on his side and the longer he waits the more time Umno will have to destroy itself.Abdullah must be brought down in 100 days. If by July he is still in office, then it would become harder to get rid of him. Over the next two months many road-shows are being planned by Anwar, Mahathir and Abdullah. Najib needs not do the same. He can just stand aside and allow these three giants to clash, and then walk in and pick up the pieces. At least this is what Najib thinks. But then Najib does not know what Anwar is up to which may yet throw a spanner in the works and which will see Abdullah stay on as Prime Minister right until the 13th General Election due around five years or so from now.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Anwar the Western Stooge ? A Damning Analysis
If you people still have doubt whether Anwar is a Wetern stooge..please read this..I am sure Chinese and Indian will never give two hoots about this..they might as well want George Bush be the PM of Malaysia better for them...but especially to Malays..please be alert and careful before you trust the future of Malaysia and our anak cucu to this Anwar..He will sell everything lock stock barrel to the West...
If Anwar is not ''PM of Israel'', What Then?
It is not the first excuse Anwar Ibrahim used to justify his attack on Dr Mahathir. He had used Dr Mahathir's remark on his ex-convict status and many other remark.
When listening to Anwar's entertaining speech, be analytical and extra critical to his logic of arguments and conclusions. It's usually doubt-creating logic appealing to the simpleton masses and not supported by hard evidence and fact. Evidence and fact he presents are usually heresay or circumstantial or half complete information. If documents or evidences are demanded, his reply is to request for the appropriate time for release or use excuse like Justice Augustine Paul's refusal of his "irrelevent" evidences.
Anwar was angered by Dr Mahathir's snipe labeling of himself as PM of Israel. Fine, but why would an Israeli newspaper be able to predict him as the next PM of Malaysia, before any other newspaper in the world? Could he be an ally or of interest to Israel to receive such compliments from it's mainstream newspaper?
Naturally he denied and even added an interesting twist to claim he would never pay a bloody sen to a Jew. (Notice his remark did not cause uproar in the international media.) He claim Dr Mahathir paid a Jewish lobbyist Abrahamovich to arrange meeting with President George Bush.
Good counter attack, but that was not money from the Government but arrange by some private entity. Realistically, during the heyday of the American supported Reformasi movement (remember Al Gore's remark in Kuala Lumpur), it was of urgency to meet and convince the new American President, George Bush. For the sake of the country, if we need to use a Jew to get to the President to tide things down, than use it! Why not?
Anwar may not be involved with the Jew directly but lets not be naive to not know to whose interest are the neo-cons working for. Who is not aware of Anwar's close friendship with Paul Wolfowitz, a major neo-con figure?
Anwar did deny such links. Pleaseee ... he fumbled in the BBC Hardtalk interview big time. Too much inconsistency.
Read More....
If Anwar is not ''PM of Israel'', What Then?
It is not the first excuse Anwar Ibrahim used to justify his attack on Dr Mahathir. He had used Dr Mahathir's remark on his ex-convict status and many other remark.
When listening to Anwar's entertaining speech, be analytical and extra critical to his logic of arguments and conclusions. It's usually doubt-creating logic appealing to the simpleton masses and not supported by hard evidence and fact. Evidence and fact he presents are usually heresay or circumstantial or half complete information. If documents or evidences are demanded, his reply is to request for the appropriate time for release or use excuse like Justice Augustine Paul's refusal of his "irrelevent" evidences.
Anwar was angered by Dr Mahathir's snipe labeling of himself as PM of Israel. Fine, but why would an Israeli newspaper be able to predict him as the next PM of Malaysia, before any other newspaper in the world? Could he be an ally or of interest to Israel to receive such compliments from it's mainstream newspaper?
Naturally he denied and even added an interesting twist to claim he would never pay a bloody sen to a Jew. (Notice his remark did not cause uproar in the international media.) He claim Dr Mahathir paid a Jewish lobbyist Abrahamovich to arrange meeting with President George Bush.
Good counter attack, but that was not money from the Government but arrange by some private entity. Realistically, during the heyday of the American supported Reformasi movement (remember Al Gore's remark in Kuala Lumpur), it was of urgency to meet and convince the new American President, George Bush. For the sake of the country, if we need to use a Jew to get to the President to tide things down, than use it! Why not?
Anwar may not be involved with the Jew directly but lets not be naive to not know to whose interest are the neo-cons working for. Who is not aware of Anwar's close friendship with Paul Wolfowitz, a major neo-con figure?
Anwar did deny such links. Pleaseee ... he fumbled in the BBC Hardtalk interview big time. Too much inconsistency.
Read More....
Thursday, April 17, 2008
The Star Tanam Saham ??
Look like The Star has already tanam saham with Pakatan Rakyat (or Pakatan Rapuh, more appropriate)...Not sure who is this Azmi Shahrom..but certainly this guy is talking from his asss!!
Rememeber when Raja Abdullah signed Pangkor Treaty, did he know that he will only be left with his underwear 5 years later and Perak to be colonised by British who will later import the Chinese coolies into tin mine and leave the Govt of Malaysia with the problem that it cannot solve until today?? The same also with Sultan Kedah (Penang) and Raja Husin (Singapore)....It's a small step for the non-Malays but certainly it is the big one in denying the implementation of Malay right (implementation..not just special right)..in return for their grandfather getting the citizenship...And by all the comments we can see in MT and other blogs..their grand childeren hardly deserve the Malaysian citizenship...
Under threat? What threat?
Since the recent general election, voices have risen up in a shrill warning cry that the Malays are now ‘under threat’. But perhaps the real threat is the threat to Umno hegemony.
AND so it begins. Race-based rhetoric has raised its ugly little head in response to a democratic process. Over 49% of the people of Malaysia have voted for parties that have rejected race-based affirmative action in favour of a needs-based platform.
It did not take very long for voices, both common and royal, to rise up in a shrill warning cry that the Malays are now “under threat”.
“Under threat” from what, may I ask? Let’s take a bit of time to look at this so-called “threat”. Firstly, Malays are given special protection under Article 153 of the Constitution.
Article 153 is titled “Reservation of quotas in respect of services, permits, etc, for Malays and natives of any of the States of Sabah and Sarawak”. Article 152 states that Malay is the National Language. The Supreme Head of the Federation, according to Article 32, is the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, a Malay ruler.
Rememeber when Raja Abdullah signed Pangkor Treaty, did he know that he will only be left with his underwear 5 years later and Perak to be colonised by British who will later import the Chinese coolies into tin mine and leave the Govt of Malaysia with the problem that it cannot solve until today?? The same also with Sultan Kedah (Penang) and Raja Husin (Singapore)....It's a small step for the non-Malays but certainly it is the big one in denying the implementation of Malay right (implementation..not just special right)..in return for their grandfather getting the citizenship...And by all the comments we can see in MT and other blogs..their grand childeren hardly deserve the Malaysian citizenship...
Under threat? What threat?
Since the recent general election, voices have risen up in a shrill warning cry that the Malays are now ‘under threat’. But perhaps the real threat is the threat to Umno hegemony.
AND so it begins. Race-based rhetoric has raised its ugly little head in response to a democratic process. Over 49% of the people of Malaysia have voted for parties that have rejected race-based affirmative action in favour of a needs-based platform.
It did not take very long for voices, both common and royal, to rise up in a shrill warning cry that the Malays are now “under threat”.
“Under threat” from what, may I ask? Let’s take a bit of time to look at this so-called “threat”. Firstly, Malays are given special protection under Article 153 of the Constitution.
Article 153 is titled “Reservation of quotas in respect of services, permits, etc, for Malays and natives of any of the States of Sabah and Sarawak”. Article 152 states that Malay is the National Language. The Supreme Head of the Federation, according to Article 32, is the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, a Malay ruler.
Scotch or Jack Daniel
This Raja Petra still do not get it. Yes the seat of Malays increased but what's the point if 3 or 4 different parties holding it ? Malays will only be strong if they are united as the demographic is quite unique, Malays is only less than 60%, Chinese 30% and Indian 10%, so if Malays are divided into 3 equally strong group that give 33% each, Chinese and Indian combined will force a Chinese to be the Prime Minister. In fact that nearly happened in Perak, but thank God for BN far sighted vision, the constitution only allow a Malay MB.
Yes, some people may argue that Malay right is already enshrined in the Constitution, but then again if we have Chinese as the PM, do you think he will implement that ??The most he will say that I am elected by majority and I must implement majority wish which is to open more Chinese schools and more pig farms ...
Raja Petra...did you have Scotch or Jack Daniel before you wrote this article...
Is Umno exploding or imploding?
Posted by Raja Petra
Thursday, 17 April 2008
So how can Umno say that the political power of the Malays eroded on 8 March 2008? It actually increased. Never mind it increased by one only Malay Member of Parliament. The important point is the Malays are not losing political power.THE CORRIDORS OF POWERRaja Petra Kamarudin
Yesterday, Muhammad son of Muhammad chaired an Umno Selangor meeting to discuss the party’s disastrous loss of the state to the opposition Pakatan Rakyat. Someone from Umno PJ Utara stood up to speak and said that Umno’s disastrous performance is because of Raja Petra Kamarudin. The speaker from the Umno division aligned to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad then suggested that the government arrest the man behind Malaysia Today.I am honoured the all-powerful Umno would think that a puny website like Malaysia Today can actually demolish the hegemony the ruling party has held over this country since two years before Merdeka, save maybe for a brief period that is now infamously known as the May 1969 era. But the honour I am feeling is overshadowed by the hard on I am enjoying in knowing that Umno still does not get it. Umno has still not awoken to the realisation that it was people’s power, Makhal Sakhti, which caused the political Tsunami on 8 March 2008. It was not about Malaysia Today. It was about the people finally rising up in anger and screaming ‘enough is enough’. That was what hit Umno and Barisan Nasional.I would like to say just one thing to Muhammad son of Muhammad. Come get me. Go make your police report if you feel this will solve Umno’s problems. Then come and get me if you think this will help Umno win back the people’s support. But you are barking up the wrong tree. And if you still don’t wake up, the second Tsunami will hit Umno, resulting in the nails being hammered into the coffin. Yes, Umno is now lying in a coffin. And it will be Umno itself that will be nailing the lid on the coffin. And Malaysia Today will be very happy to provide the hammer to help hammer down these nails. Hell, Malaysia Today’s readers will even pay for the coffin if you wish, Muhammad son of Muhammad. Just send me the bill. Malaysia Today will help raise enough money to pay for a gold-laced coffin.
