Freedom Malaysia : A Truly Free Speech Blog

Our beloved nation is facing a testing time. The political divide especially among Malays is so bad that politic has taken over everything at the expense of more important things such as better quality of life and nation's sustainability.

I will pen in my thought whenever I have free time. It may not be worth that much to some people, but it's the least I can do for better future of my beloved

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Probably True vs Probably False

Malaysia is in a mess...really mess...messy..kucar kacir...tak terurus...whatever you may call it..
but then who are the real culprits...let's start with a chronology of events..

First we have this Raja Petra Hero Tamil Statutory Declaration that Rosmah, Najib'w wife was at the scene of Altantuya's murder..based on some reliable source...that might be true..might be a blatant lie to discredit Najib...Then we have a 23 year boy making sodomy allegation against Anwar Ibrahim..that maight be true...might be a blatant lie to discredit Anwar Ibrahim....Then we have PKR alleging that there is a plot to murder Anwar based on intel from neighbouring country (is it Cambodia or Timor Timur ?)...that might be true...that might be a blatant lie to discredit UTK or police force.....Then we have PKR camp came up with that 23 year old boy pictures with UMNO Ministers and accuse him of being used by Najib..That might be true ...that might be a blatant lie to discredit Najib again...Then we have police report against IGP and AG..that might be true...that might be a blatant lie to discredit IGP and AG of course.....Then we have claim that 4 UMNO MPs will join PR...that might be true....that might be a blatant lie to rattle UMNO....

OK let's analyse the psychology of main charatcters here...

When Raja Petra Hero Tamil made the statutory allegation about Rosmah and her aide and her husband.....Pak Lah denied, Najib denied.. Colonel and his wife sued...Rosmah did not even bother to sue...and all ended there it seems unless our Hero Tamil has something else under his sleeve..

When Anwar was alleged by 23 year old boy..of course he denied and sued...and came up with another 3 allegations that was not proven true....same strategy as in 1998 ....first of all discredit the accuser...then attack the police and judicary before they even open their mouth...then organise a big rally (this time around in stadium coz khalid can pay using state money)....then the end the whole nation will be in a mess.....all of this while Abdullah Badawi smiling and planning his next holiday to Perth....

I do hope Malaysian are more rationale to make their choice....for the sake of our nation...Do we really want these jokers to ruin our nation...


Anonymous said...

Your post is suggesting that Pak Lah is behind all this. It's not wrong for him to smile because the current drama is very interesting indeed. To impose the idea of Pak Lah being the 'Tok Dalang' behind the scene is utterly ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

ini semua sebab mahadey punyer pasal. freedom of the main press dia musnahkan. apa lagi nak percaya pada surat khabar?

Anonymous said...

Time negara kita goyah lah korang nak mula serang habis-habisan.
Bila lagi kita semua nak praktikkan perpaduan-unity yang selama ni di laung-laungkan dengan bangga?

Anonymous said...

Ya anon! Support!
Mahathir memusnahkan satu-satunya saluran informasi. Rakyat pun tak tau nak percaya dengan siapa sekarang.

Anonymous said...

your rocky comment shows what type of person you really are... a racist