Raja Petra talk cock again..You can see his writing nowadays very much in tune with Anwar. Well, after 4 years blogging with no pay, maybe it is payout time..
I wan to ask this Raja Petra/Anwar, why all your energy now concentrated on Najib ? Why suddenly a kangaroo court is setup to put Najib in the dock, with Anwar as the prosecutor andRaja Petra as the judge ?? Why suddenly everything is diverted from Pak Lah's wrongdoing (Scomi, Libra, Jamabatan Bengkok, Oil For Food, KJ, Singapore stooge etc.) into Najib, yet they cannot produce an iota of evidence to prove thier allegation.
Najib may not be the most perfect man, but I think he is more than capable than Abdullah and Anwar combined, and if he can unite UMNO and strenghten BN, why not we should support him..but this is what Raja Petra and Anwar fear most, a united UMNO and strong BN..which will make themselves irrelevant...They keep barking on Altantuya, Sukhoi etc, but I say, prove it or else both of you are just plain liar which should be thrown into the lake. Come on lah I am just tired of all this cheap rhetoric...just like this Pak Lah who overnight brought Malaysia 20 years back by trying to be nice guy to setup a Judicial Appointment Council...What's next ??Apology to Lim Kit Siang/Karpal for Operasi Lallang ? Then apology to Anwar and reinstate him back as the DPM ?? I say..Pak Lah, go and join Pakatan, Keadilan or whatever, we do not want you anymore in UMNO...And to me I am ready for UMNO to be the opposition, if that is what people or even Malay (who almost all has benefit from UMNO fought policies like NEP) want to see. Because to me, your "idealism" shall be more important than the "power" you hold or aspire..
Raja Petra Kamarudin
You may love him, or you may hate him, but one thing you can’t do is dismiss him as a spent force. We are talking, of course, about ‘Minister Tormentor’ Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad Yes, the Singapore Prime Minister has his Minister Mentor. The Malaysian Prime Minister, in turn, has his Minister Tormentor. And what a torment it has been for Abdullah Ahmad Badawi these last two years since Mahathir launched his attack in the middle of 2006.Mahathir lives by certain philosophies, if I may be permitted to call them that. One is that it is not easy to bring down a Prime Minister, never mind how unpopular he may be. Mahathir is of course talking from his 22 years experience where many an attempt to bring him down have all resulted in disastrous failures. Second is that the Umno President can’t be brought down from the outside. It must be done from inside the party. But for this to happen the party must first become absolutely disgusted with its President or at the very least it must be reduced to a state of total panic. This can only be achieved if the party suffers a disastrous defeat in the general elections.There are other ways of getting rid of the Prime Minister no doubt -- such as he loses his seat in the election. But this is almost impossible to achieve because it is not that easy to unseat an incumbent Prime Minister in his home base. Even Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail could not be brought down. Neither could Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah when he was in the opposition. The recent defeat of some of the Presidents of the Barisan Nasional component members can be regarded as a ‘flash in the pan’ -- which most certainly can’t be repeated unless a second political Tsunami was to hit Malaysia’s shores some time in the future.One of these options presented itself on 8 March 2008 when Barisan Nasional was given a licking in the 12th General Election. Not only did five-plus-one states fall to the opposition -- together with the loss of the ruling coalition’s two-thirds majority in Parliament -- but one of these five states is Abdullah’s home base of Penang. Never before in Malaysian history has a Prime Minister’s home state fallen to the opposition. This is almost as good as the Prime Minister losing his seat. This may not have been first prize but it was definitely as close to first prize as it could get.And with that, the groundwork was laid for the final push to oust Abdullah from his perch.But Abdullah will not go. As Mahathir himself said in 1987, even if he wins by just one vote he will not resign. One vote is still a win, argued Mahathir, and that is the same argument Abdullah is using in justifying his determination to hold on to power.The battle-lines are now drawn. It will be a fight to the finish. Team A and Team B has again emerged in Umno, but with a new twist. This time around, however, there is also a Team C led by Tengku Razaleigh. Yes, every ten years there appears to be a split in Umno --1988, 1998, and now 2008. It is unavoidable. Umno must go through this ten-year cycle. It has been ‘written’. And this year they are due for another massive shake-up whether they would like one or not.Make no mistake about it. As much as many may think Abdullah is lembab, he is actually no pushover. He will not leave unless thrown out. That would be the only way to get rid of him. And this is exactly what they are trying to do if they can’t convince him that it is time to go into retirement.Abdullah knows that his Deputy, Najib Tun Razak, is secretly working against him. In a meeting last week, Abdullah whispered into Najib’s ear, “You ni tak sabar nak jadi PM ke?” You should have seen Najib’s face turn pale. He never saw that one coming. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat while searching for the right words with which to respond. But his mind went totally blank. If he had prepared himself for this he could probably have come up with a convincing response. In this instance it is better to say nothing rather than say something that would just thrust the knife deeper.Abdullah then officially announced that Najib is going to be his successor. This was Abdullah’s message to Malaysia that if he is pushed out then his Deputy will be taking over. This would leave Umno with a most unattractive option. It is either me or Najib. Take your pick. Presented with that option maybe it would be better to just maintain status quo. Sending Abdullah into retirement just to see Najib taking over is not really an improvement to the current situation. So better they ease up on Abdullah then push him to the wall, which would only allow an opening for Najib to get in.The story being presented to Umno is that Najib is Mahathir’s proxy. If Abdullah is forced out it will not really be Najib who will be taking over. Najib will set up a Presidential Council with Mahathir as the head and one-time Daim Zainuddin as the behind-the-scenes advisor. Abdullah is hoping that their fear of Mahathir and Daim making a comeback through the backdoor will override their zeal of forcing him to retire.Abdullah’s boys are also preparing to leak information about a very valuable piece of MINDEF land along Jalan Ampang that has been quietly privatised. This multi-billion deal is bigger than the Scorpeone and Sukhoi deals combined. Once this ‘secret’ becomes public knowledge, Najib, yet again, will be in the dock and will be subjected to a ‘trial’ in the court of public opinion.Mahathir has been loyally backing Najib since he handed power to Abdullah in November 2003. But the Grand Old Man of Malaysian politics is finding it more and more difficult to prop up his kuda who is being weighed down by just too much baggage. This excess baggage is not only sinking Najib but also all those associated with him. Mahathir is beginning to wonder whether Najib is the right kuda after all.Mukhriz has jumped into the fray and has asked Abdullah to make way for Najib. Yes, it is no longer just about asking Abdullah to resign but also about Najib taking over. Initially it was just Team A and Team B. But now that Tengku Razaleigh has been dumped he has to work all alone in his own Team C.Abdullah’s Team A appears to be losing its supporters. All it has to show are recycled warlords like Muhammad son of Muhammad and Isa Samad, both very badly tainted politicians. Najib’s Team B has Mahathir, Daim, Mukhriz, Ali Rustam, Shahidan, Ghani, Khir Toyo and many more. Abdullah is outgunned and outmanned by the Team B forces. Tengku Razaleigh, the Dark Horse that may end up as the White Knight, is working all alone with just the principle and ideal of reform as his running mate.Anwar Ibrahim, in the meantime, is sitting on the sidelines, very amused with the spectacle of Umno setting itself on self-destruct mode. He is not in a hurry. He needs not be in a hurry. Time is certainly on his side and the longer he waits the more time Umno will have to destroy itself.Abdullah must be brought down in 100 days. If by July he is still in office, then it would become harder to get rid of him. Over the next two months many road-shows are being planned by Anwar, Mahathir and Abdullah. Najib needs not do the same. He can just stand aside and allow these three giants to clash, and then walk in and pick up the pieces. At least this is what Najib thinks. But then Najib does not know what Anwar is up to which may yet throw a spanner in the works and which will see Abdullah stay on as Prime Minister right until the 13th General Election due around five years or so from now.
Freedom Malaysia : A Truly Free Speech Blog
Our beloved nation is facing a testing time. The political divide especially among Malays is so bad that politic has taken over everything at the expense of more important things such as better quality of life and nation's sustainability.
I will pen in my thought whenever I have free time. It may not be worth that much to some people, but it's the least I can do for better future of my beloved
I will pen in my thought whenever I have free time. It may not be worth that much to some people, but it's the least I can do for better future of my beloved
Saturday, April 19, 2008
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Are you defending Mahatir and Najib or the Malays? By what law by what justice do you accuse PKR, PAS and Raja Petra Malays of being less Malays? Look boy, if you have deals with UMNO and your family gets free kickbacks from it due to political, business or otherwise relation with UMNO, you are free to defend what you like and defend UMNO. But don't show your stupidity in pretending that you are the father of the Malays who should lecture them on whom to support. You support Mahatir, well; you are free and stay there but don't tell Malays who support Hadi Awang, Anwar Ibrahim or Abdullah Badawi what to do. You don't feed them, educate them and assist them. You can't preach to them. Engaging in cheap shots and concocting toddlers’ conspiracy theories to gain sympathy is for Stone Age pussyfooters and not learned and informed Malays.