Yes, some people may argue that Malay right is already enshrined in the Constitution, but then again if we have Chinese as the PM, do you think he will implement that ??The most he will say that I am elected by majority and I must implement majority wish which is to open more Chinese schools and more pig farms ...
Raja Petra...did you have Scotch or Jack Daniel before you wrote this article...
Is Umno exploding or imploding?
Posted by Raja Petra
Thursday, 17 April 2008
So how can Umno say that the political power of the Malays eroded on 8 March 2008? It actually increased. Never mind it increased by one only Malay Member of Parliament. The important point is the Malays are not losing political power.THE CORRIDORS OF POWERRaja Petra Kamarudin
Yesterday, Muhammad son of Muhammad chaired an Umno Selangor meeting to discuss the party’s disastrous loss of the state to the opposition Pakatan Rakyat. Someone from Umno PJ Utara stood up to speak and said that Umno’s disastrous performance is because of Raja Petra Kamarudin. The speaker from the Umno division aligned to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad then suggested that the government arrest the man behind Malaysia Today.I am honoured the all-powerful Umno would think that a puny website like Malaysia Today can actually demolish the hegemony the ruling party has held over this country since two years before Merdeka, save maybe for a brief period that is now infamously known as the May 1969 era. But the honour I am feeling is overshadowed by the hard on I am enjoying in knowing that Umno still does not get it. Umno has still not awoken to the realisation that it was people’s power, Makhal Sakhti, which caused the political Tsunami on 8 March 2008. It was not about Malaysia Today. It was about the people finally rising up in anger and screaming ‘enough is enough’. That was what hit Umno and Barisan Nasional.I would like to say just one thing to Muhammad son of Muhammad. Come get me. Go make your police report if you feel this will solve Umno’s problems. Then come and get me if you think this will help Umno win back the people’s support. But you are barking up the wrong tree. And if you still don’t wake up, the second Tsunami will hit Umno, resulting in the nails being hammered into the coffin. Yes, Umno is now lying in a coffin. And it will be Umno itself that will be nailing the lid on the coffin. And Malaysia Today will be very happy to provide the hammer to help hammer down these nails. Hell, Malaysia Today’s readers will even pay for the coffin if you wish, Muhammad son of Muhammad. Just send me the bill. Malaysia Today will help raise enough money to pay for a gold-laced coffin.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
A well written reply fromTun Dr Mahathir to Param
Any Malaysian will agree with me that it is the nature of "Keling" to create a fuss out of nothing..and there is a saying in Malay"If you bump into cobra and a Keling, make sure you kill the Keling first"...well I think this Param fit perfectly into that category..
Read on for a "straigh to the point" and well written reply by Tun Dr Mahathir...A true nationalist that Malaysians are treating very rudely nowadays...
Why Dr M did not defend himself
(The Sun) - DATUK Param Cumaraswamy works on the basis of suspicions and his own perception of everything and everyone. Tangible evidence is not necessary.
As I said (Speak Up, April 8), former Anti-Corruption Agency director-general Datuk Shafee Yahya’s statement was merely his version of what was said at a meeting between him and me. He may swear but that still does not prove he was telling the whole truth.
I could have sued him for libel but I too can only submit my sworn version of the verbal exchange between him and me. The judges would have to determine who was telling a lie and this the judges could not do with any certainty.
Consequently, I did not think it was worthwhile for me to sue or even to defend myself. If I had done anything wrong, the government agencies would have to investigate and decide.
Their decision was that I had done nothing wrong.
I had every right to call up an officer against whom allegations had been made by another officer. I suppose Param as a lawyer knows that a person is not guilty until proven otherwise.
The Economic Planning Unit (EPU) head had not been proven guilty. So why cannot he be appointed governor of the central bank?
Today, there are lots of cases of suspicions of corruption and abuse of power in the government. But Param has not made any critical comment, much less take up the cases or even write and make known his suspicions and demand for a commission of inquiry.
As to the videotaping of (Datuk) V.K. Lingam, one should ask why this was done. Isn’t it because of the intention to blackmail?
Incidentally, he is my lawyer in a case where (Datuk Seri) Anwar Ibrahim (the same person who provided the videos) had sued me for RM100 million because I said he had indulged in sodomy.
It should be pointed out that in releasing the video in two parts, Anwar was tampering with evidence. And he claims he has more video clips to release. The video clips are obviously being withheld and their value as evidence is questionable.
I had already explained to the (Royal) Commission that there is nothing in the law to bar me from listening to anybody’s view of a candidate for the bench.
But who I recommend is my own decision. Lingam may have influenced judges, etc; but that did not mean I made a decision based on his views. The real truth is that I had never been lobbied by Lingam.
Param seems ever ready to denigrate anyone who did not do what he expects them to do. Thus, because the late attorney-general Tan Sri Mohtar Abdullah cleared then chief justice Eusoff Chin of any wrongdoing, therefore Mohtar’s decision that there was no case against me must also be in the same category.
In fact, he condemned Mohtar’s decision during my era, implying that I had been responsible for all of Mohtar’s decisions. What is his proof that all of Mohtar’s decisions were influenced by me? Again his apparent reason is because of his suspicion and his contempt for anyone who did not decide the way he expects.
I just wonder how he was appointed by the United Nations to be the rapporteur on the commission looking into the independence of the judiciary and lawyers. He already had a biased opinion of them as evidenced by his statement in his letter about “Malaysia’s internationally discredited judiciary and legal system”.
His report on them cannot be regarded as impartial.
As far as his immunity to Malaysian laws is concerned, the ratification by Malaysia of the Convention on Privileges cannot possibly cover personal attacks against private individuals.
Otherwise people on the UN commissions can do anything they like, including, as I mentioned, murder. When immunity is granted, it is expected that the person concerned would behave with propriety and would not abuse it. The report should be submitted to the UN authorities.
It must not be made use of by the author to score against helpless individuals. That would be abusing the immunity conferred. It is contemptible.
In any case, the UN imposes its rule on only weak countries that cannot defend themselves. Powerful countries can totally disregard the UN, hence Guantanamo Bay.
No Malaysian court, according to Param, found his statements libellous. But then all these courts, according to Param, are internationally discredited.
Their not finding Param’s statements libellous should be rejected especially by Param, because it would be made by discredited courts. Why is Param citing these courts’ decisions to back his claim?
Had I volunteered to appear in court to clear my reputation, I would be at the mercy of these internationally-discredited courts also. If they did not find me guilty, then Param would say the court is a discredited court.
This of course would be considered by him as irrefutable evidence that my sworn testimony was wrong. You are damned if you do and you are damned if you don’t.
In any case, he insists that the statements of these three high officials of our enforcement agencies (The AG, the head of the ACA and the police) are very unsettling. This is a nice way of saying he believes they are lying.
These officials are not saying this in my or Eusoff Chin’s era. How does he conclude they are lying? Would he appear in court to say these officials are lying in the era of Datuk Seri Abdullah?
Param has gone through great lengths to assert that I had abused and consolidated power when I was prime minister. He has not shown a shred of admissible evidence to show that I had done this. Only surmises and personal opinion. Do you convict people based on these?
Still I would be happy to face a Royal Commission of Inquiry. The only problem is that Param has already concluded that they would not have integrity. Only if he himself makes up a one-man commission would the result be acceptable to him.
That is the kind of judicial approach he apparently believes in.
I hate to think that the world might take this bitter man and his personal hatred as typical of Malaysians. We have better people who are representative of the Malaysian character.
Dr Mahathir Mohamad
Read on for a "straigh to the point" and well written reply by Tun Dr Mahathir...A true nationalist that Malaysians are treating very rudely nowadays...
Why Dr M did not defend himself
(The Sun) - DATUK Param Cumaraswamy works on the basis of suspicions and his own perception of everything and everyone. Tangible evidence is not necessary.
As I said (Speak Up, April 8), former Anti-Corruption Agency director-general Datuk Shafee Yahya’s statement was merely his version of what was said at a meeting between him and me. He may swear but that still does not prove he was telling the whole truth.
I could have sued him for libel but I too can only submit my sworn version of the verbal exchange between him and me. The judges would have to determine who was telling a lie and this the judges could not do with any certainty.
Consequently, I did not think it was worthwhile for me to sue or even to defend myself. If I had done anything wrong, the government agencies would have to investigate and decide.
Their decision was that I had done nothing wrong.
I had every right to call up an officer against whom allegations had been made by another officer. I suppose Param as a lawyer knows that a person is not guilty until proven otherwise.
The Economic Planning Unit (EPU) head had not been proven guilty. So why cannot he be appointed governor of the central bank?
Today, there are lots of cases of suspicions of corruption and abuse of power in the government. But Param has not made any critical comment, much less take up the cases or even write and make known his suspicions and demand for a commission of inquiry.
As to the videotaping of (Datuk) V.K. Lingam, one should ask why this was done. Isn’t it because of the intention to blackmail?
Incidentally, he is my lawyer in a case where (Datuk Seri) Anwar Ibrahim (the same person who provided the videos) had sued me for RM100 million because I said he had indulged in sodomy.
It should be pointed out that in releasing the video in two parts, Anwar was tampering with evidence. And he claims he has more video clips to release. The video clips are obviously being withheld and their value as evidence is questionable.
I had already explained to the (Royal) Commission that there is nothing in the law to bar me from listening to anybody’s view of a candidate for the bench.
But who I recommend is my own decision. Lingam may have influenced judges, etc; but that did not mean I made a decision based on his views. The real truth is that I had never been lobbied by Lingam.
Param seems ever ready to denigrate anyone who did not do what he expects them to do. Thus, because the late attorney-general Tan Sri Mohtar Abdullah cleared then chief justice Eusoff Chin of any wrongdoing, therefore Mohtar’s decision that there was no case against me must also be in the same category.
In fact, he condemned Mohtar’s decision during my era, implying that I had been responsible for all of Mohtar’s decisions. What is his proof that all of Mohtar’s decisions were influenced by me? Again his apparent reason is because of his suspicion and his contempt for anyone who did not decide the way he expects.
