Freedom Malaysia : A Truly Free Speech Blog

Our beloved nation is facing a testing time. The political divide especially among Malays is so bad that politic has taken over everything at the expense of more important things such as better quality of life and nation's sustainability.

I will pen in my thought whenever I have free time. It may not be worth that much to some people, but it's the least I can do for better future of my beloved

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Tun Saleh kena perkuda..Karpal/DAP kaki pembelit..

There are 2 interesting articles in the news today regarding Karpal Singh in and Tun Saleh Abbas in

It bewilders me why Karpal Singh was madly defending Tun Salleh when the reason for Tun Saleh's sacking (one of it) was because he suggested to interpret Malaysian Law based on Qur'an and Hadith. It saddens me that a man of great honor like Tun Saleh Abas has allowed himself to be used by Pak Lah. Surely he know that it is all political. He should have supported Ku Li instead, the man he teamed up with in Semangat 46 and served as one of the exco in Terengganu Govt. How "money and power" can so easily change a man..

As for Karpal, just like his DAP party, I am ot sure what they are standing for, always contradicting themselves on a daily basis..Satu hari "over my dead body" kalau nak negara Islam, esok boleh kautim pulak..satu hari "sampai mati saya takkan pakai songkok"...esok kena offer Speaker's Post..siap pakai songkok posing depan dewan..Do we want people like this to lead us ?? And the fact that they are now teaming up with Anwar is a proof to the phrase "Birds of the same feather always flock together"....Sama sama pembelit...sama sama penipu...God Save Malaysia Please....


Anonymous said...

dont trust this guy!!
he is hired by UMNO for sure.
useless blog from useless guy..

Anonymous said...

I am fed-up with the many anti-govt, anti Umno, anti Malay and the latest one anti-Muslim blogs in the net. I am saddened that many malays nowadays, especially the young ones, are swept with the tide of fairness and justice for all... justice and fairness to whom may I ask but to people like Karpal Singh, who is anti-malay and anti- muslim !
The trend or happening thing now for the malays is that Umno is a party based on racial politics but the malays have forgotten that Umno did not stand for election but it was the Barisan Nasional, a multi racial party. If the same argument is to be followed, everyone knows that the DAP too is a party based on racial lines ie. the chinese and Karpal and his sons and the DAP stood as a party in the general election, so why is it Ok for them but not Ok for Umno !
Wake up malays, if you all claimed that Pak Lah is sleeping on the job, you are no better than him !

I am happy that you have come up with this blog, I am all for it and keep on writing regardless of those who condemned you. Keep up with the excellent work, we need someone like you to stand up against these bloggers !

Melayu Proto

Anonymous said...

bvI am a Malay and I grew up in Penang. That was 30years ago. I remember how it was to be a minority in a Chinese populated community. They treat us as if we were second class citizens. Thank God the NEP help me through my studies . My Chinese teachers were very unhappy when we got the scholarship money which I really needed to buy all those extra books for my studies. My late father was only a policeman because he wanted to serve the country. I shudder to think what will happen to us Malays when the Chinese take over because of my bad experience. UMNO, this is your wake up listen to the voice of the people, do change and please help save Malaysia.

Anonymous said...

Tun Salleh was not well liked by fellow judges during his tenure in office but those 5 judges who stood by him stood for the principle and the preservation of dignity and respect to the office of the Lord President. His guilty verdict was found by a tribunal and if I am not mistaken, when he was dismissed he did not lose his retirement benefits. I do not agree that the government should issue any apology to him or the others in view that rightly or wrongly, his dismissal went through a structured process and he was given a hearing. His dismissal was consented by the then Agung and Majlis Raja2 Melayu and by right, if an apology is forthcoming, then all of them involved should also apologise. I believe Pak Lah is just trying to divert the rakyat from the main issue ie. his failure in the general election. The man on the street doesn't care much about all that