Why is that poor Mahathirites like to dismiss Badawi, Awang and Anwar and pretend that they have the means for us or that they are the best amongst us? Are you better Malays? Better informed? Better educated? May be better corrupted, silly, shortsighted, nepotistic, crony cultured and outright racists for narrow political expediency. If your father benefited from the runaway cronyism and ill means of pugnacious elements like Mahatir, then we are not. However, we don't dictate to anyone. Some Malays support Badawi, some Hadi, some Anwar and some are independents while some support Najib/Mahatir (your ilk). So don't cry and lash at everyone who disagrees with you. No one is begging you and Malays have no guardian except their Creator. Don’t come to tell us what to do. Preach to your wife and children. Go and drink cyanide if you are not happy. But don't think you can gain sympathy by crying and writing hogwash. Raja Petra bought??? Ha ha! Everyone who doesn’t pussyfoot Mahatir is an enemy of Malaysia. Oh, my God, this is a new discovery. Sir, Raja has an opinion just like you have. Don’t whine if he doesn’t agree with your fantasies. And be assured that he doesn’t get kickbacks (as you may do) and his children were not educated through NEP but through his blood, toil and tears. Dwarf mentality is what Mahathirites and the C4 man can come up with. Sheesh!
Mahatir the Mamak, the enemy of the Malays and the Malay Rulers.
You dont need to write in thick red font to get your message across. It doesnt mean the thicker the font you write, the more succesful you will be able to influence your readers. That goes with being aggresive in writing too.
If you not good at writing, its best you just be a commentator, like I am. Its better to have a minimum basic decent level of writing skills, if you want to set up a blog.
Malay girl,
Thanks for your coments, in fact that's the longest comment I ever had. But please be rest assured that I NEVER and will NEVER force anyone to agree with I believe, it's entirely up to you as adult to support whomever you like or hate. However my conscience is very clear...In these very interesting times...someone smells blood, someone is so desperate.. the hunter has become hunted, so there are lots of very weird things going on..believe me..you will see all this in coming weeks or months..It's very obvious to all and sundry that Anwar will do whatever(that include to pledge our nation to some Jews or Western power) in order to become PM just like that Tsvangirai guy in Zimbabwe, Pak Lah maybe can no longer can stand his job, but he has to make sure that he go out in dignified way and leave someone who will take care of his legacy (Scomi, KJ and what not)..and only Anwar will do that as he does not have any beef with Pak Lah..because PL is all alone in UMNO..the real beef is with Najib..because that includes his nemesis Mahathir as well..Anwar will not be satisfied until he get his revenge on Mahathir..And Raja Petra ??Well..let's say any man has its price...
It is good that as a Mahatir supporter, you show your belief when you mentioned Morgan Tsvangirai of Zimbabwe saying he wants to sale his nation. Ke ke ke ke! Mahatir has one friend in this world: Robert Mugabe; a man who has literally eaten his nation just like Tun Mamak destroyed every fiber of this nation in his attempt to gain god’s status including fighting and destroying the royalty and every other political opponent. So Mahatir tells you that Anwar is for Jews just like Mugabe tells you that Morgan is for Jews. Poor boy! Oh, and you have a woman (wife?) Birds of the Same Feather Flock Together The fact is that between Anwar and Mahatir, it was Mahatir was met 3 Jewish Prime Ministers and sought the help of the biggest Jewish gambling tycoons as he paid them millions of our taxes. But your base emotions that are instigated due to crony culture, feeble mind and constricted intelligence that’s tied to narcissistic culture and belief, you try to puke hogwash. I'm sorry no one will buy that. I'm sorry that Robert Mugabe appeals to you; no wonder Mahatir is your good example of governance. Birds of the Same Feather Flock Together. People know Zimbabwe just like they know Malaysia. Concerning Anwar, if he wants to be the PM of this country, he has a choice and it is Malaysians who decide that. Can’t everyone seek an elective position? It is not shameful for him to seek the PM’s position but it is shameful for a 83 year old retired fanatic to forget his life and desperately fight everyone in order to save himself from imminent shame that has already started flying around. Just look at his pathetic attempts and how his whole legacy has been reduced to writing lousy letters in the newspapers arguing his case with people like Param on daily basis. Huh! What a poor life.