I just wonder how he was appointed by the United Nations to be the rapporteur on the commission looking into the independence of the judiciary and lawyers. He already had a biased opinion of them as evidenced by his statement in his letter about “Malaysia’s internationally discredited judiciary and legal system”.
His report on them cannot be regarded as impartial.
As far as his immunity to Malaysian laws is concerned, the ratification by Malaysia of the Convention on Privileges cannot possibly cover personal attacks against private individuals.
Otherwise people on the UN commissions can do anything they like, including, as I mentioned, murder. When immunity is granted, it is expected that the person concerned would behave with propriety and would not abuse it. The report should be submitted to the UN authorities.
It must not be made use of by the author to score against helpless individuals. That would be abusing the immunity conferred. It is contemptible.
In any case, the UN imposes its rule on only weak countries that cannot defend themselves. Powerful countries can totally disregard the UN, hence Guantanamo Bay.
No Malaysian court, according to Param, found his statements libellous. But then all these courts, according to Param, are internationally discredited.
Their not finding Param’s statements libellous should be rejected especially by Param, because it would be made by discredited courts. Why is Param citing these courts’ decisions to back his claim?
Had I volunteered to appear in court to clear my reputation, I would be at the mercy of these internationally-discredited courts also. If they did not find me guilty, then Param would say the court is a discredited court.
This of course would be considered by him as irrefutable evidence that my sworn testimony was wrong. You are damned if you do and you are damned if you don’t.
In any case, he insists that the statements of these three high officials of our enforcement agencies (The AG, the head of the ACA and the police) are very unsettling. This is a nice way of saying he believes they are lying.
These officials are not saying this in my or Eusoff Chin’s era. How does he conclude they are lying? Would he appear in court to say these officials are lying in the era of Datuk Seri Abdullah?
Param has gone through great lengths to assert that I had abused and consolidated power when I was prime minister. He has not shown a shred of admissible evidence to show that I had done this. Only surmises and personal opinion. Do you convict people based on these?
Still I would be happy to face a Royal Commission of Inquiry. The only problem is that Param has already concluded that they would not have integrity. Only if he himself makes up a one-man commission would the result be acceptable to him.
That is the kind of judicial approach he apparently believes in.
I hate to think that the world might take this bitter man and his personal hatred as typical of Malaysians. We have better people who are representative of the Malaysian character.
Dr Mahathir Mohamad
Why I think Raja Petra is already "bought"
For those who still do not believe me, please Raja Petra latest posting...Why suddenly he is asking for Abdullah to remain as the PM or make way for Anwar...Isn't is just blatantly obvious that Abdullah and Anwar has agreed on certain conspiracy...and with people like Raja Petra bought over...what future do we have for Malaysia...The day Anwar become PM is the beginning of doomsday for Malaysia..Mark My word for that...!!..Boleh Blah lah Raja Petra...Anak Raja Celup..!!
Let the heads roll
Posted by Raja Petra
Wednesday, 16 April 2008
Therefore, the Pengarah Pilihanraya’s head has to be the first head that rolls, followed by the head of the Umno Youth Leader, and then if Umno is still thirsty for blood they can go for the head of the Prime Minister.THE CORRIDORS OF POWERRaja Petra Kamarudin
Anwar may not be Malaysia's political messiahHelen Ting, April 15, 2008With the expiry of a five-year ban, former Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim today regains his freedom to contest a Malaysian general election and internal party election.Anwar's political comeback is as stunning as his spectacular fall from power following his 1998 fallout with then boss, Prime Minister Dr Mahathir.The general elections, in which the ruling National Front lost its two-thirds majority in federal parliament and in which the Opposition won control of five state assemblies, have been described as a 'political tsunami'.For the first time ever, Anwar's multiracial party, Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR, or the People's Justice Party) won more parliamentary seats than any other opposition party. As a result, Dr Wan Azizah, Anwar's wife, who was also re-elected, has become the Opposition leader.Commentators have interpreted the results as an endorsement of PKR's electoral pledge to replace decades-old race-based affirmative action with needs-based assistance programs. They argue that racial politics and the battle cry of Malay hegemony have finally been superseded.'The people have voted decisively for a new era where the government must be truly inclusive and recognise that all Malaysians, regardless of race, culture or religion are a nation of one,' an elated Anwar declared the night the electoral results were known.The darling of the foreign press, the charismatic and capable Anwar generally receives positive and enthusiastic coverage. Widely seen as the uncontested Prime-Minister-to-be should the opposition gain control of the Parliament, many Malaysians are ready to give Anwar another chance.But many others harbour lingering doubts. One key concern arises from uncertainty over the extent of Anwar's commitment to multiculturalism.Until the late 1980s, the conversion of a Muslim to another religion could be validated by making a statutory declaration to that effect. More recently, state registrars have refused to recognise such conversions unless validated by the Syariah courts. Recent cases have shown the Syariah Courts are reluctant or refuse to do their job. A Malay convert to Catholicism, Lina Joy, contested this requirement in the civil courts in order to have the religious status recorded on her identity card rectified without going through the Syariah courts.Lina lost her case and, while this came as a disappointment to those who are already alarmed by the continuing erosion of the role of the civil courts as the guarantor of constitutional rights including religious freedom, Anwar declared his agreement with the verdict.Secondly, even though several PKR campaign pamphlets attacked the government's marginalisation of Mandarin and Tamil-medium primary education, the PKR election manifesto contained no measure to rectify the situation. This silence raises doubts as to whether PKR will change the status quo should it win government.Then there was the question of who would become Chief Minister in Perak after the opposition won that state. The Perak constitution stipulates that the state government should be headed by a Malay although this requirement can be waived by the Sultan. In this instance, none of the newly elected state assemblymen of the Democratic Action Party, the Chinese-based opposition party, which gained the most seats, were Malay. Yet, rather than considering the merits of the candidates, Anwar simply objected to having a non-Malay as the Chief Minister, citing the need to protect the Malay position politically and economically.During the election campaign, he also attacked the previous government for raising petrol prices, and declared that he would lower them, once in power. Such a measure would be immensely popular, but to implement it would cost billions of ringgit in petrol subsidies. Is this the policy of a 'far-sighted' leader when this money could be used to finance a long-term solution to the prevailing over-dependence on private cars?Anwar, who plans to return to the parliament in a by-election, has already announced that he is moving towards forming a new federal government with the help of defectors from the ruling coalition. A question arises as to whether such a 'back door' approach to gaining power is fair to voters, who tend to vote for a party rather than individual candidates. Besides, the opposition parties have previously backed an 'anti-hopping law', which would require elected representatives to resign and stand for by-election should they switch political allegiance.It remains to be seen whether they will apply the same standard to themselves if and when they come to power. (http://www.eurekastreet.com.au/article.aspx?aeid=6654 )
Rafidah blasts those pressing for power transferBy Maria J.Dass, April 15, 2008Wanita Umno chief Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz today blasted members who are pushing party president Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to quickly hand over power to his deputy Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak, saying such a practice is unprecedented.“Remember, we are not just changing the (Umno) president, we are changing the prime minister. Other parties can change their president tomorrow, they can tell their president to go today; not Umno," she told reporters after five-hour meeting with Wanita leaders yesterday.“We are talking about the prime minister and this country has never had a prime minister who has been pushed out in our history; always remember that.”She said the transfer of leadership should not be done under pressure, and should be carried out at a time deemed suitable by both Abdullah and Najib. She said the Wanita wing fully supports the current president and the next, indicating neutrality in support."We cannot just force Najib to take over without giving Pak Lah a chance to stabilise the party and fix the situation first. This is not fair. One of them has to be ready to give and the other ready to receive and I’m sure Najib also wants the prime minister to ensure that what is broken now is fixed, and we (Wanita Umno) want this too.”She said if the strong comments and guessing games are allowed to go on, the party will never be stable when this should be the priority now. Rafidah added that party members should stop airing dirty linen in public and should discuss party matters behind closed doors.“It is the opposition and our opponents who are clapping their hand when we air our dirty linen in public."She was obviously referring to the open airing of angst by division leaders in several states, with some calling on Abdullah to hand over power to Najib while others support Abdullah in his decision to stay on until the time is right to transfer power.Rafidah also criticised those who blame others for the poor showing of the Barisan Nasional in the last election. “No one should say I’m free of blame, there should not be no such nonsense as everyone at all levels -- be it president, deputy, exco, supreme council and grassroots -- should not absolve themselves of blame. Only the proportion of the blame is different, but it is not fair to point fingers.”Rafidah said Wanita’s post mortem of the general election results showed the losses were due to internal factors like leadership weakness at all levels up to the grassroots, party policies and opinions not accepted by voters, professionals and Malays themselves, and weaknesses in the implementation of programmes at grassroots level.“For example we found that many voters from the 4th and 5th streams who are the younger voters did not support us and this is something for our Putera and Puteri Umno branches to look into.”The external factors included the weak BN election machinery, the choice of candidates and the role of the opposition, she added. (http://www.sun2surf.com/article.cfm?id=21502 )
