Freedom Malaysia : A Truly Free Speech Blog

Our beloved nation is facing a testing time. The political divide especially among Malays is so bad that politic has taken over everything at the expense of more important things such as better quality of life and nation's sustainability.

I will pen in my thought whenever I have free time. It may not be worth that much to some people, but it's the least I can do for better future of my beloved

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Raja Petra "planned to celebrate" with Bala for the "success" of the SDs

I read latest Raja Petra's posting here with disgust..While trying to link all the Bala's SD and Saiful's police report to Najib, Anwar or Pak Lah, he has conveniently left out his own SD, which has started the whole mess we are in now. Care to tell us your new paymaster, Raja Petra ?

And he also has the cheek to tell us that he plans with Bala to celebrate the success of their SDs... my suspicion is confirmed...both SDs are just BULLSHIT!! I mean when two people planned to celebrate on Saturday's either with whisky or toddy...and people celebrating with whiskies or toddy usually after succeed in doing something bad like succeed in robbing a bank or conning someone of millions...If people want to celebrate good things like wedding, score straight As in exam etc, they will hold either doa selamat or thanksgiving...

So folks decide for yourself what is Raja Petra's he cheaper than that Bala's guy...I don't know...


Anonymous said...

This shows how certain people are willing to mock and trade the integrity of the country for their own interest and amusement.
They will eventually wreck the very foundation of Malaysia that is uphold by every rakyat here.

Anonymous said...

Sikap saudara lah yang dinamakan berfikiran sempit.

Sekiranya seseorang itu ingin meraikan sesuatu, adakah secara automatiknya ianya untuk perkara yang jahat atau zalim?

Kalau pun tanggapan saudara benar bahawa ada pun terlibat arak, adakah secara automatik segala yang mereka raikan itu adalah satu pencapaian yang sinis, jahat?

Adakah segala-galanya di dunia ini, sekiranya ianya diraikan dengan apa yang haram dalam Islam (daging khinzir atau arak), maka terus berdosa jadinya?

Fikirkanlah sejenak. Jangan terikut-ikut sahaja ideologi politik peribadi. Semoga Allah S.W.T. meluaskan pandangan dan akal fikiran saudara.


Anis Ahmad Abdul Rahman said...

hj kamaruddin,

Thanks for leaving comment here. But i must say that your line of argument is so Keadilan/anwar like. beforeanything, you will run down the opponent personally, calling them fikiran sempit lah...takde integrity lah..bla bla..wonder why you people start with conclusion rather than argument...

ok back to argument here..yes..i agree not everyone celebrating something are bad people or the thing they celebrate are bad things..and i did not sya that raja petra or bala are two bad people..what i did say was when there is celebration on saturday night with whisky or toddies, it might be for the success on something like robbing a bank or conning something of millions...
well is robbing a bank or conning someone out of millions bad things ?? well it may be crime to someone but it may be a blessing to someone else...One man's meat is another man's poison...Some people might want bank robbers hanged..but some people want him knighted..
you be your own judge..

i hope you are a noble man and may god bless you..

Anonymous said...

Adakah segala-galanya di dunia ini, sekiranya ianya diraikan dengan apa yang haram dalam Islam (daging khinzir atau arak), maka terus berdosa jadinya?

Apa lu ckp ni pak aji..? mabuk betul bunyinya..

Arak & khinzir dah jelas haram dlm surah al-Maidah..ada pengecualian dosa ke? Are you trying to say Lorong Hj Taib a great garden of Eden..

Tell you what pak haji.. I always have a very low respect for people who self-address himself with the title 'haji'.. as if its something like a Dato/Tan/Tun/Tin title or something to be proud of...

Title Dato'/Tan Sri - Sultan yg bagi..confirm ada pingat..

Title Haji.. sapa bagi? layak ka manusia bg on behalf of Allah s.w.t? Pak aji tau ka dah confirm dpt Haji mabrur ataupun Haji marlboro?

Dlm dunia ni bangsa Melayu lah yg paling byk suka nama2 pangkat ni..yg sekolah pondok kaki lima pun mau jadi Ustaz walhal kalo di al-Azhar tu 'Ustaz' tu gelaran hanya utk Professor (ada PhD) dipanggil 'mudarris' je..kat sini semua pakai ketayap putih boleh mengaku diri ustaz.

Biasalah tu..Melayu tipikal - gila nama, pangkat, glamour & rasa diri dah cukup bagus sgt nak mengajar org..jgn risau pak aji, pak aji tak keseorangan di Tanah Melayu ini..berlambak kat luar sana tu.

Pak Aji nak title Dato'? pegi lah sembah Raja Petra tu..hahaha

lu pikir la sendiri...

Anonymous said...

All these convenient and strategic omission, and the cheek to celebrate? celebrate their success in throwing our country into confusion with their strings of allegations, mud-throwing and hearsays? it's so sad that an instrument of law is abused by ppl like these.

Anonymous said...

Sorry :) Maybe they just want to celebrate that truth prevails in the end (as in to bring out the truth about Najib's wrong-doing). Memang lah berdosa depa gi celebrate by drinking alcohol tapi itu antara depa dgn tuhan lah. As to whether the SDs' are true or not, tu waallahualam...

Anonymous said...

Anis Ahmad Abdul Rahman

u are a stupid b.....! if u think Indians deserve to be killed-u are the one who deserves that!