Dear Anonymous,
I don't know eho are you and what you stand for but to compare Tun Mahathir with Mugabe is raher cheap shot. Unlike Mugabe, Mahahthir did eventually step down when he saw that is better for his nation and party, and to me that is the true hallmark of a great man. An d to come back again at the age of 84 to speak up against the current govt wrongdoings, to me again is the true hallmark of a legend. Say what you may, but Tun has done a lot of good things to the country, unlike someone who really want to become PM and the only thing in his CV are some flimsy NGO, IMF style economic manegement that nearly bankrupt the nation, father of street demos, father of money politics and so on..I don't think you really care for his Jewish connection don't you, that might be good thing you, who prefer to be governed by American puppet rather than true blue Malaysian nationalist like Mahathir..
This is Robert Mugabe for you; the ideal example of Mamak Mahathir.
Mahathir worked for this country? Mahathir the mamak who denigrated his Indian race to become a Malay is a nationalist? Woooooooooow. Didn't know this.
Anyway, let that old mamak answer these questions:
1) On clean government
You came to power in 1981 and introduced the slogan bersih, cekap dan amanah (clean, efficient and trustworthy). What did you do to further that? Did you make the Anti-Corruption Agency more independent and effective? Did you ensure that the police and judiciary did their jobs properly and reduce corruption in their ranks? Did you ensure that ministers and chief ministers not have income beyond their legal means? How many big guns were prosecuted for corruption offences during your tenure? What happened to bersih, cekap dan amanah?
2) Press freedom
Your criticism of the government got plenty of coverage in the local media whereas, during your time, criticisms against you by two former prime ministers were muted in the mainstream newspapers. Editors in Umno-linked newspapers too were removed for not toeing the line. What did you do to advance the cause of responsible press freedom?
3) Proton
You went ahead with the national car project in 1983 despite a number of experts disagreeing with you, especially with respect to the lack of economies of scale. Isn’t it true that Proton’s profits over the past 20 years came from the vastly higher prices that the Malaysian public have had to pay to subsidies Proton, resulting in considerable hardship for Malaysians who need cars because of the poor public transport system? Why was it necessary for Proton to buy a stake in a failed Italian motorcycle manufacturer when it could not even produce cars competitively?
4) Heavy industries
Why did you push into heavy industries such as steel and cement in the 1980s, ignoring studies which suggested developing natural resource-based industries instead? They caused major problems and billions of ringgit in losses.
5) Immigration
Why did you allow hordes of people to emigrate, mainly from Indonesia , in such an unregulated way that there are as many or more illegal immigrants than legal ones now, accounting for some two million or more people? Did you not realize that this would cause serious social problems?
6) Operasi Lalang
Why did you have to resort to this move in October 1987, when you used the Internal Security Act to detain over 100 people, close down four newspapers and cause a wave of fear throughout the country? Was it to consolidate your tenuous hold on power then by using an oppressive law?
7) Judiciary
What was your motive to take action in 1988 to remove the then lord president and several Supreme Court judges from their positions under allegations of judicial misconduct, a move which was heavily criticized by the Bar Council and other bodies? Was it because you needed more compliant judges whose rulings would not threaten your position of power in a number of cases in court?
Was this the first step in dismantling the judiciary’s role as a system of checks and balances against the legislature and the executive? What have you to say to repeated assertions by many, including prominent ex-chief justices, who maintain that this led to the erosion of judicial independence?
8) Education
Why did you allow our national school system, which is the ideal place to develop ties among young Malaysians, to become so divisive? Why is it that our local Universities, once the preferred choice of tertiary education, have deteriorated to a level that even students who gained admission prefer to enroll into local private Universities.
9) Malaysian Airlines System
Why did your government sell MAS (private sale) to Tajuddin Ramli who had no knowledge whatsoever about running an airline? Why did your government then later bail out Tajuddin by paying RM8 per share when the shares were trading at only RM3.60 in the open market, costing close to RM 1 billion of the rakyat’s money.