You either love him or you hate him. That is how many feel when it comes to Anwar Ibrahim. Then again, you could be feeling both at the same time, which one would then label as a love-hate relationship. I suppose that is better than the fate of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad whom almost everyone loves to hate. Nevertheless, our choice of Prime Minister should not be about whom we love or whom we hate. The job of Prime Minister is a very serious job indeed which should not be entrusted to just someone we love. Sometimes, the one we hate could actually be the best man or woman for the job.Rafidah Aziz has hit the nail on the head with this one. In the euphoria to get Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to resign, some pertinent points appear to have been lost on the Umno guys and gals. As Rafidah very aptly pointed out, the MCA, MIC, Gerakan, PPP, etc., Presidents are the business of the members of their respective parties. The Umno President, however, is the business of all Malaysians as this man will invariably be the Prime Minister of Malaysia. So it concerns all of us. Our future depends on the man holding the reins of power and the wrong man at the helm will spell doom for this country. Therefore, Umno can’t accuse non-Umno members of ‘interfering’ in their internal party matters if they were to ‘participate’ in the process of the party choosing its leader -- at least until Barisan Nasional is kicked out, which means the Umno President will no longer be our Prime Minister.There is currently a move within Umno to punish the culprit who brought about Barisan Nasional’s disastrous performance in the recent general election. The fact is Umno did not really do that badly. It still got 78 Parliament seats, which is a decline of only 32 seats over 2004 and even lesser against the backdrop of the 1999 general election. It was the other parties such as MCA, MIC, Gerakan and PPP that got slaughtered. They were the ones who failed to deliver, not Umno. So they should be punished. Take Selangor as one example. Selangor has only 52% Malay voters. So it was the non-Malays who really swung, in particular the Indians (with of course a lot of help from the Malays as well).What were amongst the many factors that led to Barisan Nasional’s dismal performance, especially the non-Malay voter factor? First of all, the Umno Youth Leader’s keris-waving and keris-kissing drama upset many Chinese. Add the rhetoric of the Umno Youth delegates challenging the Umno Youth Leader to use the keris because Malays never draw their keris without making sure it ‘tastes’ blood and this really pissed off the Chinese. And can the Chinese be blamed? Even I was upset.Next, the Chinese placed this keris-waving and keris-kissing and the rhetoric of ‘never sheath it until it tastes blood’ against the backdrop of Deputy Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak doing the same thing 20 years earlier at the TPCA padang -- and which resulted in Operasi Lalang that saw more than 100 people, except Najib, spend a few years in the Kamunting Detention Centre. It was Najib’s keris-waving antics and the threats of ‘bathing it in Chinese blood’ that made Operasi Lalang necessary. However, it was more than 100 other people, mainly non-Malays, who suffered detention without trial, not Najib.Najib’s role in Operasi Lalang, as the then Umno Youth Leader, was merely to trigger tensions and push Malaysia to the brink of another ‘May 13’ so that the government can round up more than 100 dissidents and those who opposed the government. That is the man called Najib Tun Razak and his cousin called Hishammuddin Hussein whom the Chinese have never forgotten nor forgiven. And that is why the Chinese finally said ‘enough is enough, no more May 13 threats and keris waving’ and they swung to the opposition, demolishing the non-Umno parties in Barisan Nasional in the process.It must be remembered that Umno Youth is the backbone of the election machinery in any general election or by-election. Umno Youth is normally the one that supplies the manpower and leads the charge. This has always been and will always be. But this time around Umno Youth did not do its job. Furthermore, the Director of Elections was the Deputy Prime Minister. Therefore, the Pengarah Pilihanraya’s head has to be the first head that rolls, followed by the head of the Umno Youth Leader, and then if Umno is still thirsty for blood they can go for the head of the Prime Minister.It must further be remembered that Malaysians are very wary of the fact that Najib is next in line. They fear the day when Abdullah will step aside for Najib to take over. That is one more reason the voters wanted Barisan Nasional out. No Barisan Nasional, no Najib, as simple as that. Malaysians dread the day the country is going to have someone implicated in a murder as the Prime Minister.Sure, the courts did not implicate him. In fact, the Attorney-General even officially announced that only three people and no others are involved. But there appears to be one small problem with this. Malaysians do not trust either the courts or the Attorney-General. As far as Malaysians are concerned, Najib has been tried by the ‘Court of Public Opinion’ and he has been pronounced guilty as hell. Therefore there is no way Malaysians will accept Najib as the next Prime Minister. In fact, they do not even want him to remain as Deputy Prime Minister.Abdullah needs to face Malaysians and admit that he has erred. Malaysians are a forgiving lot and most would be prepared to give him a second chance. But this will only work if he is seen as serious and sincere about repentance. Malaysians are not as stupid as before and with the Internet they are also better-informed. So it is not that easy to pull the wool over their eyes.Some outstanding issues are the reformation of the judiciary, all the people in the Altantuya murder even if it is the Deputy Prime Minister being brought to book, reformation of the election system, and so on. If Abdullah can address these issues and can be seen as addressing these issues, then most Malaysians would rather see him stay as Prime Minister than Najib taking over. If not, then move aside and make way for Anwar Ibrahim.
Let the heads roll
Posted by Raja Petra
Wednesday, 16 April 2008
Therefore, the Pengarah Pilihanraya’s head has to be the first head that rolls, followed by the head of the Umno Youth Leader, and then if Umno is still thirsty for blood they can go for the head of the Prime Minister.THE CORRIDORS OF POWERRaja Petra Kamarudin
Anwar may not be Malaysia's political messiahHelen Ting, April 15, 2008With the expiry of a five-year ban, former Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim today regains his freedom to contest a Malaysian general election and internal party election.Anwar's political comeback is as stunning as his spectacular fall from power following his 1998 fallout with then boss, Prime Minister Dr Mahathir.The general elections, in which the ruling National Front lost its two-thirds majority in federal parliament and in which the Opposition won control of five state assemblies, have been described as a 'political tsunami'.For the first time ever, Anwar's multiracial party, Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR, or the People's Justice Party) won more parliamentary seats than any other opposition party. As a result, Dr Wan Azizah, Anwar's wife, who was also re-elected, has become the Opposition leader.Commentators have interpreted the results as an endorsement of PKR's electoral pledge to replace decades-old race-based affirmative action with needs-based assistance programs. They argue that racial politics and the battle cry of Malay hegemony have finally been superseded.'The people have voted decisively for a new era where the government must be truly inclusive and recognise that all Malaysians, regardless of race, culture or religion are a nation of one,' an elated Anwar declared the night the electoral results were known.The darling of the foreign press, the charismatic and capable Anwar generally receives positive and enthusiastic coverage. Widely seen as the uncontested Prime-Minister-to-be should the opposition gain control of the Parliament, many Malaysians are ready to give Anwar another chance.But many others harbour lingering doubts. One key concern arises from uncertainty over the extent of Anwar's commitment to multiculturalism.Until the late 1980s, the conversion of a Muslim to another religion could be validated by making a statutory declaration to that effect. More recently, state registrars have refused to recognise such conversions unless validated by the Syariah courts. Recent cases have shown the Syariah Courts are reluctant or refuse to do their job. A Malay convert to Catholicism, Lina Joy, contested this requirement in the civil courts in order to have the religious status recorded on her identity card rectified without going through the Syariah courts.Lina lost her case and, while this came as a disappointment to those who are already alarmed by the continuing erosion of the role of the civil courts as the guarantor of constitutional rights including religious freedom, Anwar declared his agreement with the verdict.Secondly, even though several PKR campaign pamphlets attacked the government's marginalisation of Mandarin and Tamil-medium primary education, the PKR election manifesto contained no measure to rectify the situation. This silence raises doubts as to whether PKR will change the status quo should it win government.Then there was the question of who would become Chief Minister in Perak after the opposition won that state. The Perak constitution stipulates that the state government should be headed by a Malay although this requirement can be waived by the Sultan. In this instance, none of the newly elected state assemblymen of the Democratic Action Party, the Chinese-based opposition party, which gained the most seats, were Malay. Yet, rather than considering the merits of the candidates, Anwar simply objected to having a non-Malay as the Chief Minister, citing the need to protect the Malay position politically and economically.During the election campaign, he also attacked the previous government for raising petrol prices, and declared that he would lower them, once in power. Such a measure would be immensely popular, but to implement it would cost billions of ringgit in petrol subsidies. Is this the policy of a 'far-sighted' leader when this money could be used to finance a long-term solution to the prevailing over-dependence on private cars?Anwar, who plans to return to the parliament in a by-election, has already announced that he is moving towards forming a new federal government with the help of defectors from the ruling coalition. A question arises as to whether such a 'back door' approach to gaining power is fair to voters, who tend to vote for a party rather than individual candidates. Besides, the opposition parties have previously backed an 'anti-hopping law', which would require elected representatives to resign and stand for by-election should they switch political allegiance.It remains to be seen whether they will apply the same standard to themselves if and when they come to power. (http://www.eurekastreet.com.au/article.aspx?aeid=6654 )
Rafidah blasts those pressing for power transferBy Maria J.Dass, April 15, 2008Wanita Umno chief Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz today blasted members who are pushing party president Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to quickly hand over power to his deputy Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak, saying such a practice is unprecedented.“Remember, we are not just changing the (Umno) president, we are changing the prime minister. Other parties can change their president tomorrow, they can tell their president to go today; not Umno," she told reporters after five-hour meeting with Wanita leaders yesterday.“We are talking about the prime minister and this country has never had a prime minister who has been pushed out in our history; always remember that.”She said the transfer of leadership should not be done under pressure, and should be carried out at a time deemed suitable by both Abdullah and Najib. She said the Wanita wing fully supports the current president and the next, indicating neutrality in support."We cannot just force Najib to take over without giving Pak Lah a chance to stabilise the party and fix the situation first. This is not fair. One of them has to be ready to give and the other ready to receive and I’m sure Najib also wants the prime minister to ensure that what is broken now is fixed, and we (Wanita Umno) want this too.”She said if the strong comments and guessing games are allowed to go on, the party will never be stable when this should be the priority now. Rafidah added that party members should stop airing dirty linen in public and should discuss party matters behind closed doors.“It is the opposition and our opponents who are clapping their hand when we air our dirty linen in public."She was obviously referring to the open airing of angst by division leaders in several states, with some calling on Abdullah to hand over power to Najib while others support Abdullah in his decision to stay on until the time is right to transfer power.Rafidah also criticised those who blame others for the poor showing of the Barisan Nasional in the last election. “No one should say I’m free of blame, there should not be no such nonsense as everyone at all levels -- be it president, deputy, exco, supreme council and grassroots -- should not absolve themselves of blame. Only the proportion of the blame is different, but it is not fair to point fingers.”Rafidah said Wanita’s post mortem of the general election results showed the losses were due to internal factors like leadership weakness at all levels up to the grassroots, party policies and opinions not accepted by voters, professionals and Malays themselves, and weaknesses in the implementation of programmes at grassroots level.“For example we found that many voters from the 4th and 5th streams who are the younger voters did not support us and this is something for our Putera and Puteri Umno branches to look into.”The external factors included the weak BN election machinery, the choice of candidates and the role of the opposition, she added. (http://www.sun2surf.com/article.cfm?id=21502 )
You either love him or you hate him. That is how many feel when it comes to Anwar Ibrahim. Then again, you could be feeling both at the same time, which one would then label as a love-hate relationship. I suppose that is better than the fate of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad whom almost everyone loves to hate. Nevertheless, our choice of Prime Minister should not be about whom we love or whom we hate. The job of Prime Minister is a very serious job indeed which should not be entrusted to just someone we love. Sometimes, the one we hate could actually be the best man or woman for the job.Rafidah Aziz has hit the nail on the head with this one. In the euphoria to get Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to resign, some pertinent points appear to have been lost on the Umno guys and gals. As Rafidah very aptly pointed out, the MCA, MIC, Gerakan, PPP, etc., Presidents are the business of the members of their respective parties. The Umno President, however, is the business of all Malaysians as this man will invariably be the Prime Minister of Malaysia. So it concerns all of us. Our future depends on the man holding the reins of power and the wrong man at the helm will spell doom for this country. Therefore, Umno can’t accuse non-Umno members of ‘interfering’ in their internal party matters if they were to ‘participate’ in the process of the party choosing its leader -- at least until Barisan Nasional is kicked out, which means the Umno President will no longer be our Prime Minister.There is currently a move within Umno to punish the culprit who brought about Barisan Nasional’s disastrous performance in the recent general election. The fact is Umno did not really do that badly. It still got 78 Parliament seats, which is a decline of only 32 seats over 2004 and even lesser against the backdrop of the 1999 general election. It was the other parties such as MCA, MIC, Gerakan and PPP that got slaughtered. They were the ones who failed to deliver, not Umno. So they should be punished. Take Selangor as one example. Selangor has only 52% Malay voters. So it was the non-Malays who really swung, in particular the Indians (with of course a lot of help from the Malays as well).What were amongst the many factors that led to Barisan Nasional’s dismal performance, especially the non-Malay voter factor? First of all, the Umno Youth Leader’s keris-waving and keris-kissing drama upset many Chinese. Add the rhetoric of the Umno Youth delegates challenging the Umno Youth Leader to use the keris because Malays never draw their keris without making sure it ‘tastes’ blood and this really pissed off the Chinese. And can the Chinese be blamed? Even I was upset.Next, the Chinese placed this keris-waving and keris-kissing and the rhetoric of ‘never sheath it until it tastes blood’ against the backdrop of Deputy Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak doing the same thing 20 years earlier at the TPCA padang -- and which resulted in Operasi Lalang that saw more than 100 people, except Najib, spend a few years in the Kamunting Detention Centre. It was Najib’s keris-waving antics and the threats of ‘bathing it in Chinese blood’ that made Operasi Lalang necessary. However, it was more than 100 other people, mainly non-Malays, who suffered detention without trial, not Najib.Najib’s role in Operasi Lalang, as the then Umno Youth Leader, was merely to trigger tensions and push Malaysia to the brink of another ‘May 13’ so that the government can round up more than 100 dissidents and those who opposed the government. That is the man called Najib Tun Razak and his cousin called Hishammuddin Hussein whom the Chinese have never forgotten nor forgiven. And that is why the Chinese finally said ‘enough is enough, no more May 13 threats and keris waving’ and they swung to the opposition, demolishing the non-Umno parties in Barisan Nasional in the process.It must be remembered that Umno Youth is the backbone of the election machinery in any general election or by-election. Umno Youth is normally the one that supplies the manpower and leads the charge. This has always been and will always be. But this time around Umno Youth did not do its job. Furthermore, the Director of Elections was the Deputy Prime Minister. Therefore, the Pengarah Pilihanraya’s head has to be the first head that rolls, followed by the head of the Umno Youth Leader, and then if Umno is still thirsty for blood they can go for the head of the Prime Minister.It must further be remembered that Malaysians are very wary of the fact that Najib is next in line. They fear the day when Abdullah will step aside for Najib to take over. That is one more reason the voters wanted Barisan Nasional out. No Barisan Nasional, no Najib, as simple as that. Malaysians dread the day the country is going to have someone implicated in a murder as the Prime Minister.Sure, the courts did not implicate him. In fact, the Attorney-General even officially announced that only three people and no others are involved. But there appears to be one small problem with this. Malaysians do not trust either the courts or the Attorney-General. As far as Malaysians are concerned, Najib has been tried by the ‘Court of Public Opinion’ and he has been pronounced guilty as hell. Therefore there is no way Malaysians will accept Najib as the next Prime Minister. In fact, they do not even want him to remain as Deputy Prime Minister.Abdullah needs to face Malaysians and admit that he has erred. Malaysians are a forgiving lot and most would be prepared to give him a second chance. But this will only work if he is seen as serious and sincere about repentance. Malaysians are not as stupid as before and with the Internet they are also better-informed. So it is not that easy to pull the wool over their eyes.Some outstanding issues are the reformation of the judiciary, all the people in the Altantuya murder even if it is the Deputy Prime Minister being brought to book, reformation of the election system, and so on. If Abdullah can address these issues and can be seen as addressing these issues, then most Malaysians would rather see him stay as Prime Minister than Najib taking over. If not, then move aside and make way for Anwar Ibrahim.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Anwar: We have the numbers to form govt
Anwar: We have the numbers to form govt
KUALA LUMPUR: The Pakatan Rakyat coalition is ready to form the Federal Government and is now waiting for the right time and the right numbers, said Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
The PKR-PAS-DAP alliance had already secured the required number of MPs but wants to form the government with a strong majority, the de facto opposition leader claimed at a rally Monday night.
He said none of the MPs had been "bought over."
"There have not been discussions about dollars and cents but discussions about sense.
"The door will be closed to anyone who wants money," he told reporters after the rally to celebrate the end of his exile from active politics, held at the Sultan Sulaiman Club in Kampung Baru here.
Thousands of supporters turned up at the rally. There was a heavy presence of Federal Reserve Unit personnel and water cannon trucks, but no reports of untoward incidents.
The opposition had gained 82 seats in Parliament against Barisan Nasional's 140 in the March 8 general election, which allowed Barisan to form the government with a simple majority.
Pakatan Rakyat also won four new states and retained Kelantan in what was the worst-ever showing by Barisan in 50 years.
Anwar said that most of the MPs waiting to cross over were from Sabah and Sarawak, as well as from Umno in peninsular Malaysia.
He said it was too premature to talk about him running for Parliament because MPs have yet to be sworn in.
As for whom from Pakatan Rakyat should be the prime minister, he said he did not see why his wife PKR president Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail could not be Malaysia's first woman PM.
However, he cautioned that any decision made by Pakatan Rakyat would be done by consensus.
Anwar, who arrived at the rally at 9pm, was greeted with cheers and chants of "Reformasi."
At about 10.30pm, the police asked him to wind up his speech. The crowd dispersed peacefully at about 11.30pm.
Apakah Wujud Konspirasi Memusnahkan UMNO?
Go Mahathir Go...
Apakah Wujud Konspirasi Memusnahkan UMNO?
Posted on Friday, April 11 @ 09:04:30 MYT Topic: KOMENTAR
Saya sebelum ini amat biasa dengan kritikan dan serangan Ahli Parlimen DAP terhadap Barisan Nasional dan Parti Perikatan sebelumnya, kononnya kerana terdapat apa yang dikatakan sebagai salahlaku. Bagaimanapun, selepas Perdana Menteri Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi mengambil alih, salahguna kuasa yang dilakukan secara terang, dan tindakan yang salah yang dilakukan Kerajaan tidak sedikitpun mengundang teguran orang kuat DAP macam Karpal dan Lim Kit Siang.
Saya ucapkan terima kasih kepada Yang Berhormat Karpal Singh yang telah menyelesaikan satu misteri yang menganggu fikiran saya selama lima tahun kebelakangan ini, setelah saya melepaskan jawatan Perdana Menteri. Saya tidak faham. Saya tidak percaya cerita yang kononnya terdapat pakatan atau konspirasi membabitkan Dato Seri Abdullah dan DAP. Tetapi apabila Karpal menasihatkan saya untuk bersara dengan hormat dan berhenti daripada mengkritik Perdana Menteri yang sedia ada, barulah saya sedar yang DAP sebenarnya menyokong Dato Seri Abdullah dan pengekalan kepimpinannya. Kenapa DAP beria-ia mahukan Dato Seri Abdullah terus menjadi Perdana Menteri? Sebagai pembangkang DAP mesti tahu bahawa masyarakat Cina secara umumnya tidak suka kepada pentadbiran Kerajaan Abdullah. Mereka telah secara terbuka menyuarakan ketidakpuasan hati mereka dan hasrat mereka untuk tidak mengundi Barisan Nasional di dalam Pilihanraya 200. Kesilapan Dato Seri Abdullah menangani isu Hindraf juga telah meminggirkan kaum India. Sudah tentu parti pembangkang mengetahui yang masyarakat Melayu, termasuk ahli UMNO juga amat tidak berpuashati dengan pentadbiran Dato Seri Abdullah. Sudah tentu DAP dan parti pembangkang yang lain akan meraih untung dengan hilangnya keyakinan terhadap kepimpinan Dato Seri Abdullah di kalangan penyokong setia Barisan Nasional. Dan seperti yang dijangka, mereka secara beramai-ramai telah tidak mengundi BN di Pilihanraya Umum Mac 8. Yang tidak sanggup mengundi parti pembangkang telah secara sengaja merosakkan kertas undi mereka. Ini menjelaskan kenapa terdapat lebih 300,000 undi rosak seluruh negara pada pilihanraya kali ini. Apabila Karpal suruh saya berhenti mengkritik Perdana Menteri, sudah tentu kerana beliau tahu yang Perdana Menteri yang sedia ada ini akan terus meminggirkan penyokong-penyokong BN. Di pilihanraya umum yang akan datang, orang ini akan lebih benci terhadap PM dan akan sebabkan BN kehilangan majoriti di Parlimen dan tidak lagi berupaya untuk membentuk Kerajaan Persekutuan. Dalam erti kata lain, "Pakatan" (yang maksud sebenarnya dalam Bahasa Inggeris adalah "conspirators") akan menang secara kebetulan dan akan membentuk Kerajaan Persekutuan. Inilah sebabnya DAP nampak begitu sekali baik dengan Dato Seri Abdullah dan kenapa Karpal mahu saya berhenti mengkritik Dato Seri Abdullah. Dia dan sekutunya menentang apa-apa tindakan atau cubaan untuk menurunkan Dato Seri Abdullah. Tunku pernah mengkritik saya dan juga cuba untuk menurunkan saya dengan menyokong Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. Tun Hussein Onn tidak setuju dengan tindakan saya berkaitan polisi "Buy British Last" tetapi beliau tidak sihat untuk menegur secara terbuka. Jadi teguran terbuka saya bukanlah seuatu yang asing. Ianya boleh dikatakan kesinambungan tradisi. Berkenaan dengan "phobia" saya terhadap peguam, ini merupakan sesuatu yang dijaja peguam pembangkang untuk tujuan politik. Karpal mengatakan bahawa saya benar-benar ingin menggantung peguam. Sebagaimana yang semua orang maklum, Shakespeare telah menggantung semua peguam pada masanya. Karpal boleh terus-menerus percaya bahawa saya tidak berseloroh. Itu hak beliau. Tetapi ramai peguam lain yang tidak berfikiran begitu. Jadi saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Karpal yang membantu saya menyelesaikan misteri politik yang telah menghantui saya selama lima tahun. Bagaimanapun, sebagai rakyat yang cintakan negara ini, saya akan terus bercakap, lebih-lebih lagi kerana pemimpin dan ahli UMNO takut untuk mengkritik ketua mereka. Mereka akan digelar pengkhianat dan akan dihukum. Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad
Apakah Wujud Konspirasi Memusnahkan UMNO?