10) Privatization
Why did you allow privatization to take place in such a manner that the most profitable parts of government operations were sold away like Telekom Malaysia ,Pos Malaysia and Tenaga Nasional? Toll roads had guaranteed toll increases and compensations in the event traffic projections were not met. Independent power producers had contracts that guaranteed them profits at the expense of Tenaga Nasional .What was the justification of privatizing the government medical stores to Southern Task Sdn Bhd, and the resulting increase of prices of medicines?
11) Putrajaya
What is the justification for spending RM20 billion on a grandiose government city at a time when office space was available in Kuala Lumpur ? Could the money not have been put to better use, such as improving educational resources?
12) Indah Water Konsortium
What was the basis of granting Indah Water Konsortium a concession to manage the national sewerage system? Could you explain the RM1.4 billion soft loan to IWK which is clearly has irrecoverable losses?
13) Konsortium Perkapalan Berhad
Why did you rescue Konsortium Perkapalan Berhad (then owned by Mirzan) and which had debts of RM1.7 billion using funds from Petronas? Was it not your administration which forced Malaysian International Shipping Company (MISC) to acquire the assets of Konsortium Perkapalan Nasional?
14) Time Dotcom Bhd.
Why did your administration bail out Time Dotcom Bhd which was saddled with a RM5 billion debt? Why did your government use RM904 million from Kumpulan Wang Amanah Pencen to buy up 273.9 million of unwanted Time Dotcom shares incurring an instant loss of RM280 million?
Did you not force the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) to buy 81.6 million unsubscribed public portion of the initial public offering (IPO) of Time Dotcom Bhd at RM3.30 per share when the shares were trading at only between RM1.95 and RM2.10 and in the process incurring an instant loss of RM100 million?
15) LRT
Why did you bail out the light rail transit operators Projek Usahasama Transit Ringan Automatik Sdn Bhd (Putra), which belonged to Renong, and Sistem Transit Aliran Ringan Sdn Bhd (Star) using almost RM600 million from EPF, which still resulted in EPF having to write off RM135 million with a share loss of RM96 million?
16) North South Expressway
Why did your administration award North South Expressway concession to UEM (who then formed Plus) and then provide them with a loan of RM1.6 billion which was half of the tender price of RM3.2 billion. What was the justification for your administration to grant Plus such over generous terms, which included annual increment of toll rates and guaranteed traffic volumes?
17) PSC Industries Berhad
Why did your administration in 1998 award a RM24.3 billion contract to PSC Industries Berhad, together with an advance of more than RM2.5 billion to build naval patrol boats? Why were they also given exclusive rights to service the Malaysian navy’s entire fleet? Could you confirm that the first two ships built by PSCI could not even pass pre-delivery trials? How would you answer to the Public Accounts Committee’s revelation that it will cost the government another RM120 million just to salvage the first two vessels nearing completion after seven years?
18) Bakun Dam
Why did you award Ekran Bhd the contract to build the Bakun Hydroelectric Dam in Sarawak ? Why did your administration take over the construction of the dam by bailing out Ekran by almost RM200 million for ‘work done’?
19) InventQjaya
What was the basis of inviting Libyan-American Sadeq Mustaffa to Malaysia to set up InventQjaya Sdn Bhd and to also give him a grant of RM440 million? What was the benefit for Malaysia and how has Malaysia benefited? What happened to InventQjaya now?
20) Forex Losses
Why did your administration dabble in speculation of the money market which ultimately cost Bank Negara almost RM9.3 billion in losses?
21) Bank Bumiputra
Why did you allow the mismanagement of Bank Bumiputra, to the extent that it had to be bailed out 3 times, costing the country a total of RM 3 billion? Again, dipping into Petronas’s funds?
22) Perwaja Steel
Why did your administration allow Perwaja Steel to be mismanaged resulting in RM 2.9 million of the rakyat’s money being squandered?
There you are 22 fiascos in 22 years. The bad news is that there are actually more than 22! Remember the APs, Maminco, Renong and many more .Those who remember, please add on to this list.
Mahathir claimed Israelis are behind Anwar! Is that so?
1) Were the Israelis behind the Perjawa 12 billion losses?
2) Were the Israelis behind Bank Bumi 3 times billion bailout by Petronas?
3) Were the Israelis behind Maminco hundreds of billion losses?
4) Were the Israelis behind Port Klang PDz 4.6 Billion scandal?
5) Were the Israelis behind the jailing Of Anwar, (the supposed Israeli)?
6) Were the Israelis behind Anwar’s framed but Mahatir’s “supposed corruption?