Posted on Friday, April 11 @ 09:04:30 MYT Topic: KOMENTAR
Saya sebelum ini amat biasa dengan kritikan dan serangan Ahli Parlimen DAP terhadap Barisan Nasional dan Parti Perikatan sebelumnya, kononnya kerana terdapat apa yang dikatakan sebagai salahlaku. Bagaimanapun, selepas Perdana Menteri Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi mengambil alih, salahguna kuasa yang dilakukan secara terang, dan tindakan yang salah yang dilakukan Kerajaan tidak sedikitpun mengundang teguran orang kuat DAP macam Karpal dan Lim Kit Siang.
Saya ucapkan terima kasih kepada Yang Berhormat Karpal Singh yang telah menyelesaikan satu misteri yang menganggu fikiran saya selama lima tahun kebelakangan ini, setelah saya melepaskan jawatan Perdana Menteri. Saya tidak faham. Saya tidak percaya cerita yang kononnya terdapat pakatan atau konspirasi membabitkan Dato Seri Abdullah dan DAP. Tetapi apabila Karpal menasihatkan saya untuk bersara dengan hormat dan berhenti daripada mengkritik Perdana Menteri yang sedia ada, barulah saya sedar yang DAP sebenarnya menyokong Dato Seri Abdullah dan pengekalan kepimpinannya. Kenapa DAP beria-ia mahukan Dato Seri Abdullah terus menjadi Perdana Menteri? Sebagai pembangkang DAP mesti tahu bahawa masyarakat Cina secara umumnya tidak suka kepada pentadbiran Kerajaan Abdullah. Mereka telah secara terbuka menyuarakan ketidakpuasan hati mereka dan hasrat mereka untuk tidak mengundi Barisan Nasional di dalam Pilihanraya 200. Kesilapan Dato Seri Abdullah menangani isu Hindraf juga telah meminggirkan kaum India. Sudah tentu parti pembangkang mengetahui yang masyarakat Melayu, termasuk ahli UMNO juga amat tidak berpuashati dengan pentadbiran Dato Seri Abdullah. Sudah tentu DAP dan parti pembangkang yang lain akan meraih untung dengan hilangnya keyakinan terhadap kepimpinan Dato Seri Abdullah di kalangan penyokong setia Barisan Nasional. Dan seperti yang dijangka, mereka secara beramai-ramai telah tidak mengundi BN di Pilihanraya Umum Mac 8. Yang tidak sanggup mengundi parti pembangkang telah secara sengaja merosakkan kertas undi mereka. Ini menjelaskan kenapa terdapat lebih 300,000 undi rosak seluruh negara pada pilihanraya kali ini. Apabila Karpal suruh saya berhenti mengkritik Perdana Menteri, sudah tentu kerana beliau tahu yang Perdana Menteri yang sedia ada ini akan terus meminggirkan penyokong-penyokong BN. Di pilihanraya umum yang akan datang, orang ini akan lebih benci terhadap PM dan akan sebabkan BN kehilangan majoriti di Parlimen dan tidak lagi berupaya untuk membentuk Kerajaan Persekutuan. Dalam erti kata lain, "Pakatan" (yang maksud sebenarnya dalam Bahasa Inggeris adalah "conspirators") akan menang secara kebetulan dan akan membentuk Kerajaan Persekutuan. Inilah sebabnya DAP nampak begitu sekali baik dengan Dato Seri Abdullah dan kenapa Karpal mahu saya berhenti mengkritik Dato Seri Abdullah. Dia dan sekutunya menentang apa-apa tindakan atau cubaan untuk menurunkan Dato Seri Abdullah. Tunku pernah mengkritik saya dan juga cuba untuk menurunkan saya dengan menyokong Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. Tun Hussein Onn tidak setuju dengan tindakan saya berkaitan polisi "Buy British Last" tetapi beliau tidak sihat untuk menegur secara terbuka. Jadi teguran terbuka saya bukanlah seuatu yang asing. Ianya boleh dikatakan kesinambungan tradisi. Berkenaan dengan "phobia" saya terhadap peguam, ini merupakan sesuatu yang dijaja peguam pembangkang untuk tujuan politik. Karpal mengatakan bahawa saya benar-benar ingin menggantung peguam. Sebagaimana yang semua orang maklum, Shakespeare telah menggantung semua peguam pada masanya. Karpal boleh terus-menerus percaya bahawa saya tidak berseloroh. Itu hak beliau. Tetapi ramai peguam lain yang tidak berfikiran begitu. Jadi saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Karpal yang membantu saya menyelesaikan misteri politik yang telah menghantui saya selama lima tahun. Bagaimanapun, sebagai rakyat yang cintakan negara ini, saya akan terus bercakap, lebih-lebih lagi kerana pemimpin dan ahli UMNO takut untuk mengkritik ketua mereka. Mereka akan digelar pengkhianat dan akan dihukum. Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad
Pak Lah tak tau malu
The second posting to Keris Silau...
Pak Lah Tak Tau Malu
Monday, 14 April 2008
Pak Lah tak tau malu
Letak jawatan tak mahu
Dia diam terus membisu
Najib jenuh menunggu
Rosmah sudah berbulu
Lantik cepat laki aku
Aku geram jadi No.Two
PakLah ikut cakap menantu
Menantu ikut cakap Kalimutu
Negara lingkop jadi haru-biru
Duit dibawa keluar ikut Johor Baru
Park kat Singapore 1-3B Euro
Entah macam mana rakyat dapat tahu
Marah kat Pak Lah baling ketui batu
Terkena juga kepala FRU
Lebam macam Anwar kena dulu
Allah balas perbuatan kejam mu
Apa dah jadi ngan Badawi
Cucu ulama imam hadari
Tapi perangai tak ikut selari
Ini mesti ikut cakap Khairi
Jadi apapun papa jangan berenti
Habislah saya dengan Nori
Kamal akan lingkop bersama Skomi
Patrick dan Kali lari luar negeri
Sebenarnya Pak Lah tak sedar diri
Dia ingat dia boleh pulihkan parti
Parti lingkop pasal PM softy
Parti lingkop pasal dia ngan Khairi
Habis kau nak duduk buat apa lagi
Baik saja engkau berhenti
Serah kat Najib atau kat Ku Li
Itupun bersifat temporary
Sebab tidak lama lagi
Muncul seorang wira Makkal Sakhti
Membawa obor People Justice Party
A new dawn for this country
PM for all regardless of race identity
Anwar Ibrahim sebagai Perdana Menteri.
Keris Silau
14 April 2008
Pak Lah Tak Tau Malu
Monday, 14 April 2008
Pak Lah tak tau malu
Letak jawatan tak mahu
Dia diam terus membisu
Najib jenuh menunggu
Rosmah sudah berbulu
Lantik cepat laki aku
Aku geram jadi No.Two
PakLah ikut cakap menantu
Menantu ikut cakap Kalimutu
Negara lingkop jadi haru-biru
Duit dibawa keluar ikut Johor Baru
Park kat Singapore 1-3B Euro
Entah macam mana rakyat dapat tahu
Marah kat Pak Lah baling ketui batu
Terkena juga kepala FRU
Lebam macam Anwar kena dulu
Allah balas perbuatan kejam mu
Apa dah jadi ngan Badawi
Cucu ulama imam hadari
Tapi perangai tak ikut selari
Ini mesti ikut cakap Khairi
Jadi apapun papa jangan berenti
Habislah saya dengan Nori
Kamal akan lingkop bersama Skomi
Patrick dan Kali lari luar negeri
Sebenarnya Pak Lah tak sedar diri
Dia ingat dia boleh pulihkan parti
Parti lingkop pasal PM softy
Parti lingkop pasal dia ngan Khairi
Habis kau nak duduk buat apa lagi
Baik saja engkau berhenti
Serah kat Najib atau kat Ku Li
Itupun bersifat temporary
Sebab tidak lama lagi
Muncul seorang wira Makkal Sakhti
Membawa obor People Justice Party
A new dawn for this country
PM for all regardless of race identity
Anwar Ibrahim sebagai Perdana Menteri.
Keris Silau
14 April 2008
Running dog running scared - Malaysia Today
Ok let's give the honor to Raja Petra as the first entry. Debate on...no restriction whatsover..