7) Were the Israelis behind Renong Bhd ultimate collapse?
8) Were the Israelis behind UMNO deregistration?
9) Were the Israelis behind the poor performance of the failed Proton Project?
10) Were the Israelis behind the Failed purchase of Lotus Plc?
11) Were the Israelis behind the Raping of Malaysia Airline System?
12) Were the Israelis behind the Lingam Episode?
13) Were the Israelis behind the sacking and raping of Tun Salleh?
14) Were the Israelis behind the resignation of Musa Hitam?
15) Were the Israelis behind the persecution of Tengku Ku li?
16) Were the Israelis behind the losses of 5 states?
17) Were the Israelis the ones who regretted Mahatir's appointment or the man who has appointed him: Tun Hussein Onn regretted after he saw how evil he was?
18) Were the Israelis the ones who humiliated the Father of the Nation and made him die outside UMNO dejected?
19) Were the Israelis the ones who shut all newspapers and sacked every independent journalist in our nation?
20) Were the Israelis the ones who forced Mahatir to meet 3 Israeli Prime Ministers secretly and why?
21) Were the Israelis the ones who forced Mahatir to steal Malaysian money in order to pay to Jewish lobbyists and gambling tycoons and why did he do that?
No, the real Israeli is Mahathir, The Father of Corruption, cronysim and all evils. The man who has destroyed Malaysia the nation-state. The man who has killed the motherland’s institutions and made everyone cry from Tunku, to Tun Hussein, To Musa Hitam, to Tengku Razaleigha, to Ghaffar Baba, to Anwar Ibrahim, to Abdullah Badawi. The man who has been the centre of every noise, every cry and every evil undertaking from the day he has forced Tunku to quit insulting him as a "drunkard." Have you ever asked yourself why Israel, a small country surrounded by enemies proposers and subdues its enemy?
The answer comes from none other than Israel’s chief enemy and opponent; Hassan Nasrallah of Hezbollah (Lebanon). He famously quipped: “I love Israel for one reason: Israel is a nation that draws its strength from its institutions and that’s why it wins because no Israeli leader can elevate himself above the interests of the nation for personal gain. But Muslim leaders always want to the institutions themselves and we always lose.”
Question Time: 22 questions for Mahathir.
I appreciate all the comments here and I would like to encourage everyone to give their 2 cets worth on anything.
Let me try to answer anonymous 22 accusations on Tun Dr M at one go:
A leader can only set the guidelines and rules for the running of the government, however as Raja Petra said, there are many apples in a barrel, in fact many bad apples, hence the corruption and leakages. However, if you look back into his achievement, he has done generally great job for Malaysia, unless you have been living in the cave. Without privatisation, nobody will lend you the money for the development to build great highways, efficent infrastructures etc. You are blaming those as failures ? If Telekom/Tenaga/Petronas are failures, why are they the one holding the fort of our stock market and their expertise being sought by foreign country..you should look back into how this nation were back in the 60s and 70s, in fatc you can go to Myanmar if you want to see how country look likes then..Did Tun allow Malaysia to be stuck in the time zone like Myanmar..I am living in Doha and everytime I see Proton cars here (yes, there are thousands of them here), I feel very proud. I know you get this artucle from The Edge, from this guy called Gunasegaran, Pak Lah running dog. Just compare what Mahathir had done in 22 years, and Pak Lah in the last 4.5 years. What is Pak Lah achievement ?? SHow me one of his achievement and I will show you 20 his wrongdoings.
To move the nation forward, you must put your nation on a map, and that is what Tun had done, Without the heavy industries and privatisation, Malaysia would have been totally relying on SIngapore for all its economic needs, no expertise, just agriculture and always at the mercy of big nations (read subsidy issue at WTO). Singapore would love to see us like that, so they can suck us dry..
Grow up man...go read some economics book before you talk from your arse..
A leader can only set the guidelines and rules for the running of the government.
"The buck stops here" President Harry S. Truman. It refers to "passing the buck," i.e., handing responsibility to someone else, and the fact that the president has to make the decisions and accept the ultimate responsibility for those decisions.
Boy, the man has to own his failures not try to ride on the success of others. Just mention one project that Mahatir started which is generating benefit today inclusing Proton. Filthy and lousy element.
Pak Lah = Bapa Demokrasi
TDM = Bapa Korupsi Kronismo dan Nepotismo
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