Running dog running scared
Saturday, 12 April 2008
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Barisan Nasional has finally recovered from the shock of the 8 March 2008 general election. Okay, it took one month, but at least they finally recovered, whatever it may be.As soon as the full results of the general election came in, I remarked that the earthquake has hit Malaysia (some call it a Tsunami but it was actually more than that). My wife, wise as she always is, commented that the earthquake is not what brings the building down. The aftershocks will. So wait for the aftershocks, said my wife.The last few days, we have been seeing the aftershocks and I told my wife that she was right. Now we are seeing the real damage of 8 March 2008. Again, in her wisdom, my wife remarked that we are yet to see the full blast of the aftershocks. This is only the quivering. The crash is yet to come. Wait for it, she said, Aiyah, susahlah married to such a smart wife.Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has been making his rounds to meet Umno and Barisan Nasional leaders on the ground. Two days ago he was in Penang and Kedah. Before that he went to Sarawak and Sabah. Yesterday he was in Johor. And currently, even as you read this, he is in Selangor. And the message he received from the ground is all the same. He has to personally take responsibility for the general election debacle and must resign his post.The people up north told Abdullah in no uncertain terms that he must go and the government has to be handed over to his Deputy, Najib Tun Razak, with Muhyiddin Yassin as the new Deputy. Heavens! In that case I would rather have Khairy Jamaluddin as Prime Minister. At least he is young, brilliant, and has a vision for this country. I mean, if it is going to be just replacing one Umno slimeball for another, then it might as well be an Umno slimeball who has brains (unless we can kick out Umno altogether and put the lovely Dr Wan Azizah as the new Prime Minister).Mahathir once remarked that his richest Minister is Muhyiddin, who was then the Menteri Besar of Johor. Muhyiddin? I thought the richest Minister would be the then Minister of Finance, Daim Zainuddin. Apparently, Mahathir did not think so. One Umno leader then quipped that Daim may have a lot of money, but all that money belongs to Umno. Daim is just Umno’s trustee. So that would make Muhyiddin richer than Daim.Anyway, that has now changed. Through a sleight of hand, Umno’s RM42 billion became Daim’s personal wealth when he quietly transferred all the money overseas during the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis. Daim ended up owning ten banks or so in Africa and Eastern Europe and Umno ended up broke. That made Mahathir mad as hell and this was the main reason for the fallout between Mahathir and Daim.Aiyah, whose fault is it all? What do you expect when you ask the fox to guard the henhouse? For sure the fox will whack all the chickens. And then, when the chickens are all gone, you get angry. But is this not the job of the fox, to eat the chickens?Enough digressing. Let us get back to the story of Abdullah’s roadshow. Umno Johor told Abdullah that he has to go. There are no two ways about it. Again, my wise wife said the night before that that Johor will be the real test for Abdullah. Johor is Umno’s kubu (fortress). If Umno Johor stands behind Abdullah, then he has a good chance of fighting his detractors. But if Umno Johor too turns on Abdullah, then he is finished.And yesterday Umno Johor told Abdullah that they want him to officially announce his resignation. They left it to him when he will do that. They gave him an ultimatum but did not insist on a timeline. However, it should not be too long into the future. That’s it. Umno Johor has abandoned Abdullah. And, without Johor, Abdullah is dead meat. There is no way he can continue clinging onto power. Umno Johor wants him to openly declare his exit plan with a succession plan attached.In the meantime, Umno and MCA have embarked on a psy-war campaign. Gerakan and MIC are running around like headless chickens and have yet to decide what to do. There is a good chance Gerakan, together with a couple more Barisan Nasional component members, might consider leaving the ruling coalition and join Pakatan Rakyat. But talk is still ongoing and no decision has been made yet. Gerakan, just like PPP and MIC, were practically demolished in the recent general election so they really have nothing to offer the opposition. At least MCA has 15 Parliament seats -- and that is half the 30 that Pakatan Rakyat needs to form the new federal government.Okay, back to Umno’s and MCA’s psy-war campaign. Umno is going around telling the Malays that ‘Malay states have fallen to Chinese governments’. This is meant to play on the sentiments and raise the anger of the Malays. Umno even went so far as to say that the March 2008 general election is a repeat of the May 1969 general election -- so maybe a similar aftermath of the May 1969 is required this time around as well.Aiyah, why is Umno talking about May 1969 being the same as March 2008 and that the same aftermath is needed. Okay, this statement may be veiled or disguised. But is it not dangerous to put ideas like ‘same as May 1969’, ‘same aftermath required’, and so on, into the heads of the Malays? Is all this ‘same as May 1969’ talk aimed at provoking the Malays to rise or is it meant to put fear into the hearts of the Chinese?At first I thought this was merely meant to get the Malays to rise up in anger. But then the Malays of today are not even close to the Malays of the 1960s. So I did not think the instigation would work. Then it came to me. All this loose talk is not targeted at just the Malays. It is aimed at the Chinese as well. And this convinced me even more when MCA started talking about Islam.Whatever Umno says will no longer work. They can talk about May 1969 and whatnot. But as long as it is the Malays who are doing the talking, Malays tak peduli and will remain calm. But if it is the Chinese who whack the Malays, in particular whack Islam, then that is another thing altogether. That can make the Malays angry.Barisan Nasional realises that Umno can keep talking but the Malays will just turn a deaf ear. So now they are getting MCA to do the talking. And MCA is touching on an issue worse than race. They are talking about Islam. Religion is worse than race. Religion can even make people of the same race kill each other like in India, the UK, etc. So it would be more effective to whack Islam than to raise the issue of race. And if it is non-Muslims who whack Islam, then be ready for blood on the streets.MCA is the true running dog of Umno. Sabah and Sarawak won 54 Parliament seats but they were offered only seven Cabinet posts, five mere Deputy Ministers on top of that. MCA, however, won only 15 Parliament seats but they were given 13 Cabinet positions. Another two and all the MCA Parliamentarians would be in the government. So MCA has almost as much to lose as Umno and they would be very prepared to assist Umno in this race-religious divide game just to protect their positions in the government and to remain the deputy taiko of Barisan Nasional.Yes, we can see Umno’s sins. We can see how Umno plays the race card. We can see how Umno plays the dangerous game of racial politics. But what we don’t see is MCA also playing the more dangerous game of Islam whacking.If there is one thing Muslims will not tolerate is insults to their religion. All you need to do is draw some cartoons of the Prophet and millions of Muslims all over the world will kill and burn. Hundreds of lives will be lost and hundreds of millions worth of property destroyed. Religion is certainly more volatile than race.MCA had better get a grip on things. If Umno wants to talk about March 2008 being the same as May 1969, let them. Even if they want to suggest that the same ‘remedies’ as May 1969 are needed for March 2008, also let them. Malays can handle this. Malays can remain calm. Malays will not bite the bait. But stay off Islam. Whacking Islam is utmost dangerous. The Malays are capable of losing their minds and will go berserk, as Muslims all over the world have proven whenever their religion is challenged.Okay, call the Malays irrational. Label Muslims as unreasonable. Never mind. I will agree with all that and will not dispute or rebut it. However, if you know all that, then why jolok sarang tembuan? There is no reason to whack Islam. PAS has already dropped the Islamic State issue. They have declared it is no longer on the agenda. They have stopped talking about it for four years now since the fiasco of the 2004 general election. PAS needs to keep talking about Islam to their own supporters to rebut what Umno is saying about them: that PAS has ‘betrayed’ Islam. So let them talk to their own supporters or else Umno will be ‘proven’ right and PAS’ relevance will be questioned. But MCA should not raise this as if an Islamic State equates to a Pariah State, which they very well know will rub the Malays the wrong way.The Chinese should speak up. The Chinese should tell MCA to shut the fuck up. The Chinese should tell MCA that they trust PAS and are confident that PAS will not betray this trust. The Chinese should scream at MCA and tell that party that fights for Chinese rights that with a mere 23 seats in Parliament there is no way PAS can turn this country into an Islamic State when even Umno can’t with almost 80 seats.Yes, Umno can’t get the Malays onto the streets. Umno can’t trigger a May 1969 ‘solution’ to the March 2008 election. So now MCA is trying to do that. Let us pray that these MCA agent provocateurs rot in hell for seven generations. And if anything adverse does happen, let us hang the MCA people from the highest tree and leave their bodies to rot in the sun.I, for one, do not want a May 1969 ‘solution’. Most Malays, if not all, don’t as well. And we Malays curse those MCA Chinese who are prepared to see this country burn and lives sacrificed just so that they can win back ground they lost on 8 March 2008.FOOTNOTEBy the way, today’s article is not as long as my normal pieces, which would run into five-seven pages. Many readers posted complaints in the blogs saying that my pieces are too long and touch on too many issues at the same time; so they find it very hard to comprehend what my message is.Many blame the writer, meaning me, for not being able to transmit the ‘right’ message, although I would rather blame the Malaysian education system -- because we had to write pages upon pages of comprehension pieces when we were in lower secondary school. The English teacher would give us one incomplete sentence of one line and we would have to complete that sentence with 1,800 words. So I suppose, since the age of 13, we had been ‘trained’ to take just one word or one sentence and make a thesis out of it.Anyway, for the sake of those who are not able to juggle many issues in their head at the same time, dissect all the many issues, deliberate the pros and cons of each issue, and then come their own conclusions based on the arguments presented, maybe they should stick to reading this column, THE CORRIDORS OF POWER. Those who enjoy being provoked, love playing the Devil’s Advocate, and get a turn on with debating (I don’t mean insult, scold, rant or rave), then they can continue reading NO HOLDS BARRED, which will tear into issues, rip your brains apart, and result in you pulling your hair out.I understand that there are many types of Malaysians and that MALAYSIA TODAY must cater to all levels of the population. We have the preset minds -- people who have already formed an opinion even before they start reading anything. Then there are the open minds -- people who are prepared to listen to all sides of the argument. We also have the ‘fence-sitters’ -- people who would rather wait-and-see and make a decision based on who can offer the best argument. Then we have the setuju group -- people who will agree to everything that a writer says even if the writer says one thing one day and the opposite another day (which I sometimes deviously do) because they do not have a mind of their own. We also have the tak setuju group -- people who will disagree with everything the writer says because they just love disagreeing or because they don’t like the writer so they will simply disagree regardless whether the writer is right or wrong. I suppose this should be taken as positive and therefore a reflection that MALAYSIA TODAY has a very wide and diverse readership. But it can of course also be very difficult when preparing a ‘single item menu’ as some love certain things while others may not.Anyway, debate on readers.
Running dog running scared
Saturday, 12 April 2008
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Barisan Nasional has finally recovered from the shock of the 8 March 2008 general election. Okay, it took one month, but at least they finally recovered, whatever it may be.As soon as the full results of the general election came in, I remarked that the earthquake has hit Malaysia (some call it a Tsunami but it was actually more than that). My wife, wise as she always is, commented that the earthquake is not what brings the building down. The aftershocks will. So wait for the aftershocks, said my wife.The last few days, we have been seeing the aftershocks and I told my wife that she was right. Now we are seeing the real damage of 8 March 2008. Again, in her wisdom, my wife remarked that we are yet to see the full blast of the aftershocks. This is only the quivering. The crash is yet to come. Wait for it, she said, Aiyah, susahlah married to such a smart wife.Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has been making his rounds to meet Umno and Barisan Nasional leaders on the ground. Two days ago he was in Penang and Kedah. Before that he went to Sarawak and Sabah. Yesterday he was in Johor. And currently, even as you read this, he is in Selangor. And the message he received from the ground is all the same. He has to personally take responsibility for the general election debacle and must resign his post.The people up north told Abdullah in no uncertain terms that he must go and the government has to be handed over to his Deputy, Najib Tun Razak, with Muhyiddin Yassin as the new Deputy. Heavens! In that case I would rather have Khairy Jamaluddin as Prime Minister. At least he is young, brilliant, and has a vision for this country. I mean, if it is going to be just replacing one Umno slimeball for another, then it might as well be an Umno slimeball who has brains (unless we can kick out Umno altogether and put the lovely Dr Wan Azizah as the new Prime Minister).Mahathir once remarked that his richest Minister is Muhyiddin, who was then the Menteri Besar of Johor. Muhyiddin? I thought the richest Minister would be the then Minister of Finance, Daim Zainuddin. Apparently, Mahathir did not think so. One Umno leader then quipped that Daim may have a lot of money, but all that money belongs to Umno. Daim is just Umno’s trustee. So that would make Muhyiddin richer than Daim.Anyway, that has now changed. Through a sleight of hand, Umno’s RM42 billion became Daim’s personal wealth when he quietly transferred all the money overseas during the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis. Daim ended up owning ten banks or so in Africa and Eastern Europe and Umno ended up broke. That made Mahathir mad as hell and this was the main reason for the fallout between Mahathir and Daim.Aiyah, whose fault is it all? What do you expect when you ask the fox to guard the henhouse? For sure the fox will whack all the chickens. And then, when the chickens are all gone, you get angry. But is this not the job of the fox, to eat the chickens?Enough digressing. Let us get back to the story of Abdullah’s roadshow. Umno Johor told Abdullah that he has to go. There are no two ways about it. Again, my wise wife said the night before that that Johor will be the real test for Abdullah. Johor is Umno’s kubu (fortress). If Umno Johor stands behind Abdullah, then he has a good chance of fighting his detractors. But if Umno Johor too turns on Abdullah, then he is finished.And yesterday Umno Johor told Abdullah that they want him to officially announce his resignation. They left it to him when he will do that. They gave him an ultimatum but did not insist on a timeline. However, it should not be too long into the future. That’s it. Umno Johor has abandoned Abdullah. And, without Johor, Abdullah is dead meat. There is no way he can continue clinging onto power. Umno Johor wants him to openly declare his exit plan with a succession plan attached.In the meantime, Umno and MCA have embarked on a psy-war campaign. Gerakan and MIC are running around like headless chickens and have yet to decide what to do. There is a good chance Gerakan, together with a couple more Barisan Nasional component members, might consider leaving the ruling coalition and join Pakatan Rakyat. But talk is still ongoing and no decision has been made yet. Gerakan, just like PPP and MIC, were practically demolished in the recent general election so they really have nothing to offer the opposition. At least MCA has 15 Parliament seats -- and that is half the 30 that Pakatan Rakyat needs to form the new federal government.Okay, back to Umno’s and MCA’s psy-war campaign. Umno is going around telling the Malays that ‘Malay states have fallen to Chinese governments’. This is meant to play on the sentiments and raise the anger of the Malays. Umno even went so far as to say that the March 2008 general election is a repeat of the May 1969 general election -- so maybe a similar aftermath of the May 1969 is required this time around as well.Aiyah, why is Umno talking about May 1969 being the same as March 2008 and that the same aftermath is needed. Okay, this statement may be veiled or disguised. But is it not dangerous to put ideas like ‘same as May 1969’, ‘same aftermath required’, and so on, into the heads of the Malays? Is all this ‘same as May 1969’ talk aimed at provoking the Malays to rise or is it meant to put fear into the hearts of the Chinese?At first I thought this was merely meant to get the Malays to rise up in anger. But then the Malays of today are not even close to the Malays of the 1960s. So I did not think the instigation would work. Then it came to me. All this loose talk is not targeted at just the Malays. It is aimed at the Chinese as well. And this convinced me even more when MCA started talking about Islam.Whatever Umno says will no longer work. They can talk about May 1969 and whatnot. But as long as it is the Malays who are doing the talking, Malays tak peduli and will remain calm. But if it is the Chinese who whack the Malays, in particular whack Islam, then that is another thing altogether. That can make the Malays angry.Barisan Nasional realises that Umno can keep talking but the Malays will just turn a deaf ear. So now they are getting MCA to do the talking. And MCA is touching on an issue worse than race. They are talking about Islam. Religion is worse than race. Religion can even make people of the same race kill each other like in India, the UK, etc. So it would be more effective to whack Islam than to raise the issue of race. And if it is non-Muslims who whack Islam, then be ready for blood on the streets.MCA is the true running dog of Umno. Sabah and Sarawak won 54 Parliament seats but they were offered only seven Cabinet posts, five mere Deputy Ministers on top of that. MCA, however, won only 15 Parliament seats but they were given 13 Cabinet positions. Another two and all the MCA Parliamentarians would be in the government. So MCA has almost as much to lose as Umno and they would be very prepared to assist Umno in this race-religious divide game just to protect their positions in the government and to remain the deputy taiko of Barisan Nasional.Yes, we can see Umno’s sins. We can see how Umno plays the race card. We can see how Umno plays the dangerous game of racial politics. But what we don’t see is MCA also playing the more dangerous game of Islam whacking.If there is one thing Muslims will not tolerate is insults to their religion. All you need to do is draw some cartoons of the Prophet and millions of Muslims all over the world will kill and burn. Hundreds of lives will be lost and hundreds of millions worth of property destroyed. Religion is certainly more volatile than race.MCA had better get a grip on things. If Umno wants to talk about March 2008 being the same as May 1969, let them. Even if they want to suggest that the same ‘remedies’ as May 1969 are needed for March 2008, also let them. Malays can handle this. Malays can remain calm. Malays will not bite the bait. But stay off Islam. Whacking Islam is utmost dangerous. The Malays are capable of losing their minds and will go berserk, as Muslims all over the world have proven whenever their religion is challenged.Okay, call the Malays irrational. Label Muslims as unreasonable. Never mind. I will agree with all that and will not dispute or rebut it. However, if you know all that, then why jolok sarang tembuan? There is no reason to whack Islam. PAS has already dropped the Islamic State issue. They have declared it is no longer on the agenda. They have stopped talking about it for four years now since the fiasco of the 2004 general election. PAS needs to keep talking about Islam to their own supporters to rebut what Umno is saying about them: that PAS has ‘betrayed’ Islam. So let them talk to their own supporters or else Umno will be ‘proven’ right and PAS’ relevance will be questioned. But MCA should not raise this as if an Islamic State equates to a Pariah State, which they very well know will rub the Malays the wrong way.The Chinese should speak up. The Chinese should tell MCA to shut the fuck up. The Chinese should tell MCA that they trust PAS and are confident that PAS will not betray this trust. The Chinese should scream at MCA and tell that party that fights for Chinese rights that with a mere 23 seats in Parliament there is no way PAS can turn this country into an Islamic State when even Umno can’t with almost 80 seats.Yes, Umno can’t get the Malays onto the streets. Umno can’t trigger a May 1969 ‘solution’ to the March 2008 election. So now MCA is trying to do that. Let us pray that these MCA agent provocateurs rot in hell for seven generations. And if anything adverse does happen, let us hang the MCA people from the highest tree and leave their bodies to rot in the sun.I, for one, do not want a May 1969 ‘solution’. Most Malays, if not all, don’t as well. And we Malays curse those MCA Chinese who are prepared to see this country burn and lives sacrificed just so that they can win back ground they lost on 8 March 2008.FOOTNOTEBy the way, today’s article is not as long as my normal pieces, which would run into five-seven pages. Many readers posted complaints in the blogs saying that my pieces are too long and touch on too many issues at the same time; so they find it very hard to comprehend what my message is.Many blame the writer, meaning me, for not being able to transmit the ‘right’ message, although I would rather blame the Malaysian education system -- because we had to write pages upon pages of comprehension pieces when we were in lower secondary school. The English teacher would give us one incomplete sentence of one line and we would have to complete that sentence with 1,800 words. So I suppose, since the age of 13, we had been ‘trained’ to take just one word or one sentence and make a thesis out of it.Anyway, for the sake of those who are not able to juggle many issues in their head at the same time, dissect all the many issues, deliberate the pros and cons of each issue, and then come their own conclusions based on the arguments presented, maybe they should stick to reading this column, THE CORRIDORS OF POWER. Those who enjoy being provoked, love playing the Devil’s Advocate, and get a turn on with debating (I don’t mean insult, scold, rant or rave), then they can continue reading NO HOLDS BARRED, which will tear into issues, rip your brains apart, and result in you pulling your hair out.I understand that there are many types of Malaysians and that MALAYSIA TODAY must cater to all levels of the population. We have the preset minds -- people who have already formed an opinion even before they start reading anything. Then there are the open minds -- people who are prepared to listen to all sides of the argument. We also have the ‘fence-sitters’ -- people who would rather wait-and-see and make a decision based on who can offer the best argument. Then we have the setuju group -- people who will agree to everything that a writer says even if the writer says one thing one day and the opposite another day (which I sometimes deviously do) because they do not have a mind of their own. We also have the tak setuju group -- people who will disagree with everything the writer says because they just love disagreeing or because they don’t like the writer so they will simply disagree regardless whether the writer is right or wrong. I suppose this should be taken as positive and therefore a reflection that MALAYSIA TODAY has a very wide and diverse readership. But it can of course also be very difficult when preparing a ‘single item menu’ as some love certain things while others may not.Anyway, debate on readers.
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